second: i hope that i do not come across as someone who is not who she is. i have a lot of crappy days, no, i mean moments...but all the sewing and projects and whatever stuff i do with the kids is just so that i can have my mind busy...if it's not busy, i let moments get into days...i've been doing this sort of self therapy for years now. i really do keep doing projects not to keep up an appearance, but because i'm trying to make each day go smooth and without "bad" sad thoughts.
i've dealt with anxiety all my life, as the years have progressed sometimes my anxiety has become crippling. i found this to be very true as a new mother. the anxiety of being someones caregiver at times was overwhelming. and i hated those bad feelings about motherhood. as the years passed on and some great medicines later...i was able to learn how to deal with my anxiety of keeping safe or messing up these wonderful little people that i call my children...i learned so much about myself, one was how to cope with this issue. i decided early on when my first born was around 18 months that i wanted to be a well rounded kind of mom. i did not want my anxiety of motherhood to affect my relationship with my child or my future children. i wanted to learn how to do things, i wanted to make things, i wanted to be able to teach my kids things. with that i learned that i loved to keep a house a home, i loved to make things organized and clean, there is so much fulfillment there! i've always have known i like to look at beautiful home magazines, but without the funds to just go out and buy that look, i had to learn to be creative. i learned about my passion of finding things that someone else would throw away, take it, and make it better...the wonderful fulfillment in that was astounding. with each child that i've had i've added more that i wanted to learn to do so that i could teach them. how to be thrifty, how to organize, how to sew, how to... let go of anxieties of being a bad mother...so yes i do get much done, but mainly it's for my sanity and for the sake of my children that i do what i do. i want them to have a happy mommy that can teach them things, but mainly i want them to see that mommy loves being their mom, and even the hardest to times, i can try to make things better and make the time go by quickly. yes i can honestly say i love being a mom, i find it to be my divine calling in this life, there is no other thing i would much rather be, and i will not let my anxiety make bad moments turn into days. i owe that to my kids. my children have pushed me to want to be a better person.
so with that being said. i went to bed early i watched my "Friends" dvds, and i worked on my hexagons for my grandmother's garden quilt. when i woke up my kids this morning i woke them up with the saying that i always use after a bad day "good morning, today is a new day, lets start if off great" off to school they went but not without some bumps in the road. just all in the day of motherhood. so i'm working on somethings today again, in between of being a mom to my kids i hope to get some organizing, and cleaning, and maybe some sewing in there as well. thank you all for being part of my coping mechanism!
V, I hope you know that you are loved by those of us in your past. I hope that today is a better day and that a little "therapy" has made it better. I love you!
Ooooh, I'm liking the colors so far in your grandmother's garden quilt! I can't wait to see more! I'm glad we can all have "new days, new weeks and new starts" because heaven knows, I need every one of them! :)
Hey it is Larissa Zitzman, Spencer's wife from the good old MFT BYU days. I have been blog stalking you forever now, super impressed and in awe of all that you have been asked to do and all that you choose to do, AND how amazingly you do it. I don't know why reading your blog today finally encourage me to say "HI", but I think it is the anxiety/being a good mom/being well rounded/wanting them to know I am happy being their mom, etc that spoke to me for some reason this time. So HI! I enjoy seeing all you do, and I would have never ever thought all you do was to "keep up appearances" it is evident you really enjoy doing it.
Amen! When I have a bad day, I always think...is this how I want my DAUGHTERS to live their life as young moms? Do I want them to wear the same sweats for 3 days, not leave the house, never do anything they enjoy and be miserable? NO! So I take time to do the stuff I like to do (and end up saving a little money in the process!) in making stuff for my house, scrapbooking, etc. If not for me, for THEM!
I don't think it's called faking it, I think it's called enduring - and you are doing a great job. Bad days are allowed to happen, even though they make you feel miserable and like you want to throw the towel in. But then you get a new day to enjoy the good things in life like fabric, furniture, soft little hands and feet, and hugs from those kids who just don't know how to express that they adore you more than anything else in the world. Hang in there. You are not alone.
i totally understand- i love i can't wait to see your latest project finished!
I wish stamina and patience came in six pack cans at Super Target but they don't. I guess they come from within or above. Either way sometimes they don't come free.
I just thought I'd tell you that your words are worth reading even in a super long paragraph without one capitol I.
Take care!
Well, I appreciate your honesty. Seriously! You've now debunked my theory that blogs are nothing but fluff and fakeness appealing to the masses so as to not "offend" anyone. Your candidness kept me sympathetically captivated and hoping for a brighter day for you.
I am constantly impressed with your skills as a homemaker, mother, crafts(wo)man, and friend. I wish I had half the energy and fortitude that you possess.
There is so much to say, but I can sum it up with: I know exactly what you're saying and know how you feel. It's so nice having this community of bloggers to share it all with. A support group if you will.
Yesterday morning I read this post and I was a better mom all day long because of it - and we did have a good day - so thank you!
I can so relate to the anxiety thing. And mine has definitely been worse since having Jack. Making things, any thing, really helps soothe my soul too. Hang tight, some days are just hard.
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