when we found out you were a girl, the boys all high fived and cheered. i smiled, and secretly started to make quilts, dress you up and started picturing your room in my head. we've all been waiting for so long to hear the words "it's a girl" (especially your oldest brother) that we walked away all giddy. we called everyone up and told them "IT'S A GIRL" and no one believed us they thought we were joking. (cause we're jokesters your father and i and we would pull something like that but we didn't!)
*you love babies *you love your new high heels and don't go anywhere without them, you especially love the "clippity clop" sound they make on the hard wood floors *you love to cook *you love to pretend to sew *you give the best nasty look known to man kind *you give away smiles only to those you trust, and every day everyone has to gain that trust if it's not me your dad or your brothers. *you seem to love the color pink, it could be an eating utensil or a gun, but if it's pink you want it. *you love purses *you love spaghetti *you love to play outside *you absolutely love to be on a swing *you love to sing *you sang for two weeks straight "daddy....ddddaaaaadddyyy...dady....daddy...daddy" while your dad was here. *you love the commotion we call your brothers *you love when they pay attention to you *you hate when anyone else shows attention to you. *you love to organize things (that thrills and scares me) *you love to do anything mommy-ish...
What a sweet post. Your daughter is so BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for getting back to me about the counter tops, I can't belive how amazing your kitchen looks. I hope you are doing a little better with your hubby gone, I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult is must me. I wrote my husband while he was on his mission and I still have dreams (like once a month) that he comes and tells me he has to go on another mission. I'm sure you'd rather your husband be on a mission then away at war though, so I shouldn't even compare. I don't know how you women do it, I'm in awe!
she's such a cute little girly girl...she'll be amazing like her mom someday i'm sure!
Happy Birthday!
She is such a doll! Happy birthday Katie!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GIRL (and her beautiful mom who gave her life!)
I can't believe she's two! I remember holding her at that Italian restauraunt when she was little tiny soon after you came back to UT! Happy Birthday Katie!
She is darling! She is such a little cutie. Having a daughter means so much, especially when your home is full of boys.
I am so sorry it has taken me so long to say thanks for the CUTE bag I love it! (My brother got married last week, and it was so crazy) Thanks you so much! My little girl thinks its hers, sshe got so excited when she saw it!
Happy birthday, little one!
(I remember when we found out we were having our girl after four boys. It was a miracle.)
Oh the joys of girls. Just wait till she is 13 and says to you, "Mom you look tired why don't you go in your room and rest and I'll clean the house and look after the other kids." I wouldn't trade my girls for anything. Plus how cute is Katie in her little, "mommy shoes."
Happy Birthday to Katie! I'm so happy you were able to have a girl and she is so beautiful and it sounds like she has a fun, quarky personality!
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