Tuesday, August 12, 2008

graceful is my middle name

so we're in slc AGAIN...this time it was for an appt. for the little one. the doc just wanted to make sure that she didn't have hip displacia (sp?), which she doesn't and my very happy remark to the specialist was "oh yay! it's only that she's as graceful as her mother." no, she probably has more of a chance, they believe it all has to do with her ears and her equilibrium. so no hip displacia for us! yippie! my mother in law talked me into staying for the week, so i'm relaxing, reading, and seeing some old friends. blogging may be sporadic due to ALL THE SHOPPING PLACES that there are around here. seriously, how do you people stay home when there's sooooooooo many places you could go? i probably wouldn't get anything done! oh yeah wait i used to live in a city. oh and yeah i have 4 kids...nope i would probably not be going to all the shopping if i lived here.


Marci said...

hey you have to go to steve and barry's! i think that's the name. cute clothes, cheap.
check out this website will ya? www.learningtechnics.com i saw the ad and thought of your little guy. i have no idea what it is but it says that it can help with the stuff he has going on.
have lots of fun!

melissa said...

Katie is so seriously cute! Her hair has gotten even longer and thicker than when you guys were here- it makes her look so grown up!

Marie said...

Fun! I actually have to work on Thursday morning. SOrry, is there another day or night? Let me know. When you go back? By the way, Steve and Barry's is a great store.

V and Co. said...

what's steve and barry's? where is it? and thank you for the site i'll check it out when i get a chance...so far i've only hit IKEA...but had the "oh my gosh i'm in disneyland" feeling so yeah good times.

Bonnie said...

I think that Utah has the best shopping ever. I would trade it for CA shopping any day. my friends and I from here have a list of must visits while we are there.

Have fun in SLC!

Tanya said...

i'm so glad she's ok! man...she's is adorable!

Aubrey said...

Your baby is d.a.r.l.i.n.g. Is she already spoiled rotten? :) I want to know what steve and barry's is too--I've never heard of it.

Jeanette said...

I was right, I am absolutely LOVING your blog, I have been reading it all morning (Afternoon) in between cleaning my house for company this weekend.

Your blog posts make me homesick, especially the ones about living in a small town, and the county fair. I grew up in a small town and now am a city girl, only I'm not really a city girl, I just play one on TV *Sigh*

Your home is beautiful, it inspires me to want to do more with my own. I love how your kitchen redo turned out, who would even have guessed that those were the same cabinets. I'm amazed, and the lamps, I have those same lamps in navy blue and I am going to paint them now. They have been in storage for two years because they don't match my house anymore. Now I want to paint them cream and put them on my hall table =0)

Off to read more. Thanks for the inspiration.

PS I live in SLC =0)

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