Friday, May 9, 2008

big changes...

it all started with this picture ( i don't even know where i found it, so if anyone knows who's blog it was i just randomly checking out when i fell in love and got dizzy with excitement, will you let me know?) her room was going to be all white with a splash here and there of light pink and green, and a little bit of red, but then i started obsessing over this quilt and i find myself removing things from her room that aren't going to "fit" with this quilt. so yeah big changes. well not really, but big to me.
here's a sneak peak to my rag rug i've been working, and i'm slowly falling in lust with if i didn't need someone to hold my hand during the whole process, i think i could do some real damage, but for some reason i can't remember just off hand double crochet, single crochet, you've already done 8 of those so now you have to do 4 of these, by myself, something to do with you can't teach an old dog new tricks or something like that. anyways, i'm not done, but i think today may be the day!

and it's not like i havn't made her quilts...and blankies...but she has decided that this $9 walmart blanket is the best thing ever since sliced i decided to add a little color, AND have decided that these are the colors of the pinwheel quilt i'm starting this weekend for her room. most of which you can already find in her room...but the pink has got to go i think. so off to going to a quilt store over an hour away i go, and my friend and i are spending all day sewing our pinwheel quilts together while our kids play, destroy, run around like mad mans (she has 3 boys of her own) and katie stays close organizing, carrying things in her purse, and lugging around that blanket of hers.


Marie said...

Have fun!

Marci said...

i love that quilt. i've always wanted to do a room in crisp, clean red and white with a little sage green mixed in. can't wait to see the quilt! enjoy the fabric store...they are very dangerous.

Bonnie said...

Thanks heavens for little girls. Love the rug!

girlsmama said...

Sounds like a dream day to me! Can't wait to see the results!

Unknown said...

just found your blog and saw this quilt...its from allbuttonedup. great blog as well. great to know that there are wonderful LDS mothers out there. come by and

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