Sunday, November 30, 2008
moving things around

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
'twas the day before thanksgiving...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
I've been busy...

So I haven't really been posting pictures of projects lately. I was trying to hold off posting anything till the camera got here but it's here now and I'm trying to get aquainted with it. It might take a little to get used to, but I'm reading the instruction booklet cover to cover. Once that's done you can count on pictures of:
* my bedroom re-make progress
*my nine patch quilt progress
*a new and improved tutorial on the nine patch
*Christmas spirit throwing up all over my house
*tutorial on the bandanna skirt
*maybe some pictures thrown in there of the noise makers I call my children for the family since they have admited to me that they actually read this thing...
(have you noticed I'm trying to be all grown up and use CAPITALS, we'll see how long that lasts. )
happy week to all of you!
Monday, November 24, 2008
a sentimental wreath and purging

Saturday, November 22, 2008
i'm speechless and that doesn't happen often

um hmmm well...i'm going to read the books again because 1) i need to like jasper and stop laughing every time i think about him and 2) i need to remember the story and forget the whole thing ever happened on the big screen the way that it did.
seriously kind of disappointed...did anyone else feel the same way or was i the only one laughing at it through the whole thing till the end when it FINALLY got good?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
momma's gettin a new camera...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
inspirational tutorials

comments closed
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
something i never had...
being an only child really does have it's perks...really it does...but when i watch my kids especially my two older boys, i quickly forget what those perks are.
Monday, November 17, 2008
tutorial::how to make a nine patch

Friday, November 14, 2008
tutorial in the near future...

so my wonderful friends come to my aid again. lets see, i have a borrowed sewing machine, a borrowed microwave (oh yeah forgot to mention that yet another thing that i use every single day is broken too! lets just hope things come in threes!) and now a borrowed camera. so i'm going to use this weekend to create a tutorial on a nine patch (which by the way my quilt in almost done). this weekend will be a slow paced one. i've come to long for weekends probably as much as the kids do. weekends mean no having to wake up the kids for school, no homework, no gym, no hustling and bustling. yes, friday night and saturday day are my favorite days of the week.
so have a good one and i'll see you on monday with a tutorial if all goes well!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
things my kids will probably tell their therapists in 25 years
picture from my archives: oldest son with a butterfly on his shirt in our front yard
well so yeah, i've been known to try to "fool" my children from time to time...like the time when i picked them up from school and kept driving past our house to two towns over to the local health center.
when they asked where we were going i told them "the health center."
they then asked "do you have to go to the doctor?"
i answered "yes."
it's not my fault that they just left it at that...no follow up questions like " why do you need to go to the doctor?" which then i would of had to answer "to get a flu shot" which then the next best follow up question would be " do we have to get flu shots?" which then i would of had to answer truthfully "yes." but they didn't, so i didn't tell them anything and as i was signing the papers to say yes give my children, and myself pain (which they then would give me a $5 gift certificate to the local food store for each flu shot we got).
the nurse calls out the kids names and they look at me like "what?...WHY?" but they didn't SAY ANYTHING...so i just said "go on, follow the nurse."
she looks at me quizzically and i mouth "they don't know what's coming" she mouths "OH." and winks.
by the time i get to them in the room they've sort of figured out that something was not right...they had huddled together in the corner and they looked like cattle in a pen ready to be you know what...so i tell them we are ALL getting the flu shot as i stand in front of the door...just in case. my second boy (who is the most scared of the needle, and also happens to almost out wiegh me) starts whimpering and saying "i don't want to! I DON'T WANT TO!"
the other children did pretty well, the 8 year old played it tough and didn't even cry, the little one and the youngest of the boys cried a little but were fine when they got their sucker. now my middle boy was the last to go because he had wedged himself under the chairs and the wall...it took two nurses and me holding him down to finally get it in him. i felt kind of bad until i retrieved my $25 worth of gift certificates to the grocery store... where i bought them ice cream.
uh yeah or like two weeks ago when i didn't change the hour for the time change so they went to bed one hour early and then i would, after they fell asleep, change it to the right time so they would go to school on time, and then i would change the clocks back again while they were at school, so they would go to bed early...yeah for a week.
i'm such stellar mom...and their therapists are going to have a field day with me! :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
loss of another great friend.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
if she weren't so nice, i'd hate her...

she just needs binding...

thank you for the well wishes on my birthday! it was a relaxing/lazy day. and cold...we are quickly aproaching winter here in the middle of nowhere...i don't know how i feel about that, except that it does mean that the GI joe husband is getting closer to coming home...hmm what should i name him when he's no longer "GI joe husband"? i didn't think about that before...any suggestions?
Monday, November 10, 2008
they say it's my birthday...

ate chinese food and had some fun times with girls...obviously we don't get out much, because we act like idiots when we do.

burg, i promised i would put a better one of us so here it is.
Friday, November 7, 2008
before and after::small changes

after: bought some white plates, and found (score!) some cute little vintage looking bowls each at 50 cents to $1 each.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
bandanna skirt

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
it's snowing

i asked for a blessing from our bishop (something i have a hard time doing because i always think, there are people who need it far worse than i do.) but i did it anyways...what a blessing, it was a.maz.ing. i was blessed with strength, amongst many other things that are very personal and dear to my heart, i was promise many things, and my faith has been strengthened.
ah and yes the countdown to my birthday has started 5 days till my 33rd...what do i have lined up? well i'm getting my hair done tomorrow, and i asked her to wax my eyebrows because truth be told i lost my tweezers about a month ago, and i'm growing a national forest around my once nicely plucked eyebrows, i'm going up to slc, going to a BYU game with the youth in my church, and i'm going to fabric stores WITH my children and not get embarrassed of the disaster we are in public places, oh and i might throw in there a little Tai Pan...and i'm going to eat glorious Chinese food! yes i'm going to have a grand time...while i drag my children with me everywhere I WANT TO GO! ;) and they'll like it!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
quilting and voting

Monday, November 3, 2008
what i did and didn't do

*i DIDN'T paint the boys room...had a kind of relaps of sunday night on friday day managed to do halloween, then snapped out of it by saturday.
*i DID manage to do 6 loads of laundry and have a renewed loathing feeling for that chore until i started a new habit of folding some every night while watching my old "friends" dvds.
*i DIDN'T leave my house this weekend not once, except to go to church.
*i DID get my monthly surprise visitor (why do i NEVER see the signs?) i usually have my husband to tell me "look at the calendar v, think about it." which i quickly turn and call him the devil's spawn for blaming my craziness to pms...a few days later i'm apologizing (every single month people)
*i DIDN'T really do much saturday (which is usually a big working day for me) and that was okay, just me and the kids laying around watching spongebob, making lego space ships, cleaning up a little, and worked on my nine patch quilt a little more.
*i DID have have a wonderful sunday, the weather was windy, rainy, and even some hail hit. i bore my testimony, and i actually felt the spirit. it was awesome to be at church. i love days like that.
*i DIDN'T make any big plans for this next week, so the page is wide open as to what i want to get done...now to start a new week...
Saturday, November 1, 2008
my best friend ginger

these are my best friend ginger's kids.
let me tell you a little about my best friend ginger. we met in cali when our GI joe husbands were at the D.L.I.(defense language institute) i used to be able to look out my window and watch my kids walking to her house and vise versa. we would hang out every single day talking, laughing, and making things. she knows way too much about me, AND SHE STILL LIKES ME.
she has a southern accent that makes anyone of the opposite sex swoon, i remember one time we went to costco, and the checker guy was like "hey, wow, that's a nice accent you got...where you from?" she answered "oh [chuckle] i'm from south carolina." sounding like scarlet. i interject "uh yeah lover boy? i'm from san diego...what's that to ya?" he answered me with a nasty scowl. she makes dinner southern style that includes a roast, potatoes, green beans the whole shi-bang any time during the the week. her house is full of beautiful antiques she gets from her mom who just so happens to be an antique dealer. she's an awesome mom and wife. and she always calls me whenever, just to talk...and sometimes i feel like she just knew that she needed to call me. she's the kind of friend i hope to be.i look up to her.
we have make believe plans of when we will live in the same neighborhood again and our kids will fall in love with each other.we live too far away from each other and that makes us sad, but we have email and phone calls that keep us connected. she's the sister i never had. and if i could ever convince her to get a blog i could see my future son and daughter in laws on a regular basis in their daily activities. oh and i could see all the wonderful projects her and her husband have been doing as well...but nooo, she won't do a blog...for now. but she does send me funny things like this:

it made me laugh so hard, and it made me tear up to see my GI joe husband and i re-united again...and how hot our bodies are...