Wednesday, July 2, 2008

dear crystal light...

its not you its me...and i don't want to entirely give up drinking you because you taste good and replenish my thirst...but you don't do for me what my beloved diet dr pepper does...keep me awake. now you see i have 4 little kids and my husband is gone for a while and i can't be sleeping on the understand right? so yes i will continue to have you around because i like you, but i'm playing the field and i have to keep my diet dr pepper around.

i hang my head in shame

ps: screw the stationary that's what computers are for
pps: thank you all for the nice comments my summer quilt


SLO Rober said...

I checked out of blog world for a little while, but. . . love the quilt. and I love the new picture of the kids. what a riot. That picture of katie is classic and should be blown up and put on your wall and everyone else who has ever known her!

girlsmama said...

Crystal Light and I have the same relationship. Although Crystal Light is Koolaid or Punch to my kids. I'm so tricky. However, like you the Diet Pepsi (in my case) will never be far from hand.

haley said...

i was wondering how long you would last. after vacation and living on diet pepsi i have a raging headache that the crystal light just can't seem to cure! we should start a support group! "i want to love my crystal light more than i love my diet caffine, but it just aint happenin'!"

Rachel Berry said...

If it makes you feel any better I'm a Dr. P junkie myself. Ahh it's the best stuff..

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