marriages have ups and downs do they not?
but even with the ups and downs you want to continually work on building a stronger relationship.
working together as a couple on things and complimenting each other on the job well done is a great way to build a stronger relationship.
let me do a conversation with the husband if you will.
setting the scene: GI joe husband and i are in the pasture and while i break up the mule poop, he shovels it and spreads it by tossing it all over the pasture.
GI Joe husband: (throwing a shovel full of mule crap off the far side of the pasture) you are doing a really good job of breaking up the poop. (no i'm not kidding people)
me: why thank you...pausing and thinking...i think your poo throwing skills are awesome.
GI joe husband: thank you.
and there you have it. now go break up some crap and throw it around...guaranteed to make your marriage a strong one...
btw: my husband who is no longer GI Joe actually does this for a living now.
so you should TOTALLY listen to me when i talk about marriage.
Editied: okay i can't stand all the "white" so i'm changing the pillow covers
and now it can be found in my laundry/mudroom...husband painted the laundry/mudroom this weekend. i went out on a limb and bought "blue-ish" paint. it was rather frightening to me when we were applying the paint how "periwinkle" blue it looked. husband assured me that it was going to darken and change as time went on. if i were to do it again i would go for a slightly darker shade...but all in all i like the color and how cheery my laundry room is now. so i should totally think that laundry is a cheery thing to do now...well another cold day in hell will happen before i associate "cheery" with laundry...
also husband would like to know why on earth i would put up baskets on the wall. i told him that i thought it looked cute...he said "whatevah"...and so they stayed up on the wall.
i eat cereal in the morning...
i don't really have great luck with cereal and yet i still eat it.
this post is the perfect example of what i mean.
well as i'm pouring out my "honey buzzers" (yes we are cheap-os and buy the big bags 'o cereal over here) anywho...i was pouring out my cereal when i did a double take..."whaaaaat...is that a FACE?"...i then started searching the whole bowl and sure enough there are like 50 little creepy faces staring up at me...none of them smiling mind you. what the ...i hope my cereal isn't trying to tell me something...
*great "i can't believe you still love my crazy butt after 11 years" anniversary
*painted and spring cleaning
*tanning legs season=spring broach
*tutorial in the works
*creepy emo-faces staring at me in the morning
sounds like we're going to have a FANTABULOUS week in blogging. also look for your first 101 this week. i have to figure out when...but it'll happen
most of you know when i say i love something...that means i'm knee deep in "already working on" something ...yes i am loveing all the ideas in my head (does yours run at full speed as well?) and have already started on a few of them. can't wait to show you. perhaps next week.
have a sweet weekend.
man formerly known as GI Joe husband and i will be celebrating our 11 year anniversary this saturday.
i can't believe he's made it that long.
what a good man.
see you monday.