Tuesday, August 26, 2008

it's hard losing your best friends...

for 8 hours out of the day this poor little guy walks around aimlessly missing his best friends in the whole world, his two older brothers...oh sure he has katie and me, but we are no substitute for the the boys...he begs to go to school, and he asks constantly if it's time to pick up nathan and ryan. i don't know if he's going to make it the whole month he has to wait to go to pre-school!


SLO Rober said...

It's hard to resist those big brown eye! I got the pattern, too. Thanks.

Marie said...

I hope it goes by fast. Poor Kyle.

burg3g said...

I just started Sam in Preschool today for the same reason. However when you two you can only go one day a week for two hours.

rachel griffith said...

poor little guy.

our oldest went back to school yesterday.
my tots felt the same way.

girlsmama said...

Poor guy! I'm sure preschool will help. At least a little.

Bonnie said...

This is the saddest little face I have seen in awhile! Poor Kyle. Well, maybe the time will fly by so pre-school can get underway. I hope so.

I know how he feel~that is exactly what my heart feels like being so far away from the kids. i don't know when I will see the ones in Italy again...that is the worst. Having a date to look forward to helps so much!

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