Monday, December 29, 2008
vinyl tablecloths make the best...

Saturday, December 27, 2008
out with the christmas, in with the...hearts?

christmas decor put away:check
christmas aftermath still a frenzy in the kids room: check
driving to go see the in laws this weekend to celebrate late christmas with them: check
winter decor put up:che....wait i don't have any "winter" decor...not a fan of snowmen, i like snowflakes but i don't have too many...soooooo
valentines decor put up: check
next week i'll show you some more, and i'll finally show you what i've been working on with my vinyl tablecloth...i know you've been holding your breath.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
now you've gone and made me cry...

well what can i say. i know some of you have started to read this silly little blog of mine, so i thought i would take the opportunity to say to you all THANK YOU. thank you thank you thank you. never in my wildest dreams did i think possible that you could already outdo yourselves in taking care for my family. everything from calling to making sure i'm okay, to waking up to the sounds of a tractor fixing my broken pipe, to looking out my window and seeing yet another tractor clearing off my driveway of the pesky white stuff...today you proved me wrong. to my surprise i opened the door not once but twice to wonderful ladies of the community (a sheriff included...yeah we're that cool) with their arms full to the brim with presents for my little ones (AND SOME FOR ME TOO!) to give you a little perspective, i wrapped up our presents that i went out and bought in white...YEAH, do you SEE any white in there? oh it's peppered in there but it's drowned in a sea of wonderful gifts donated by you guys to my family. so yes thank you for making up for someone not being here. *blubbery mess*

and GI Joe husband, the community also sent out a huge package of necessities for you and the guys overseas, as well as letters written by all the elementary school children, well all except nate's class. no, i got those wonderful letters here waiting for you when you come home to us. so to all of you out there in big cities and not out in the middle of nowhere, i'm really sorry you don't know these people, they have got to be hiding their wings and halo's somehow, because i'm pretty sure that's what they are. dog gone it, i really need to invest in water proof makeup.
the official christmas picture
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
sundays suck, and things to come

Monday, December 22, 2008
our weekend

Friday, December 19, 2008
snow snow go away...

Thursday, December 18, 2008
tutorial: bandanna skirt

first off get yourself a bandana

if you have any question feel free to ask! hope this tutorial is helpful though!
comments closed
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
aprons and hotpads...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
a binding we will go...

Monday, December 15, 2008
she's such a "betty"

GI joe husband took it upon himself to buy me a sewing machine. yes, you read it right. HE bought ME a sewing machine. GI joe husband loves to research (that's why he went and got himself a PhD. so he could one day teach at a university and do research), so when i told him what my next requirements for a sewing machine would be(never ever EVER thinking that i would get something even close to it), and what brand i wanted....he started to research and well guess what he found...an even better sewing machine than what i would of bought for myself. for half the cost of what it originally cost. with perks and a lot of equipment i don't even know what any of it does yet.

Saturday, December 13, 2008
happy birthday to my middle boy

i can't believe you are 7! some fun facts about you:
*you love star wars everything and anything
*you are a hard worker at school and at home
*you are much more mature than you 7 years
*you are great at reading people and when you see someone who is sad you do things to help them
*you are our "lets go out and play together. you too mom." kid
*you love to read
*you get along with most
*you are my easy going kid with a great imagination
*you keep me sane amongst the chaos sometimes
*you take care of you siblings even when not asked
happy birthday kid you are one special dude, when dad gets home he's going to be so surprised at how totally awesome you are!
Friday, December 12, 2008
a winner and a confession

Hi V.
my first time here... and I've really enjoyed it. I'll probably be coming back to do some more browsing around here. love the bandanna skirt. I'm thinking my girls have some in their dress-up box.. i may have to sneak a couple to try this skirt out.would love to be entered into the giveaway... cute bag!have a great day.
alright LISA !!way to be the integer generator's random #!
i've gotten a few requests for the bandanna skirt tutorial...no worries next week my friends next week. not only that but i'm updating the shop with aprons, stitcheries, and charm packs and table runners next week so please come back and check it out would you?
so lisa give me your address via email and i'll send out your little bag on monday.
so i went to go see something again....
remember my disappointment in the twilight movie? well i re-read twilight, and decided i may of been too harsh on the movie the first time. so when it came to my little town, i rounded up the troops. let me tell you there is nothing funnier than 6 women climbing out of a minivan all jazzed up about teenage vampires. what was the outcome? i loved it the second time around. because i already knew it wasn't the book. still cheesy, yes...but edward made it all okay because the eye candy was delish. i may of even been heard to say "i want to have edward's babies!" yeah, i have good friends that just laugh at me and my stupidities. favorite part in the movie: when bella is washing her truck and edward is looking oh so fine leaning up against it with his hair all messed up and his blue puffy jacket. i'm going to go buy GI joe a jacket that looks just like that and i'm going to make him grow out his hair like that. meow... what only 50 somewhat days left! ahahaha! pretty sure i'm going to hear about this one later on. does anyone know how long till the dvd comes out?
Monday, December 8, 2008
one year anniversary giveaway

Friday, December 5, 2008
my holiday season resolution

Thursday, December 4, 2008
before and after:: the fireplace (and a confession)