Tuesday, November 11, 2008

she just needs binding...

and then my bed will have a new quilt at the end of it...my bedroom is coming along quite nicely. a few more tweeks and i might be willing to show you a before and after. or rather a before and and an "in the process of being an after".
thank you for the well wishes on my birthday! it was a relaxing/lazy day. and cold...we are quickly aproaching winter here in the middle of nowhere...i don't know how i feel about that, except that it does mean that the GI joe husband is getting closer to coming home...hmm what should i name him when he's no longer "GI joe husband"? i didn't think about that before...any suggestions?


Janis said...

A beautiful quilt and a charming photo. Even though I'm not a cold weather fan, that sky is nothing short of amazing! It all makes the quilt pop all the more, like hope. Kind of like your happy reunion moving closer and closer through these dreary days. Hang in there.

Mindy said...

If you make one more pinwheel quilt without sending it to me, I'm going to scream!!! ;) I LOVE IT!!!!

Kinsey Pistorius said...

glad to hear you had such a wonderful birthday - I am thinking a name with VETERAN in it since today is veteran's day and he certainly will be celebrated as one! We are thinking of Jacob on this special day. :)

Aubrey said...

V!! Your pictures! Are so awesome. I love looking at them.

And they keep reminding me that I'm on a quest for quilts like the ones you make for my kids. So far, a fruitless quest.

Didn't your husband get a psychology degree? He could be your psychic husband. Even though the two are totally different, psychic is more fun than pyschologist.

Lori said...

Your quilt is gorgeous!

But most importantly, I thank you and your husband for serving and sacrificing for our country.

He serves in foreign lands and sacrifices time away from family but you too are making a sacrifice by holding down the fort at home and trying to keep a sense of normalcy for your children as well as yourself. Here is hoping and praying the time passes quickly and your husband will be home safe and sound by your side once again.

SLO Rober said...

I love seeing the finished product of all of your projects. It reminds me to try and finish all of my projects that I have started and not finished.

rachel griffith said...

love the new header.
love the quilt...as always.

well gi joe husband will always be gi joe husband to us. HAHA.
but from previous post he's been referred to as handy...so idk.

CindyLou said...

Love the quilt! Thank your husband for his service to our country! How about "Ex GI joe"? Love your blog!

Trixi said...

Oh, your quilt is so beautiful. I would love that talent. I missed the birthday yesterday, so Happy Belated Birthday. I hope your day was everything it could be. I don't know about a new name. I call mine GI around here and he's home. I think it could stay the same.

Angela Yosten said...

BEAUTIFUL QUILT!!!! I love simple quilts like this... not a lot of fuss... very classic! Great job!!!

Jennifer Never said...

Thinking about you today, and wanted to say "Thanks" for your sacrafices as your hubby (and you really) is serving our country! Hope all is well with you and the kids. Love ya.

Empty Nest Full Life said...

I am doing a little catch up blog reading today. My husband has been gone for a month, so I know there have been days that were hard for me, so I can only imagine how overwhelming it must be at times. Thank you for the sacrifices you make so he can serve our country. By the way you were commenting on how talented and great someone else was, but from where I sit you are one talented lady. You have such beautiful quilts, your home is beautiful, and beautiful children. Looks like you had a wonderful time on your birthday. Happy Belated Birthday! So glad you had a day to yourself just to have fun, laugh and be with friends. You deserve it. Have a blessed remainder of the week. Jackie

The Willeyes said...

You quilt is beautiful!!!! I love it, you are so talented. Mel:)

Liz Harrell said...

Such a stunning photograph! I cannot wait to see your finished room.

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