Wednesday, November 26, 2008

'twas the day before thanksgiving...

and there's Christmas all through the kids think i'm crazy, or maybe just a louse...
i'm making pumpkin pies for us to devour...i'll be baking and putting up christmas lights 'till probably wee morning hours...

things i'm grateful for:

*freedom to practice whatever religion i please

*freedom to walk down the street unafraid

*wonderful running water, and flushing toilets

*a working fridge, oven, and microwave!

*and the ability to control the temp in my house

*the patience and love, and forgivness that my kids give me

*loving and being happy with the man i married

*getting through trials and being able to look at them and say "hind sight is 20/20"

*this "deployment year" almost being over

*being able to defend our freedom first hand (go GI joe husband go!)

*the two hours of quiet i get at night when the noise makers i call my children are fast asleep
*good health (thanks mom for the good genes)

*a hell of a good sense of humor (because without it i'd cry a lot more)

*friends and extended families

the list could go on and on but i'll do only two more

i'm SUPER grateful:

*that i'm not heidi montag and that i didn't just make a huge mistake by marrying the devil's spawn we like to call spencer. seriously moronic move even for her.

*and lastly my flat iron because without it, i'd look like a Q tip.

happy thanksgiving

ps: capitals are over rated


Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

Yea flat irons! lol The rest is good, too. ;) There is truly so much to be thankful for, especial with the state of our nation (and the world for that matter) today. Thank you for the reminder. :)

Sandy said...

Loved your list! It's nice to hear that those who are defending our country's freedom (and loaning out their husbands to keep us free) still are grateful for it:)

Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

I just found you and am so glad I did! I'll bee checking regularly.

girlsmama said...

I just started using a flat iron. I like it, except now I have to spend time doing my hair. I love your list! It made me think of a few f my own. I hope Thanksgiving goes well for you and the kids. Eat lots of pie and enjoy yourself!

PS The shift key isn't that hard to use. :)

Bonnie said...

Vanessa, thank you for your list. It is wonderful and a true reflection of some greatness in this life. I am actually running a little give away that says if you post a list like this you will be entered into my contest. I'm putting you in~maybe you'll win something cool. Happy Thanksgiving to you all and a special thank you to Jake and you of course for keeping the home fires burning while he defends our country!

Jenny said...

Great list! Christmas decorations are justifiable because Thanksgiving is so late this year! Of course, I'm already wondering how I'm going to get into the Christmas spirit with the 80 degree weather. We're in Sabre Springs - Jared works in Carmel Valley, almost in Del Mar, where 56 feeds into the 5. We'll definitely have to get together whenever you make it out here - you can show me around!

Marie said...

We put our Christmas Tree up. I love Christmas time.

Sarah and Jack said...

LOL I can hardly even BELIEVE that Heidi married that sleaze ball.

Sandy said...

YES Heidi IS a MORON! Holy cow!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

SLO Rober said...

i love it! we decorated early this year, too. why didn't we think of this before?

Mimi Sue said...

I am so dorky and lame in the photography department. OK I'm lame in other departments too. I so need a new camera and have been searching around. What kind of camera is your new one? It takes fabulous pictures. I see the Canon part are there numbers that go with it like 560 or something? Is it user friendly? I'd like to hear all about it if you have a minute. Thanks Mimi

Georgia Girl said...

Love your list Vanessa! I also thank you for your wonderful hubby over their fighting for my freedom!

Sally said...

Great list! I'm thankful to know you!

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