okay so a small percentage of the people who voted said "robin's egg blue"for the chair and i was asked if i have any blue in my house. i do, not much, but i do. but in the room that the chair lives in, it seems to be a little more on the sparse side. i'm usually in my blue pj bottoms or jeans and those are blue and i spend most of the time in this room, so i guess that adds more blue into the mix. so there. i've still not decided on the color of the chair, so for now it's still a lovely primer white color.
aaaah yes, i got the call today...hell has finally frozen over...
my mom, the woman who doesn't drive her car places because she can walk there, the woman who still has a phone with the coil-y thing on it so you have to stand close to where the phone is mounted while you talk, the woman who requests to buy the car that doesn't have automatic locks or windows because she doesn't trust "mechanical" things, the woman who doesn't own a computer and even if she did, why would she need it? the woman who calls me from pay phones and from gas stations when she drives from sunny san diego, out to the middle of nowhere utah....
GET THIS::went out and got herself a cell phone.
she called me from it and you would of thought she'd won the california lottery of 44 mil. she was that excited to tell me.
my mom: (with cute heavy south american accent) Vanessa! GUESS WHAT!
me:(with no accent, i was born and raised here) mom? where are you calling from? my caller id shows some # i've never...wait a minute...
my mom: heheeeeehe hee! (she honestly was that giddy) YUP I DID IT!
me: holy mother of all that is good! NO WAY! (i grew up catholic can you tell)
my mom: yeah i can call you from ANYWHERE now.
me: lol (great)
my mom:yeah i LOVE IT!
me : lol... so what? are you going to go out and get yourself a computer next?
my mom: no, but ricky(my mom's bestesess friend in the whole wide world, who just so happens to be my ex-step father...long story) just got one of those small computers that fold...
me: a lap top
my mom: yeah! and he's going to hook it up to the phone line...
me: SHUT UP! you are scaring me...no really stop.
my mom: no really we just need to figure out how to use it
me: well hell just froze over
my mom:what?
me:don't worry about it i'm just mumbling and looking out my window to see if any of the neighboring pigs sprouted wings...
my mom:yeah, then i can check that thing you write every day...
me: out cold... passed out...i must of just died...if it's chilly when i wake up i'll know where i went.
Ha! That is so funny, I love it! My mom is a little of the same, but only when it comes to social sites. She knows how to play solitaire, check her email and do the stock market. I've made her a Myspace to keep up with my brother, but she can't use it. I'm going to make her a Facebook, but she won't be able to use that either, lol.
Thanks for sharing, that was a good laugh! :)
Very nice!
Late congrats with the Moda thing, it happens to be where I found you.
Can you imagine an 85 yr old man with a number of gadgets and computers stored up in his house, just being added to and none being thrown out, "so he has one to run DOS on," can you?
There's my grandfather for you. Although... I don't know if he has a myspace.
Anyway, has anyone mentioned a really light rose pink for the chair yet?
Good luck
ha ha ha.... seriously laughing over here. AWESOME post. I love your mom already.
i love the family stories. shawn and i got such a kick out of listening to you and jake tell us stories about your kids. i remember one of them saying his brain talked to him. ok i'm laughing out loud now!
hilarity!!! i think robin's egg blue would be a great choice for your chair.
Your mom sounds like a real hoot! Can't wait to hear more about the laptop.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Too funny, your mom sounds like a crack up! I love those computers that fold in half, I want one :)! Loved your post below, and congrats on being featured on Moda's bake shop!
My girl that has to be the funnest yes I said funnest post I've read in a while! LOL. You totally crack em up. Life as you know it will no longer exist once mother starts reading the blog! LOL. ooxx`jod
Vanessa, this is hilarious.
do you need to go edit a few earlier posts about your mom???? too too funny. oh, i totally vote robins egg blue!
kings: i TOTALLY TELL THAT STORY ALL THE TIME! maybe i should do a post about that.
way to go Mom!! don't feel bad. it took me a long time to get on the technology band wagon too.
This is JUST HILARIOUS! you made my day with this funny story. You mother with her thick accent sounds like the stories I tell of my abuela (cuban) my stories always come out with an accent! Ha...
Have a great day, glad your Moda event went well!
LOL!!!! I am laughing so hard! Thanks for making my morning. I love how you put this all in script form.... GREAT!!!!
congrats on the moda bakeshop!
love the story about your mom-mine is the oppposite-i wait till she has the technology for a year then i get it. i figure if she doesn't break it then its okay!
I love your story... it reminds me of my mom so much! And your "holy mother of all that is good" really cracked me up. I love the picture of you, too!
Man V. I miss you. And having met your mom on multiple occasions this totally cracks me up! I used to love it when she visited and would come hang out with us while the kids played and all the moms chatted. She is one cute lady!
I can't wait to start reading comments from your mom!! She sounds so CUTE- just like mine... Except that my parents have had a cell for awhile now. She still screams into it though, like the fact that she's in Florida and I'm in upstate NY means that she should just talk LOUDER.
Should've commented earlier on the Moda post- congrats! That is awesome.
Also, (sorry for the super long comment) I'm very happy to see a toy in today's post! Bring on the tornado!
you are so FREAKING talented.
and i like you because you swear sometimes.
and i so wish that i was your ONLY friend.
i realize you wouldn't like that. BUT you have SO many now.
oh man if my mom figured out how to comment i'm pretty sure you'd need to get all your affairs in order because the second coming was right around the corner!
ROFL. That was great. Just be careful what you "wish" for. Having a computer and internet is a whole new can of worms. :) My grandmothers are now nuts with internet, I even got one of them blogging!
This cracks me up! My mom (& dad) are in their early/mid sixties and they finally broke down and bought cordless phones before Xmas. Now, of course they waited until their Oldest son was about to become a father of twins and their only daughter had graduated college and moved far far away. What the heck, we'll buy normal phones! Oh and don't get me started on cell phones and internet.. Dad insists on calling it a Blueberry, not a Blackberry.... I wonder if this is what it was like raising us as their children?? Because some days I feel like they are my kids always calling to see how to use their email or their cell phones.
Good on your Mom! Mine is turning 80 on Saturday and she's hooked up to the internet - we email all the time. Hasn't embraced a cell phone yet though!
OH HECK YES!!!! Tell me when she shows up!! I love your mom!!!! :)
i think maybe our mothers were separated at birth :) my mother still has a phone with that coil-y wind up thingy restricting you to within a few feet of the phone. LOL love the story!!
Vanessa you crack me up! I was laughing so hard. Yay for moms!
that is hilarious!!!
you mom is SO gonna know when you aren't eating nonorganic foods now!!!
how funny.
This is hilarious!!!!!
My mom thought her first computer was broken b/c she didn't know you had to turn the screen on :)
STILL voting blue...
HILARIOUS! My mom is not that far ahead of yours. She does have a computer, but doesn't use it & has had a cell phone, but only for a few years. :)
after hearing about your mom...that is really funny!!! you are a good influence on her.;) you're getting her to step out of her comfy space. i like that last line btw...that made me laugh.
So, so funny!! Made me giggle cuz a few years ago, that would have been MY Mom. Now, no chance. Or, shouldn't I say that? She's going on 89!! Hum...will you write different on your blog when your Mom is reading? We'll see.
All this about your mom...so funny...reminds me of my grandpa when he gave a VHS to my aunt and wanted to her fax it to Italy...
If voting is still allowed I change mine to blue. Especially after that cute picture of you in your kitchen...I think it would be a perfect splash of color.
That is hilarious! Next thing you know she'll show up at your house listening to an iPod. :)
OH MY Gosh! How stinkin' funny!
Always great to have a fan, right??
My mom doesn't read, but my GRANDMOTHER does.
I stopped talking about my sex life.
I just found you from the Moda Bake Shop. NICE rug tutorial! I wish I could advice on the chair, but I’m afraid I’m ill qualified...I just happen to be in the same painting boat as you. I found this really cool vintage china cabinet & it still sits in my living room wearing only primer. I was thinking blue, I even bought the blue, but then I was digging the way it looks with just the primer – all crisp & white. But then I keep seeing that blue color everywhere I go, & I want some. AHHH, what to do!?! Funny about your mom – sounds just like my MIL, who still DOESN’T have a cell phone!
Hey Miss V, How are you doing? I would love to pick up the quilt if you can give me the phone and address of your MIL. Thanks so much, Laura
Thanks for the comment and following me! I will be following your blog now too! I wish I had a quilt maker as a neighbor! Something I want to learn... have tried it... sigh... but I am not very good at it at all! LOL!!
Ohhh that's funny! I think we all know someone like that . . . or a couple of someones. And I love what you named the post.
I got more than a few chuckles from that conversation! :) Reminds me of a couple people I know!
very cute story about your mom. I am laughing with you!
I think black for the chair if you want it to belong to the desk but if you want it to be a seperate entity then I say white. then it matches your kitchen. but if you want it to stand out then go with the red but then I think I would change out the blue curtain....Good luck
now seeing the WHOLE room...i'm thinking white is a no go.
you have alot of white already.
i think red.
really i do.
so there. i helped THIS time.
I found the perfect robions egg blue at Wal-mart. It is called Nail Polish. (weird I know) You can see the edge of my cute dresser in my post I posted today!! Happy Spring! PS I am impressed w/ the PJ's and the ear rings!!
You are soooo funny. You remind me so much of my daughter the way you tell your experiences. So, talented, and funny-----good combination. Thanks!
I had so much fun reading your conversation with your mom. Biggest smile I'm tellin' ya! :o)
How great this will be and I love how your mom said she can read "that thing you write every day..."
Classic! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Ps. I check "this thing you write every day" ... everyday. :o)
Hahaha! Jodi sent me over and it was well worth it -- thanks for the laugh!
Your mom is awesome! I want her to come take care of me. I remember some fun times visiting her.
Oh I had a very good chuckle at this! Too funny! Your post really made my night!! BTW, I'm going through my stash of strips and gathering them up for a rug for my nook! I'll post it when I finish it! : )
P.S. Having seen your room, I say Robins egg blue -it gives you a great excuse to add more REB accesories! ;)
Love it! I was wondering how you got away with some of your posts:)
Vanessa, Lately I have to scroll forever to get to the bottom of your page to make a comment. I LOVE this blog entry. I laughed and laughed. Your mother is going to love her phone, and then your blog is going to become her best daily dose of creative fun. I look forward to your blog entries, she is going to sit in her little house in San Diego and think about her super special daughter, who shares her talents, and life with the whole world. I love you for that. May you blog forever!!!
Hi V
Too funny about your mom. My 85 year old dad lives with us and has a cell phone and is on the computer all the time!! Enough said on that...I could right a book. The title??? "How to send your daughter to the looney bin through the art of technology" It's a working title...changes daily. Last week it was "What in the hell is he thinking" Sorry about that little swear there, I was raised catholic too, but God knows what I 'm going through...he's sees it all.
Good luck with your mom.
ps wanted to send you a link to Mel's Place...There is a craft show in Utah, thought of you and all the great stuff you make.
This post just made my day! Absolutely hilarious! My mother-in-law is from South America and in our broken Spanglish we have similar conversations. Very cute. Thanks for the laugh!
K so your following is so huge that I doubt you will ever read this far down on the list. And if you do, how the hell do you have the time with what you do? You are amazing and so dang cute, and funny! Your conversation blogs crack me up!
ok, you are funny! we could be friends...no really, we would crack each other up! well...at least i'd crack myself up. love your blog, glad your mom made the jump into today!
Glad I stopped by for a little read!
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