Monday, July 19, 2010

getaways and hair "issues"

this last weekend we went on an adventure.
as our summer continues, we are seeing some pretty fantastic weather (our summers aren't really hot so when we get into the 90's we're pretty excited.)
not too far from us we have a little reservoir big enough for people to go boating or fishing, and the shores make for a good mock up of a beach. (not really says this southern cal girl but it was good enough for the day)

the boys had a blast skipping rocks and got pretty darn good at it, the 10 year old could get up to like 7 skips by the end of it.
there were a ton of rocks to explore...
and dragon flies that were interested in using us as landing strips.
it was kind of cool.

the water was great and basically just a good 'ol time was had.
so the kids and the husband tell me.
i have a bunch of water dogs in my family.
i blame it on the high school swim team/water polo playing of a father they have. i on the other hand... had to stay on the sidelines.
well because i forgot my swimsuit...

but i should also mention that i have some major issues stemmed from a childhood trauma.
it has to do with my HAIR. yeah, i know.
no really it's a serious issue like as in i don't ever get my hair wet unless i know there's a hair dryer, de-frizzing serum, and a hair straightener within reach...or a really good baseball hat to wear and rubber bands made of steal to hold it all in.
yes...i know, you could say i have bahama monica hair:
when left un-managed or if left in humidity for too long, or when it gets wet and don't have any way to bridal it. it starts having a mind of its own.
nope not kidding.
just insert my face and add a few pounds on that monica body and hair and that's me.
but see all this stress over my hair stems back to one pivotal day. i was 8 or 9 and still living in los angeles, and we would go to the santa monica beach a lot. normally i would wear a pony tail but for some reason this one day i forgot to or didn't. who knows who cares. so naturally when my hair had dried after i had gone in the water, it got a little on the ginormous side. i mean i could poke somebody's eye out with my hair that's how bad it was. and well, you have to remember my mom is a little on the over cautious side so i had on (addition to the large hair) a big white shirt over my bathing suit and i had desitin ointment on my nose and cheeks (yeah that white heavy cream stuff...why in the heck she didn't just put sunblock on me i don't know but water under a bridge people water under the bridge) anyways as you can gather, i was kind of little bit like a freak. well two boys, probably around my age (and probably some male child actors just to add sting to the story)...passed by as i was on all fours building a pretty sick sand castle. they stopped to look at the sand castle, and that's when i looked up...

they jumped back 10 feet and probably peed their designer swim trunks. but that wasn't the worst part... look on their faces and what they said is still burned in my brain and self esteem to this day.
as they kept walking i don't know if they meant for me to hear it but they said:
"oh my gosh she's so ugly! look at her hair!"
tears welled up in my eyes and i probably swore to myself that i would never ever let anyone see me like that again.

and that my friends is what started the whole issue/obsession with the hair.
in high school (before straightening irons) i used to have a whole routine. wash hair at 5 pm, put in frizz serum, place in pony tail for about 20 minutes. release hair while still somewhat damp, lay down on one side with hair all under head, then flip and do same with other side. rotate back and forth till dry. then get a curling iron and smooth it down by using the heat from the barrel to make it just right. avoid fog and humidity at all costs, and if necessary to be in it...wear a baseball hat. yes when i said "i can't because i have to wash my hair tonight" it wasn't an excuse it was my reality.
flash forward 20 somewhat years from that day at the beach, and i can honestly say only a handful of people have seen my hair in its true form right after i blow dry it. two being those stupid boys on the beach, and my husband who bless his heart, tells me time and time again he could learn to love me with that beast of a hair and just to embrace it. the kids aren't fazed any more, well katie still calls it "mommy crazy hair" when she sees it, but i'm okay with that.

all is well in my hair land. all i have to say is thank heavens for the invention of the straightening iron and thank heavens we moved to utah. because there's no humidity here. utah is like give you nose bleeds dry kind of weather.
and well, it's absolutely perfect for my hair.
but the most exciting and happiest thing is that my daughter got straight hair, just like her dad.

and she'll probably wish she had curly hair.
C'est la vie

off to the pool later today...with a baseball hat, just in case.
we'll talk soon.


michele said...

aww, V....i loved your story! it makes me love you even more :)

and WHERE did you get katie's swimsuit?! i LOVE it! cute pics!

SplendidlyImperfect said...

Oh my goodness - you poor thing! I'm not going to lie though, your story made me laugh right out loud. I have funky hair that's not all straight but not all wavy and I'm so thankful for the dry air here in AZ and flat irons!

trish said...

Bless your heart Vanessa. Words can really sting can't they? And they have a funny way of sticking for a long time.
I have curly hair and live in the south ... I think you get the picture. :o) I have given in to the curl though. Growing up in N. CA I was in good shape until the fog rolled in ... and winter.
Your pictures are just gorgeous!
I have a new little button on my blog now titled "bartering" and would love to have you take a peek if you would like. :o) I also added your name to a recent post, I am making a hexagon quilt (my first one) and showed some of the fabrics I purchased from you. :o)
I hope you have a great week. Enjoy your swimming pool trips, I am green with envy! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia

sjchunko said...

I feel your pain...I've had curly hair since puberty and it use to be such a mess. I live in Utah now too - after moving here from the east coast (even spent two years in the humid Sunshine State). I have found a great product line for curly hair if you should want to return to a curly style. It's called Deva Care. There is a salon in Salt Lake that I go to and they specialize in curly hair. It's called Aura Hair Studio...I've been telling everyone about them since I discovered them. Us curly haired girls need to help each other out! Good luck!

Katy said...

The other place to move to is AZ. It's hotter than heck there, but my hair dries shiny and much straight in NO time. Here next to the ocean in CA it takes longer and is more effort to make it straight. Makes me miss my home state!

Krystin said...

That is probably one of my all time favorite episodes of friends.

Christie // lemon squeezy home said...

I love the pictures and the story. Kids really can scar you for life, huh! I remember things like that from when I was little. I wish I'd forget them!

I love living in Utah too!

Tasha said...

Looked like a good little get away!

McKell&Janeene said...

Your hair sounds a lot like high school I straightened it on the ironing board with an iron. Although I wear my hair curly more than straight because my hair is really REALLY thick and takes a long time to straighten.

Little Chicks Info said...

Sorry about those kids, they probably have major issues from being childhood stars so payback has already been had...! I'll pay my respects to those S. Cali beaches for you, we head there soon for one last summer fling! I miss CA soooo bad...will I ever fully embrace Utah?

Dogwood said...

looks like some fun time with the kiddos. from the pictures of you on your blog, i would never guess you had such curlie hair.

my sissy has curlie and i have straight. she straightens her hair and i put curls in my hair. funny.


Emily said...

Totally agree about the "beach." Your story is so sad! I guess your crazy hair is your only imperfection. ;)

Anonymous said...

I have totally flat hair and loved living in the Southwest for so many years because when I curled my hair it stayed curl. This humidity is for the bugs and the birds!


.....Elizabeth..... Polka Dot Skies said...

Oh my goodness, I know how you feel! I have all of these crazy curls and last week at the beach, they had a wonderful time! I tried to cover them with a ball cap, but the humidity was too much and they kept inching their way out the edges...

Glad you all had such a good trip!

Makell Wintle said...

Oh! Boys can be so mean at that age... The age when we are most insecure about our bodies/looks. I was told by some jerk boys that I was slapped by an ugly stick when I was like 12. HA! I'm over it and they are total low-life losers now. :)

Embrass your curls, some girls would kill to have body in their hair!

Celeste said...

Ok, I'm moving to Utah. My hair does the same thing, and it creates these "darling" little wings at either temple. I've got them right now, actually. Darn this Alabama humidity!

Patti said...

So happy to know there are others with the same childhood scars! Totally feel your pain!! My hair goes bazerk in Utah with the little bit of humidity you guys have. My hair loves the HOT dry weather here in Las Vegas. Really enjoy your posts!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Okay V, that was your best one yet!!

Melissa said...

Vanessa I know what you mean about the frizz. Mine isn't quite that bad but in the humidity which we have in Ohio I have no control over my hair. We also just got back from Vacation and my hair never does good when we are away from home. I often think of that friend episode myself and laugh.


Linda said...

Just have to say.....Amen and Amen!

Marci said...

i'm one of the lucky ones who has seen that face i think i have a picture somewhere...buawahhh. just in case...ha ha. i would NEVER do that to ya v. maybe. ha. it really isn't that bad. and btw you are as small as bahama monica. tiny little thing.
looks like you guys had lots of fun! i wish it wasn't in the 90's's over 100. YUÇK!!!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I feel for ya. All my life I have had thin, straight, mousey brown hair that did nothing. Once my mother gave me a perm and it was straight in one day.

To make matters worse, my mother had thick black curly german hair and my dad had thick black curly italian hair.

My mother would grab my hair and say.......where did this ugly stuff come from?

Now it is red and flat ironed and I finally like it! LOL.

glen: but now at 55+ I don't care who else does......

bethanndodd said...

I have the same kind of hair, only I am a red head with freckles and fair skin. I am sure you can imagine how scary I would have looked as well ;o). I finally found a good hair dresser and some good hair products and I am able to wear my hair curly most of the time. We live in Missouri so I don't dare straighten it during the summer months. There isn't anything worse than seeing my curls trying to fight through my straightened that is scary! Thanks for sharing your story. I am glad to know I am not the only one :o).

Mary said...

I feel your pain! I avoided water rides at amusement parks for the very same reason.

Sharee Hills said...

I love your kitchen island in your July 9th post. Will you share where you got it?


Busy Little Quilter said...

You and I have the same exact hair issues. My hair is so bad that I can't go anywhere on the days that I wash it. Yesterday I got caught in a huge rainstorm and my hair got wet. Then I had to go to Walmart. By the time I left there, it looked just like Monica's hair. No kidding. Just like it.

Quilter422 said...

get the brazilian hair treatment. my sis has hair like you described, and she got it done and it's gorgeous, straight, and soft. it doesn't have to be washed daily and still looks great when you get up in the morning. and if for some reason she wants it a bit wavy, she can do it that way too. downside: it's pricey, but she's decided that it's worth the splurge.

Sascha said...

I grew up going to Santa Monica beach all summer long and I too have a traumatic story involving mean kids. Loved how you shared your story. Funny. I am the girl with straight hair that would love your hair!

Holly said...

I know this is traumatic for you but it made me laugh. I think we all did crazy things to our hair in high school. Have a great (hair)day.

twoforjoy design said...

Boys are such meanies! I love your pics

Roadrunner said...

Finally! Someone who understands my hair issue. When I get my hair cut the stylists tell me, "you have enough hair for three people." Like that's a GOOD thing.

Wes and Dani said...

Love your story! It reminds me of how my mom used to tell my sister she had Tiny Tim hair (no, not the Christmas Carol one)....hahaha. :)

(if you don't know who Tiny Tim is, but I'm sure you do, google him please. :))

amylouwhosews said...

that monica picture is awesome! I lurve it! and your hair. I guess you won't be visiting me here in the land of SERIOUS humidity...

dana said...

so fun! that rainbow is GORGEOUS.
And funny...Lucy has that same swimsuit from Old Navy! Though hers has stretched out and it's all saggy in the crotch now. yuck.

Delia said...

Pretty rainbow picture. I love reading your stories.

Anonymous said...

Too funny ... my hair is some what similar. Almost every morning before the taming ritual, I remove towel from head, roar at my 4 children and 1 husband, remind them of the "beast" that I tame on a daily basis ... and remind them that I am part lioness ... and they better be good or I will HUNT them down!

Once the mane is tamed, it seems limp and lifeless ... bipolar I think :-)

cakegirl said...

My daughter will be a freshman in college this fall and your story reminded me of her friend's comment about selecting a school. She said,"I can't go to Tulane, my hair couldn't take the humidity." You have to love teenagers and their priorities.

Ryan and LeDawn said...

I somehow stumbled onto your blog and laughed at this post because I know exactly what you are saying! Been there done that! And sonwhow I've forgotten about that friends episode. I use to lay my head on an ironing board and mymom would iron my hair. Then I would put baby oil in it to defrizz it! One of by prized posessions is my flat iron! I too never leave town without it. I have tried to embrace my fro, but I still (at 26) have self esteem issues! Super cute blog! Love it!

Rachel said...

Very funny to be reading this blog post, as I sit here waiting for my curly hair to dry before I venture out of the house. I recently discovered You should take a peek over there. It's a bit overwhelming at first, but so intriguing and informative. There's also a book you could totally relate to - Curly Girl: The Handbook by Lorraine Massey. I haven't read it yet, but I'm seriously thinking about buying a copy because I have heard such good things about it. The gist of it is to avoid using sulfates and silicones on your hair, and to use conditioner to wash your hair. Sounds weird, but it's working for me and I'm so excited!

I actually had straight hair as a kid, but it became curly around age 11 or so. I would use a curling iron to straighten the front of my hair. Now, I'm trying to embrace my curly hair, and that's what I appreciate about the above mentioned website. They even have a forum where curly girls have posted photos of their brushed out hair. Hysterical stuff. :)

The morning of my wedding, I washed my hair and left it "as is" so a friend could style it into a twisted "wreath" around my head. When my cousin (who also has curly hair, but not quite so frizzy) saw me, she said I looked like a lion. I've forgiven her, but that really hurt to be told that on what was supposed to be one of the happiest mornings of my life.

Sorry such a long post, but hopefully it's helpful to you and/or other curly-haired readers.

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