yup, it was one year ago this coming
friday that i finally decided to start a blog. so here you go you freeloaders. didn't get to win last time i gave this little cute bag away? didn't know my blog then? well here's your chance. go ahead use me to get free stuff, it's okay i won't think any less of you (no really, i won't.
i'd just think you were being thrifty and you
know how i feel about a cheap find and how much cheaper than
free can you get?) so leave me a comment and
i'll pick a winner
friday morning at 10 a.m. mountain standard time. and hello to all you first timers coming to visit from
this that and the other (thanks
jodi for the shout out!)
Happy Blogiversary!
Love the bag it's so very cute!
well i'm always in for free...especially when it's a v original! i'm so happy that you blog because i just love ya!
Oooh, two things I love combined! Purses and free, how much better can it get?!
Happy Anniversary, I'm a longtime lurker, first time poster.
Thanks for the giveaway! Crossing my fingers!
That's so cool that you do giveaways! I've already got an original Vanessa piece! Almost done with Twilight...I'll email you soon...I've got a lot to talk about!
I can never have enough little bags!
yayyy for one year!!!
vanessa i totally LOVE your blog.
{i think you know what! haha.}
and thanks for throwing a giveaway...for all of us thrifty peeps.
Congrats on your 1 year blog anniversary Vanessa :)
Thanks for your giveaway ;)
Oh, how cute this little bag is! I've actually been a lurker on your blog for about a month now. Love all your inspiration!
Congrats on the aniversary! Cool giveaway! Add me please! You know how much I love your blog...gosh I can't open my hands wide enough...lol
Congrats on your 1 year! I love your blog (your token idea has been a life saver around here)!
You make the cutest purses, and I'm a sucker for just about anything with yo-yo's!
Hi Vanessa,
I just left a comment on Jodi's blog saying how funny it is that the two of you met and that you're both my only blog friends!! Glad you got the package and hope you can use some of it. Happy 1 Year Anniversary!!
Talk to you soon,
Karen (RI no blog)
Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! Count me in! I am a fellow Utahn, and have been following your blog. (you can find me at http://cactus-needle.blogspot.com/)
You do a fantastic job in your photography, your creations, and the open way you express your ideas. My heart is with you as your husband is away this Christmas season. I want to thank both of you for the sacrifices you are making to help keep our nation safe.
Your bag is so cute. I'm looking forward to looking around your blog.
free is good! and cherries are hands down my favorite print!
Congratulations...your blog is very inspirational! And that bag is sooo cute!
I just started reading your blog, I love it! I have sewing machine collecting dust in my closet and after the holidays I want to get it out and start working with it again. Thanks for all your inspiration. I hope I win!!
Thanks-Brandi from Indiana
Congratulations on your anniversary! I found you from Jodi's blog, and I'm so happy I did. What lovely photos! True eye candy! Please count me in for the giveaway- it's such a cute bag.
v your so great, i just finished my first furniture rehab thanks for the inspiration, and thanks for keeping your eyes out for the chair for me, your the best.
Just discovered your blog via Jodi @ STTATO...and I'm glad I did...so, off I am to read more ;o)
Oh, before I forget: the bag is adorable! I'd love to win ;o)
Cheers, Julia
congrats on one year!!
So glad I've found you and what a lovely bag as a prize, who wouldn't want to win.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I can't remember when, or how I found your blog, but I have been really enjoying it for quite a while. I think the first post I read was about your token system. THANKS! that works awesome for my son!!
Anyway, Congratulations on your one year blogiversary!! I hope there are many more years of blogging fun for me to visit.
Hi V.
my first time here... and I've really enjoyed it. I'll probably be coming back to do some more browsing around here.
love the bandana skirt. I'm thinking my girls have some in their dress-up box.. i may have to sneak a couple to try this skirt out.
would love to be entered into the giveaway... cute bag!
have a great day.
I love your blog, and I LOVE free stuff! Your crafts are so inspiring!
Happy Blgging anniversary! I just found your blog via This That & the other. I especially wanted to see your pinwheel tutorial. I love pinwheel quilts! I couldn't help but start reading your enteries for the last couple of months. I'm adding you to my "favorites". The little purse is sweet/especially the embellishement. Who wouldn't want to win that:)
So being that I knew you many years before your blog, before GI Joe Husband even thought of being a GI Joe, before your kids, can I count you as knowing someone famous? Because I think it's pretty darn cool that you're famous now. :) Love you! Happy blog-iversary!
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! blessings, marlene
I've always loved this bag! Happy blogging anniversary..I started reading it months ago and I'm so glad that I did. Your whole family is amazing!
From someone in the middle of no where to another, hello and love your bag creation.
Wow V! Look at how popular you are! You deserve it! Love ya!
Okay, you seriously have major friends if you can post on a Monday morning and by the time I read it (10:50 am Monday morning) 29 people have already posted a comment.
I don't think 29 people TOTAL look at my blog and certainly on a given day.
So, I am without friends and therefore I need to win.
Whoa - I can't believe you have so many people reading your blog, Vaness - you're like a celebrity or something!
I totally am in the same boat with Monica...you are so popular!
How are you ever going to choose the lucky person??? Hey 1/30 odds aren't too bad...oh wait, that number is totally going up...because again, you are so popular, plus giving away totally cute purse.
HAPPY blogging anniversary!
love, Larissa
Happy Anniversary! If you know my blog...you know I appreciate the freebies! Cute AND handmade freebies are the best!
One year? Good for you! One of these days I'll actually jump on the wagon and start my own blog.....
congrats on a year! hopefully i'm lucky this time around for the freebie! this is the cute bag i wanted that reminded me of utah summers. love your blog--such an inspiration to me!
I have enjoyed you blog for months now. Happy Anniversary with a cherry on top!
Love it!
wtp_72 at hotmail dot com
i am so glad my "getting rid of goats search" led me to your blog, as your blog continues to inspire me. the first inspiration was to get rid of my goats, and funny story, the family that took them pointed out that Penny, my "Nanny" goat was really a neutered "Billy" goat - opps - sorry guys - they were free!?!
i love the bag!
Love the bag sooooo much...cherry fabric is my all-time favorite. Remember me, I'm the person from Vermont that kept asking you about the girl's skirt tutorial a little while back. I check in with you often. I love your white fireplace, it's so crisp and clean looking. Congratulations on the anniversary. Now, I'm so sure that your next countdown will be counting the days until your husband comes home!
Merry Christmas and all Wonderful things in 2009!
Mary Ann
I can't remember how I found your blog but I really enjoy it and your ideas....
I really do love your blog and I think you are one of the funniest and most talented people I "know". I love blog world...i have so many friends here and they don't even know it.
Just hopped over from 'this that and the other' and I'm so happy to be here! I'm already loving your blog. :) Thanks for the fun giveaway!
A girl always needs another bag. Especially when it's so cute! Congrats on one year, V. It's been fun to reconnect with you!
You have really cute little bags. I'm Keara's sister and I totally have to say that I blog stalk you!... lol
keep it up I love your fun little ideas.
Happy Blogversary! I love your blog and your sense of humor. You keep me in sitches!
you are getting way to popular for me!!!! but i still luv ya! pick me this time, ok??? oh, and we so need to plan a weekend of crafting, thrifting and caffeening!!! i'm game when ever you are!!!
I have so enjoyed reading your blog the past few months -- love your awesome, crafty ideas and inspiring attitude - yay for Vanessa!
(I'm only trying to butter you up for the prize a little bit...I really mean it...but I like free, too, haha!)
I love reading your blog.. What a cute bag, my fingers are crossed. Happy Holidays!
Happy 1 year! You have a great blog... keep it up! Love reading all your posts!
Sign me up. Everything you have and do is supper cute.
I have been a silent blog-stalker since Larissa sent me here to check your site out. Can I say I've broken a commandment by totally and completely coveting your site! If I had the amount of talent that you had in just your flippin' pinkie finger, I'd be a happy gal! Congrats on 1 year...woohoo!
I love reading your blog! You've inspired me to make a quilt for my daughter.
Everday I have to get my Vanessa blog and chocolate fix (have you tried kisses mint truffels yet? You'll love them!) Love the bag and cherry print, reminds me of when my girls were little. Congrats on such a successful blog and here's to many more years!
A wonderful bag and a wonderful blog. You are inspiring me to get going on my blog.
Congrats on blogging for an entire year! Love the bag! My daughter would just go crazy to have one!
I just found you through "this that and the other" so this being my first visit and what with you giving away such a cute bag I just have to leave a comment and tell you how much I enjoyed my stay.
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
And here is to another fun year!
I love the bag so sign me up!
Congratulatins and thanks for the chance to win!
Happy Blogiversary! Love the bag, love the cherries. Too cute!
Hi- I am a friend of Jen P.'s and I found her blog through hers. I love all your great ideas. A friend and I are making your tea towel aprons for friends this Christmas. Thanks for the inspiration!
If my hand could raise itself any higher to be picked you could see it from the middle of nowhere.
Pick Me! Pick Me!
You have too many readers now.
I feel like a nobody?. =)
I would love to win.
Happy anniversary! That is adorable!
ahhh- 1 year! Thanks for throwing some sort of *party* to celebrate! I love the bag and think it would be super cute for my little baby girlie- a diaper bag? cute!
Love the bag. Congratulations on one year.
Congrats on one year. I found you via Mabel's House and love your blog and your family. I am ex Army wife and appreciate your struggles and love your style. Congrats again! I'll be back for sure.
Your bag is darling!!! I'd love to win it, then me and my sister could have matching bags! I love your blog, it's one of my favorites!
Very cute...found you through the kidcraft weekly newsletter.
Happy Anniversary! I love your blog! You've helped me so much by sharing your talents.
Oh lovely bag! Pick me, pick me! lol. j/k. Hugs from Arizona.
Stinkin cute bag!!!! Would love it! Happy one year anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Love that bag!
Hey congrats on 1 year. I just starting reading your blog and I think it's great! And I just started my own blog and can only HOPE that it's as cool as yours in 1 year. Thanks!
Very, very adorable! Thanks for such a cute giveaway! Suzie Button
Okay, I'm going to try to not feel too guilty since I actually ordered a pattern from you last month. : )
LOVE the giveaway!
Jodi sent me -- I love your blog!
pick me pick me.. Thank you I'm glad that I found your blog..
Happy Anniversary!
I love checking your blog & seeing all the cute things you are doing.
Giveaways are so much fun, I can't wait to see who wins. Maybe today is my lucky day!
Am I in? or did I miss it? Don't know what time it is MST and don't have time to check... lol
Cute, Cute, Cute!
lol... oops... I just happened upon this page and thought it was current. Didn't even look at the date! Silly me!
This is the first time I've come across your blog... lots of nice ideas :)
Guess I didn't win :) lol
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