Sunday, July 13, 2008

my laundry pile has exploded

monkeys swinging from vines and landing in mud...
building volcano's with actual "water lava" explosions...( i swear they are going to have some AWESOME memories growing up together) this is what the boys did all day yesterday. oh and making a mountain of dirty laundry that had to be hosed off before it went into my laundry machine...they did this while katie did...
this. she never left my side. every time i stood up she would leave her picnic blanket and come hang out on my chair and she would then start to "sew" things. today has been a little bit more of a challenge...katie has decided to get the flu, so yes that makes for EVEN MORE laundry...i think i'm up to 5 loads sitting in my bedroom waiting to be folded. thankfully the boys decided to NOT put on any clothes and just play in the mud in their underwear...while i nurse the little one, and the boys build cities and volcano's made out of mud...i have little time to sew. only bits and pieces here and there while she sleeps, and in between laundry loads. we didn't go to church with katie tossing her cookies every half an hour, and these news reports are starting to take their toll on me. i'm thinking i need not to read what's going on in Afghanistan these rattles my nerves too much. so today sucked. but tomorrow's another day. i'll draw for winners of the charm packs and the scraps tonight and post in the morning the winners. tomorrow's another day, another day closer to bringing my husband home, a day closer to not being apart, a day closer to less anxiety for his well being. i just have to do one day at a time, sometimes just one hour at a time, and unfortunately even sometimes one minute at a time.


Lisa Henderson said...

Oh Vanessa, Im so sorry! I cant even imagine how much you worry. Jake and you are in our prayers. On a happier note...I think you are such a cool Mom to let your kids play in the mud. I only have boys and maybe they are just not old enough yet but they dont know mud exists and Im trying hard to keep that a secret!

Laura said...

My laundry is WAY out of control right now. Too bad our boys don't live close, they sound SOOOO alike. My boys LOVE mud. Makes for LOTS of laundry that doesn't get done!!!

audra garrett said...

When Adam was gone, we didn't have TV and it's better that way! Don't watch the news, it's never positive about afghanistan! Your house looks like the party house! I have a friend on my blog who knows all about deployments. She posted some stuff about getting through deployments on there, her name is marrion lord. Maybe there's something that could help....I don't know. She's pretty amazing and has been through 4 deployments. It's a roller coaster!! I'm serious when I say call me anytime! Love ya!

Marci said...

oh will all be okay. don't watch the news..they are stupid and don't know what they are talking about.
i hope that your little one feels better...looks like you have a sewer! yay!
hang in there.:)

burg3g said...

I just found out what happened earlier this morning and I have a pit in my stomach knowing our guys are out there and this could happen anywhere. We just have to stick together and pray for our boys. See ya Wed.

Jen Stewart said...

Hang in there V! Take your own advice and DON"T watch the news! We pray for you and Jake all the time. We love you!

haley said...

i really want to send my little ones down to play with yours and felicia's kids in the mud!
and i, with so many others, can't watch the news. its depressing and sad and scary and makes me worry about things i have no control over. you and jake are in our prayers! hope katie gets feeling better!

Kara said...

Ethan always hangs over my shoulder as I read blogs and this time he freaked out saying "What?!? I want to do that!!!"

Ashli said...

Just to let you know, I don't even know you...only about you via the blog, and I think about you ALL of the time. A friend of mine referred me to the blog...she knew your husband in high school. You are such an inspiration to me and I adore your strength and talents. I couldn't even imagine being in your position right now. I have four kids of my own, and sometimes the 8 hours dad is at work are way to much for me. Keep posting and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

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