Monday, July 12, 2010

giveaway: fat quarter shop

well first off thanks for the kind lovely encouraging words. it's nice to hear that people like me for more than just my tutorials. happy day! i promise to continue the tutorials but i need to most def make things well rounded and i need to make sure i'm here for a while and not crash and burn because i've been moving too fast. which is what i've been feeling, and then add 4 kids. so no crashing and burning for me...just moving forward a little more slowly.
thanks for understanding.

but you are not here for that at the moment. you are here for free stuff... you moochers you. i don't blame you. this month's giveaway comes from the ever popular fat quarter shop. if you don't know about the fat quarter shop well you are welcome for the introduction but really? you don't know about them?
huge selections, on new arrivals, sales, kits, name it people they've got it.

and their giveaway is not only gorgeous but worth over $100.
check here to read more and enter!
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