Monday, November 3, 2008

what i did and didn't do

* i DID finish one grandmother's flower, appliqued it to white back ground fabric and am now working on quilting it...i'm thinking of making it into a pillow or a wall hanging to go in my room (it sort of matches my pinwheel quilt that will go at the end of my bed.)

*i DIDN'T paint the boys room...had a kind of relaps of sunday night on friday day managed to do halloween, then snapped out of it by saturday.

*i DID manage to do 6 loads of laundry and have a renewed loathing feeling for that chore until i started a new habit of folding some every night while watching my old "friends" dvds.

*i DIDN'T leave my house this weekend not once, except to go to church.

*i DID get my monthly surprise visitor (why do i NEVER see the signs?) i usually have my husband to tell me "look at the calendar v, think about it." which i quickly turn and call him the devil's spawn for blaming my craziness to pms...a few days later i'm apologizing (every single month people)

*i DIDN'T really do much saturday (which is usually a big working day for me) and that was okay, just me and the kids laying around watching spongebob, making lego space ships, cleaning up a little, and worked on my nine patch quilt a little more.

*i DID have have a wonderful sunday, the weather was windy, rainy, and even some hail hit. i bore my testimony, and i actually felt the spirit. it was awesome to be at church. i love days like that.

*i DIDN'T make any big plans for this next week, so the page is wide open as to what i want to get to start a new week...


Camille said...

LOVE the grandmothers garden flower. Few people realize what an accomplishment those are!

We should be friends. I loathe the laundry too, and when I finally talk myself into folding it, I always, always watch friends. Our weeks were actually quite similar, now that I think about it...

Hope this week is a good one!

StitchinByTheLake said...

I've been reading your blog for some time now but rarely comment. I want you to know that yours is one of the first I read each day and that regardless of your PMS days I enjoy it every time. Down days are ok - after all, if you never had a down day how would you know what an up day was? blessings, marlene

Felicia said...

Hey...we DO have big plans this week! You're coming over to help pin on your quilt so we can get it done, remember? It's big for me, anyway :o)

Oh, and for everyone else reading this: someone, whose name starts with V, has a birthday coming up...I believe it's next Monday.

Melanie said...

Your Grandmother's flower is looking great! I might have to try one of those. How difficult is it? I am not the most experienced quilter.

girlsmama said...

I love the flower!! Even if you didn't do "anything" you were a great mom for the day! And I love that your "nothing" is equivalent to my BUSY day.

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