Monday, November 24, 2008

a sentimental wreath and purging

so some of you remember the sweet little 2 year old that passed away in my community this past august. well her aunt asked me to help fix up a wreath to be on her grave site. i was happy to oblige, and i am happy to know that i could be a little help in beautifying little alyssa's grave site this thanksgiving. it made me think how thankful to of actually of known this little girl and to know her family. this little girls mother and family are a perfect example of faith and hope , the knowledge that we will be able to be together as a family forever. they know that they will be able to raise their little one in the eternities. it still makes it hard, but it's so comforting to know that that is not the final chapter of that relationship.
ah... yes, i've been purging...not in the flu or eating disorder sort of way, but in the simplifying our lives sort of way. what a better time to donate lightly used toys and clothes to those around you, or to your local second hand store. a few of us have been doing it here in the middle of nowhere and we've swapped a few toys but mainly we're all trying to simplify. i try to do this every 6 months but with the last two and a half years of moving so much and having our things in storage for a period of 6 months...i've lost focus. but no more! the boys toys have been minimized to a few small containers of things that are the favorite things to play with. the rule of the game is that if it wasn't played with for over 6 months we would donate it. same has gone for my clothes and shoes, if i missed a season of wearing it, it's gone. it feels really nice to be able to walk into their room and know that everything has a place now. i'm working on all the closets and drawers. it's been a slow on going project because i keep getting sucked into books (i blame the cold weather and quilts calling my name) and small projects here and there. but surely i'm moving in the right direction.


Mindy said...

I love purging! (In the way YOU love purging, of course!) It feels like freedom. I need to do some of that before Christmas!

Double D said...

This past month I went through all of our closets and toys. It is a freeing experience. Plus, it is much easier to keep everything clean without the excess.

Aubrey said...

I need to purge. A lot. But my kids don't understand--they feel so violated when I get rid of their things.
What books have you been reading?

SLO Rober said...

Oh! to have your drive!

V and Co. said...

i've been reading: the "blue bloods" series by melissa cruz, and then i read some lds teeny bopper ones called the "yearbook", "first days" and "the reunion" now i'm starting "fire and the covenant" by lund...just to name a few :) any good requests out there for when i finish this one?

Unknown said...

Hi Vanessa, Thanks for helping me with the bookmobile today. I'll be bringing you some books after Thanksgiving to read that I think you will enjoy.
I hope your neck is feeling better. Thanks again. Lee

Sherry said...

Yes, I agree, this is a wonderful time of year to donate gently used clothes & toys for a worthy cause. I think most of us could stand to "purge" a little. Thanks for the reminder. :)

Aubrey said...

I've been plowing through "Vilette" (or is "Villete"? the book's in with my sleeping husband), by a Bronte I forget which--the one that wrote Jane Eyre--it's slow-going but interesting.

Jenny said...

Gorgeous wreath. I, too, have been purging (a yard sale, a "freebie sale" where friends and family came and picked through all of our stuff, 3 truckloads to DI, and a truckload to the dump) and I STILL have too much stuff - so i'm getting rid of stuff on this end, too. It does feel good to live more simply, doesn't it?

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