Saturday, July 19, 2008

i got an award...

my first one i'm sooo proud! thank you to nicole at our cozy nest. i don't know all the rules but i ACCEPT! been taking care of sick kids but not the whole time while my mom has been here. i did get to hit a few second hand stores and antique stores...i'll post more on monday. have a fabulous weekend and stay healthy!


Cook Family said...

How do you have so many second hand stores where you live? I'm amazed. It seems you are always finding new to stores to explore. Also, I am so impressed with your constant working! I get tired just reading about your days. I could never do as much in a week than you do in a day.

Jen Stewart said...

Congrats, your blog *is* fab! Hope the kids are feeling better. You didn't get it did you? There is nothing worse than being sick and trying to be a mom! Mo days off for us right? Hope all is well!

V and Co. said...

they are not "close" to me at all. my closest one is 45 minutes away and it's a D.I. which i never used to go into but now i do cause i realze that people around there are looking for totally different stuff than i am. it's actually getting harder to find things in the city cause everyone is on the same "wagon" of finding things if you know what i mean!
and i'm pretty sure that when my husband comes home i'll be one to the most boring people again cause i'll have someone to talk to!
i didn't get the illness thank heavens! and my mom being here she let me take off for a day or two! great mommy i have!

burg3g said...

Ok its official you are better than the rest of us..Dang.

Kinsey Pistorius said...

you totally deserve this award because your blog is so creative and fun to read! I think the best part is you have people reading it all over the country that have never met you personally - that says A LOT! Anyway, keep up the fun and we'll all keep reading!

Sally said...

Congrats! Your blog is totally fun to read!

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