and by not making the bed.
i have a philosophy:
if my bed is not made.
i have a bad day.
the longer it stays unmade
the longer my bad luck and mood continues.
so far my 2 kids left at home have spilled two bowls of cereal, have managed to dump out all the crayons and color pencils to create right along with me (i don't really mind that one), and have decided that today is the day that they will not get along.
i've broken 2 sewing needles, have unpicked my project like a bazillion times, and now am tracking sticky sugary cereal all over the rest of my clean floors. as i type this i have a super squirmy two year old who keeps pressing random keys.
didn't know my computer could do so many different things with the touch of just one key.
so you win bed gods.
i'll go make my bed.
and then i'm off to the big town 45 minutes away
so i can continue along my super productive day.
AAAH, V, It sounds like you are having one of those mommy days. Hopefully your day gets better as it goes along.
boy do i know these kind of days ALL too well.
while you are in town, buy yourself a big bag of chocolate and pretend it's from me.
{because if i was there...i'd SO be there, chocolate in hand asking where the mop is.}
Yeah - don't mess with the bed Gods! It will get you every time! Good luck with the trip to town. Maybe the car ride with help calm the restless natives:-) Jenn
Okay so my solution would be send the kids to grandmas and go back to bed and try it all again tomorrow! :)
I don't think the "bed God's" have ever visited me. As I've not made my bed in.........oh my I don't know how many years. It's in a part of the house no one ever sees or goes, but us. I don't bother.
Not only is my bed not made, the sheets didn't get changed over the weekend. The clean, new sheets are on the clothesline, just waiting to be put on the bed. *sigh*
awesome. I actually made my bed today (a rarity).
I say you just drive until the little people fall asleep... if that doesn't work, absolutely buy TWO bags of chocolate! I mean it's a 45 min. drive to town, you need PROVISIONS.
Best of luck on your day!
Hmmm.... You just described EVERY one of my days... and my bed is NEVER made. Now I'm starting to see why. Those bed-making gods are a cruel bunch, I think.
*off to make my bed for the first time since my mom stopped making me do it*
I guess we have to have days like this so we appreciate the good days more but I understand your pain and frustration, LOL! I've been trying to get sewing done for my son's wedding and every day I fall farther behind. Smile and enjoy the time at the big city! Cindy
Funny you say that. Every time I don't make my bed, my day is completely chaos.
Sorry if I chuckle at your expense but I can't help it. I might add "been-there-done-that" too.
Have a better day tomorrow. xo
So true! I made my bed just so I could dump 4 loads of clean laundry on it! When I get off the computer I might fold it. :) I think if I had a 45 minute drive I might need a DVD player for the kiddos...but just on the days like your having today. Chocolate...quiet...is there a Starbucks drive thru? That would make it perfect. :)
i understand!
I totally agree! I would love to go make my bed, but the baby pooped on it, so I can't make it until I wash the sheets...
It is always the day that you plan to be super productive that something goes wrong...or for that matter everything goes wrong. Hopefully your day picks up in the big town...buy yourself something nice!
I'm right there with you...although the project was putting together that baby's new crib and the mess on the floor was strawberry jam.
Yeah, I had one of those days too. 2 1/2 hour Wally World trip followed by a nap only to wake and find the kids had destroyed the house! Just over a week left until I can evict (meet, whatever you want to call it!) our newest addition! Yes, I am counting down the days!!
V--Your day sounds so much like many days that I have had. For some reason there is something about having your bed nade--funny how that goes! The best laid plans...... Hope the rest of your days goes better!
Isn't that just the way it is? I hate those days.
I thought I was the only one with that philosophy, but now I see I am totally not alone! Well, you will surely make your bed tomorrow.
A BIG TLC from me all the way from Malaysia.
Hello... I've come visiting from Simply This That and the Other... I would have commented in an earlier post, but I just kept reading and reading and reading. I am off to make my bed now. You have inspired me. you've also made me laugh, which is appreciated.
Nice to meet you.
I have never heard about the bed theory. I will have to test that one out.
I have a different theory though. If I make my kids a good breakfast, like french toast or pancakes then my day is horrible. Needless to say, we only have pancakes and french toast when the hubby is home.
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