Tuesday, May 20, 2008

12:08 a.m. to 7:06 a.m.

that's how long i slept....uninterrupted mind you. i can't even tell you when the last time was that that happened. it seems like every night i'm woken up by one of the kids needing me, or kyle crawling in bed with me, or just me waking up and doing a once over at the other side of the bed just to find jake really isn't there. but not last night, last night the last thing i saw was the red numbers on my clock saying it was 12:08 a.m. i hit the pillow and out cold i went. only to be woken by the static sound with a little bit of country music in the background (only thing that comes in) and those red numbers saying it was 7:06 in the morning. that seemed like a very short night. but i feel like i can accomplish anything today... what should it be? i mean seriously...there's A LOT that needs to be done...but really i feel like a warrior ready for battle, chomping at the bit, and all those cliches...what should i accomplish today? i mean i can't leave behind the regular duties that happen on tuesday (my ocd tendencies wont let me...i DON'T have ocd i just have TENDENCIES thank you very MUCH!) so the bathrooms have to be cleaned the laundry has to be folded (because i get cranky and who wants cranky) i'm going walking...but the rest of the time when kids are in school and when babies are sleeping...what should i do? tell me! what should i do?!


girlsmama said...

Seven whole uninterrupted hours!! You lucky girl. I would either do the thing that had been bugging me most because it's not done, or do the thing you've really been wanting to do, but haven't because you feel like you have too many other things to do. As for me...I'm going to finish planting all the veggies and flowers we got yesterday.

Marie said...

I tried to call you yesterday! Why did you not pick up!? I will try today.

Anonymous said...

I vote for coming and doing my bathroom and laundry :) Only kidding-I'd sew!!!!!

Allie And Michael Schulze said...

Why is it that I'm getting just as little amounts of sleep as you, and yet I don't have any cute kids because of it? This perplexes me...

Also, that's a gorgeous picture. Is that a view from your house?

Mindy said...

You should sew! Or come visit me! Or read a book! I'm glad you got a good night of sleep... I hope they keep coming!

haley said...

paint your 'dumb cupboards'- your words not mine. take before and after shots (if you haven't figured out- i love those) and get excited for lunch on saturday!!!!

Brooke said...

Vanessa...I just read your comment on my blog....are you crazy? You are obviously such a better seamstress than I am. What could I possibly teach you that aren't already an expert at? Seriously, I look at the stuff in your etsy shop and don't know how you do it. And to be honest, before I read your entire post, I thought you were complaining about how LITTLE sleep you got, not rejoicing about how MUCH you got! I don't know how you physically survive each day...what's the secret?
Can't wait to see you...you'll be here the last week of June?

V and Co. said...

yes i did sooo much today i'll post about it tomorrow...and yes that's the view from my back yard gorgeous isn't it?

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