i found some super sweet finds!
love this fabric! don't you think a lovely fall skirt is in order? oh yes i think so. this skirt i found is too big for me...
but with this price i couldn't let it go and i loved the black and whit polka dots!
so i've got an idea.
i think i'll start on it today and cross my fingers that it works.
i also found this vinyl table cloth LOVE THE COLOR! the red pillow i have on my porch are made from a clearance table cloth...they are pretty beat up but am planning to make more for next summer...this table cloth will be made into patio pillows for my back yard. yummy!
now this next picture was a result to someones email or comment. it went along the lines of "how do you keep your house so clean all the time. i feel so inadequate compared to you, seriously you must be on crack."
just kidding she didn't say crack. she said speed.
so here's the truth:
we make messes all day long.
yes i like to organize, and i don't mind cleaning.
but we're a family who live in a house where i take pictures in. we're not a stage house.
we live in our house, which means, we make dirty dishes, we make dirty laundry, and gosh darn it we make skid marks in the toilets sometimes. i have three boys who claim to be potty trained yet they still manage to not aim well and miss the toilet. as a matter of fact two days ago, my five year old came out of the bathroom all proud announcing to my friend and i "MOM! i did it with no hands!" (meaning he peed with no hands...oh heaven help us) no my house isn't always CLEAN by any means.
so yes i have a schedule of cleaning the house, i like to try stick to it. i also like to have places for things. i like to clean up after every meal, and yes i make the boys help clean up their rooms every night (and not to mention the bathrooms on a regular basis!). my house is probably the nicest to look at when the boys are at school and at 9:30 pm after the dish washer has been turned on and the floors have been mopped (after they've been licked by the dog), toys have been put in the right places and laundry has been put away (with a load dauntingly waiting in the dryer and another one already going in the washer...i hate laundry). one thing is for sure, i like to start the next morning in a nicely put away house, just so i can have boys pee without using hands and be able to clean up the messes as we go.
and there you have it: we're a messy normal family, i'm a mom of 4 who sometimes gets frazzled that i AM a mom of four, so i make fun of it and laugh about it cause that's funner than crying about it (but cry sometimes about it too), and we have skid marks in our toilets more often than not.
have a great weekend, i'm off to sew something in between cleaning up messes.
thank you thank you thank you!
i'm a mom of 4 as well(all boys) and i get people asking me the same question. and you nailed the answer with this post
and the peeing thing? mine are 14,12, 9 and 7 and STILL can't aim *SIGH*
you had me laughing at the skid marks on the toilet seat. ha ha gotta love it!
You are an inspiration, course you have been told that before I'm sure LOL.
Look ma, no hands! Too funny. I have two year old twins and people wonder why I haven't started potty training. Case AND Point ;)
I love the look of your blog and tried to re-create the header and it looks o.k. I plan to try again ;)
Thank you for keeping it real!
This new (school) year I am debating a cleaning schedule for myself. Maybe it will create more creativity time for me? Do you care to divulge a little of your secrets for sticking to it? How you do it?!!!
you always make me laugh and smile and today wasn't any different. Thanks so much, I needed it this morning.
Too funny about the skid marks and no hands. That's what I love about your blog. You keep it real. It always feels like I am coming to visit an old friend.
Happy sewing with your thrift store find.
thanks it is so nice to know... we are all normal too ( I have 2 grown boys and still get skid marks and runs down the seat)... and yeh my house is clean at 9.30pm and 5am before anyone arises..... to start another day of messing and cleaning it up... but we have such fun and love it..... Love you honesty... it is refreshing.. have a great weekend.
Hugs Dawn x
awesome finds!!
My 2 year old who is just starting to potty train himself (I am not forcing this on him--he wants to) has decided that if daddy doesn't sit to whiz then he isn't either--he also will not let me help him aim
ahem... I totally understand :)
Your house still looks pretty, oh and my boys are 16, 13, 10, and 6 and there is still always pee all over the place at our house. I like to hope that it mostly comes from the 6 year old but I doubt it. At least they don't have pee wars anymore, that is where they would pee into the bowl at the same time and see who could be done faster/aim better, whatever it was that's what they did. Now that they are a little older they are a little more modest and won't pee together anymore.
Aren't boys so fun, fun, fun!?
This is exactly why I love to come and read your blog...you are so real and aren't afraid to let us know that! I nearly spit my coffee out when I read the skid mark bit! My two boys are good at aiming- with or without hands!- but they think the outside is their personal urinal...anywhere- walmart, the quilt shop, applebees. They just don't understand why they have to go inside! Thanks for the laugh this morning!
I looooove a clean organized house! I am always picking up & have the kids help as well! I love your thrift store finds!! I never seem to find any fun stuff like that! You guys are so lucky to have awesome places!!
I just love your blog. I come often, but rarely leave a comment. AND...great deal on the skirt you snagged at the DI. I'm wondering what DI you go to? Ours seems so pricey! Thanks for filling my head with many ideas.
Super great finds! I can't wait to see what you create with it all! And my house is even more "real" than yours is. ;) (I'll say that instead of messy from now on... doesn't it sound so much better? ;) Love you!
You brighten my day! :o) Thank you for keeping it real!
Great thrifting finds! I can not wait to see what you do with the skirt! I have one that is too small but love the fabric ... hmmm! :o)
Have a great day!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
OK people you are scaring me! My son has been potty trained for about 3 weeks and he never misses, he's actually better about cleaning up after himself than the oldest (a girl)....
Am I going to have a rude awakening, or will he stay like this?
Happy weekend!
It is refreshing to see the real side to our homes although most of the time people only blog about the good side of it all. It keeps us grounded. Thanks!
I just hope that when I have ONE, I'm able to keep my house clean and tidy like you do with FOUR! Bravo :) And you find some amazing things while thrifting... the stores here don't offer too much, sadly enough.
What good finds the the thrift store! I love the green for the new pillows! And the black and white skirt is something I could not have resisted either!
Your blog is so refreshing to read! I appriciate your honesty and how down to earth your entries are!
and that's why i ♥ you.
keeping it real.
{skid marks on the toilet!!!}
It is always daunting to go to blogs and see how "perfect" others seem - and it's AWESOME to come to blogs like yours were people are real. Love it! Love your header change too. It's purdy.
Great post, I am newly a mama of 4, great pointers on keeping organized!
Thank you for this post, and sharing so honestly how you keep it real. I really needed that today.
Have a great weekend.
Thank you for posting this. It is nice to know my house is not the only one with skid marks and other evidence of being lived in.
I like the light airy quality to your home.. Very nice.
Snappy Di
I thought we were the only ones with skid marks! It's good to be in the same club with you. Love you!
Thanks for the inspiration this morning! Now I have the motivation to go clean my toilets.
I love your thrifty finds but I love this post MORE!!!! I'm glad we're not the only ones with detangler on the table! haha It always seems to end up in the dining room no matter what. My 6 year old son has much peeing trouble. I made him climb down on his hands and knees and wipe up his own pee the other day. He said "this is gross". I said "I KNOW!!!!" Did he get the point? Nope because he peed all over the seat the next day. Anyway, thanks for posting this!
Hi I have been following your blog for some time now and I love your style mostly because you keep it real meaning you do not have everything at once, it takes time to make a house a home and I like that. I felt prompted to write you because I love your attitude about post. It is hard to keep a house clean and right now it is my big deal. I am pregnant with my third one and it really has become a challenge for me to keep up with 2 energetic girls. I guess it it a season for everything. Thanks for your lovely post.
I love thrifting. looks like you got some great finds. :D
V--you are so real...I love that about you! I also love the REALly good stuff you found out thrifting. You would think I could fit that in during my summers off but apparently, I am just as hit and miss as you have been! Thanks so much for sharing your finds and a bit of what makes you you!!!
That's why I love you V! With potty training kids, my downstairs bathroom smells like pee most of the time..some how I don't think that is a yankee Candle scent.
Great post. It's so hard not to compare our lives with others. My boy is 33 and now it's his wifes problem if he can't find the toilet. Just sayin. Mimi
That's so funny. It reminds me of a line from Sukie St. James of Gilmore Girls. With a slap-happy look on her face she said, "Wait! Am I laughing or crying?!"
Too true.
V, I know you are perfection itself and no amount of keeping it real will change that...Great fabric and funny post BTW...Blessings, hc
Thanks for keeping it real! I'd suggest to the lady that she checkout FlyLady.net. She's really helpful for helping her "flybabies" manage their homes with a lot less stress, very similar to your methods! She saved my sanity!!
Ugh, I wondered how you did it. As working mom, I barely have time to go to the bathroom let alone clean up after other people using the bathroom. Literally if I am on the toilet I have an audience and they are usually telling me to get off cause they gotta go. You are too funny.
Keep on keeping it real!!
You are so stinkin cute! I still wanna move in your home, even if I now know you have skid marks and pee spots like the rest of us! LOVE your blog! Thanks for all the laughs!
Thanks for keepin it real... seriously! Now I feel like kindred spirits with you because we both occasionally have skids in the toilet and boys proudly peeing with no hands!
Oh...and awesome finds at the thrift store. How I love thee Deseret Industries. Soooooo not fair that I live in Mississippi. DI is my favorite place to go when I'm in Utah...my family who lives there think I am looney tunes.
if only my kids could keep the skid marks IN the toilet....
and still, I gotta say, you present your mess in a beautiful fashion. but I once was told that even my dirty dishes looked good. So there ya have it.
Those fabrics are really pretty!
Love the post! I hate laundry, too. Everytime my DH says "hey, there's a load in the..." I'm like, great, thanks! The "claim to be potty trained" comment is hilarious!
"No hands!" haha Love it!
Is there a trick to sewing with vinyl? I have never tried it because I am afraid of it, but I totally love it.
Cute thrifted goodness you got there!! Can't wait to see the skirts!! A clean toilet...a girl can dream!! Hahaha!!
Do you mind sharing your cleaning schedule. I could use one. I have been slacking all summer long. Oh wait, I wasn't home all summer long. I guess I still want to be on vacation. I definitely need some inspiration in the cleaning department. Would you mind sharing what works for you?
HaaHaa! You said skid marks! :-) Love the thriftiness..I can't wait to see what they emerge into!
Oh lol. V, you are such a funny girl! Love the fabric and skirt too, btw. Ah, the glory of thrifting without extra arms jutting out! ;)
Ah funny girl. Not looking forward to having all these boys peeing all over the place.
Agree with you on laundry never being done...oh I loathe it, unfortunately I loathe stinky clothes more!
Glad to know someonelse's toilets occasionally see a skid.
Don't want to ignore the victorious thrift finds...kudos. Can't wait to see what you make.
V- I will DEFINITELY post the kid/car-organizers...I actually just sat down to do it and I can't find my pictures anywhere!!! Bleh!! I did finally post a couple other things, though - thanks for stopping by my blog!
And I thought I'd also mention that my son is king of the "Peter Pan" style of peeing (hands on hips, bending backwards at the waist). He can befoul a bathroom very quickly...
Way to be real, I love it! I only have two kids and I can't keep our house clean (especially since my queasiness hit this week). Luckily, we only have so much space to be messy in our place, and so it is a fast-ish clean-up. You are definitely inspiring though.
I LOVE your humor..ha!! I CAN relate - I have three boys as well :) I don't try to keep the house perfect (gave that up a long time ago), because that's impossible and too frustrating. Like you, I clean up messes when they happen, which makes cleaning later much easier.
I can't wait to see what you make with your fabulous thrift finds!!
Lisa B.
OOOHH i love a good thrift store find. You always find the best stuff lucky girl. Love your blog so cute it really is inspiring!
Love the thrift store finds, can't wait to see what you do with the skirt. The photo of your table looks just like mine, though your table is much more charming!
You have some great finds!
Hey Vanessa!! You gotta tell me your schedule for cleaning your house? I've been talking about that kind of thing with my sister.
You are still amazing and would love to get together again sometime.
I'm just checking out your blog. UM...WHERE HAVE I BEEN??! Your stuff is gorgeous. Love your photography too. So glad I found you. Now I'm really excited for you to link to me on your blog! Are you kidding? :)
Thanks again Vanessa.
You're now in my google reader!
- dana
I love your first paragraph.
One of my summer resolutions (I set those instead of new year's resolutions) was to go out thrifting once a week. You know how many times I've actually gone? None. Zero. I didn't make it out to thrift stores/yard sales a single time this summer! Ack!!
LOOOOVe that polka dot skirt. So cute.
i'm so proud of you!.. seriously. i'm not a mom. no kids.. just living with 2 men... who do most of the cleaning... yes i'm still afraid to show "real" pictures on my blog.
Ah, it is so funny, I felt like I was reading about my life! A Mother's job never ends, doesn't it?
I went to DI today, (I felt like I needed to go, probably to escape from skid marks and noise) and I found amazing stuff! It is always hit or miss but when I find something great, the trip is well worth it.
You blog is so addicting. I click on your blog to check up on my favorite neighbor ;) and I end up reading the whole page and them some.
Now that I am done laughing, I can say "Thanks"! Sometimes us "normal" (or at least I hope I'm normal) peeps see beautiful blogs like yours, with those gorgeous pics and feel inferior. I have three kids and I work part-time and my house generally looks like a tornado recently hit. It's kinda embarrassing! So, it is good to know that even though you look like you always have it all together, you have messes too ;) Thanks for sharing!!
Btw, I believe I am suffering from thrift store withdrawal. That is one thing I look forward to about "back to school".
Thank you soooo much. I'm sure I still have more clutter than you do on a regular basis, but um, my neighbors' houses always look like your photos (not as cute necessarily, but immaculate) and I have no idea how they do it. The "real" photo makes me feel happy inside. hahaha.
Just coming over for a visit. I have changed all of my buttons.
I have the Knock Off Knock Out party on Mondays and we have a brand new party starting this week. It will be every Wed and featuring Holiday Decor and/or tasty treats. Come on by.
Its So Very Cheri
Love, love your reuse and recycle theme. Thank you for the inspiration!
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