Friday, August 15, 2008

fun was had by all

to all the friends and family we got to see this week we had a blast thank you.
to all the shopping i got to do because of my sis-in-laws thank you for letting my kids have a blast with you for a while, while i window shopped and did some shopping as well.
time was enjoyed with cousins and with friends we havn't seen in a loooong time (can't wait to meet up at christmas for our annual girls night white elephant gift exhange!)
but now we're home, and we are hitting the tail end of the county fair. ahem my quilts won ribbons, we'll see for what tomorrow! it's good to be home.


Marie said...

Sorry we couldn't catch ya this time. Next time for sure!!!

rachel griffith said...

sounds like you had a nice time.

congrats on your ribbons!!!

Kara said...

YOUR QUILT WON?!? Wow that is great! You are so talented. (You could make me one if you ever get bored) he he he. Ya and sorry we didn't get each others cell phones sooner lol.

lera said...

Congratulations on your quilt! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Jenny said...

I'm so bummed we missed you guys! Adam was being a total bear, and he fell asleep about 20 mins. before we were to leave. There was no way I was waking him up - so we stayed home all afternoon. :( Will you really not be up again until Christmas?

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