today we are picking apples from our apple trees and we've already gone to home depot for my NEW COUNTER TOPS which GI Joe is currently working on...

gosh i miss him...and i love having him around...the kids love it too...well
katie's verdict is still out but she's slowly warming up to the man she only sees in pictures and who's voice she only hears on the phone...she's only had him around for a total of 8 months out the 24 months she's been with us...sigh...
so while in the car on our trip out to home depot i asked the boys minus
katie who just
gibber jabbered "
dada daaadaaa dada daaadaa" the whole entire time to the store (45 minutes away) i interviewed the boys while in close quarters and with no way of escaping...and here are
thier answers:
what does mom always say to you?nate: "where did all your socks go?"
it's true he's down to two pairs...its a mystery although i have a good idea...
ryan:"get your socks and shoes on."kyle: clean my room?
joe husband: what are you doing? i mean what is this all about? i need to know exactly what
i'm answering this for. wait, is this going on the blog? ugh...of course it is, okay fine... you always say to me "
jake, when are you going to get (fill in the blank) done?"
nice...2. what makes mom happy?nate: i help you?
ryan: when i clean my room.
kyle: i love you I LOVE YOU!
yes that makes me very happyGI
joe husband: shopping
seriously? that's what you think? i guess that's kind of true3.
what makes mom sad?nate: when i don't repent
some things that nate's not "repented" of recently 1. flooding my garage with a hose and a sprinkler head just to see what would went for 3 hours before i caught on. 2. breaking numerous things all around the back yard, and in the house and when asked "why?" his answer usually went a little something like " i had no idea that would happen." 3. breaking my windshield wipers by sliding down my windshield because it "looks like a slide" 4. smearing soap all over the boy's bathroom mirrors at school because he wanted to see his hand prints 5. returning to class with his shirt completely stuffed with paper towels (i have not idea why i don't think he knows why either...these are just to name a few in the past few weeks.ryan: um...when i don't clean my room?kyle: i don't know
joe husband: our kids
please take note of the above answer on most recently not "repented" incidents that's probably why he said that.4.
what does mom do to make you laugh?GI joe husband in the back ground "oh boy"nate: when you say "what's up" surfer styleryan: you running after nate and nate running away from you! oh my gosh, i most definitely do NOT find that funny.kyle: I DON'T KNOW i think he's done playingGI joe husband: there's a lot that you do that is funny, it's hard to pick just one... i think this is silly and dumb. hold on still got 5 more questions5. how old is mommy?
ryan: 16 no 20
i love youkyle: 20-60-1
what in the world?GI
joe husband: 32
right on the money6. how tall is mom?
nate: 6 feet
ryan:8 inches
crickets chirping definitely not playing anymoreGI
joe husband: 5 ft 1inches
right on the money7.what does mom like to do?
nate: shop
ryan: play around
not talking to me anymoreGI
joe husband: talk about crafts and think up of projects for me to do.
hahaha nice.8.what's mom's job?
nate: help us to obey and help us get better at repenting
he makes me really tired have i mentioned that before? someday i'm going to laugh at all his antics i'm sure of it.ryan:help us get money...
i'm hungry.
ignoring me completelyGI
joe husband: single mom of the year
9. what's mom's favorite food?
nate: spaghetti
didn't even ask himGI
joe husband: anything i don't like
(case and point what i did for his birthday)10. how do you know mom loves you?
nate:you ALWAYS hug us
ryan: you help me clean my room
crickets still chirpingGI
joe husband: your still here aren't you
smart a**