you are suppose to see sprouts. guess what i saw...
okay well i did see some weeds.
the husband is a researcher at heart. it's rather annoying. i can never claim "i had no idea." because the man doesn't let me.
as each day passes, he comes home with more and more info about gardening. he gets excited of the new found information...
as for me, my eyes glaze over, and all i hear is "blah blah then this happens. blah blah we should be doing this on the blah blah blah..." and so forth.
doesn't he get it?
my brain is too full.
i'm just lucky i remember my phone # and social security #.
and to know the difference.'
i'm off to do some of the "blah blahs"
i would say "wish me luck"
but lets face it...
wish me a miracle.
bless your ♥!!!
so you feel llike charlie brown, and jake is the teacher...
waaah wahhha waaaha wahha waaaa waaaa.
here's to your miracle.
p.s. love the new background chicka.
They'll come, you just might need a little patience. We planted lots of seed last Wednesday and just saw the first radishes poking their heads out yesterday. It does give one hope!
oh and p.s. again.
i ♥ the look pn katie's face!!!
too cute!!!
and your legs don't look THAT white.
go you.
You can remember your phone number? Good job! I just called to make a doctor appointment and they asked my number and I totally blanked out.
You two will figure this gardening thing out you'll see! I wish I had some words of wisdom to share but I'm not much of a gardener yet!
Fountain, MN
I totally think you and you daughter are on the same wavelength, hehe. Her expression is priceless!
be patient! it will come. some take longer than 3 days, but it will come! I can't believe how big your little kiddos are getting. It seems like forever our oldest were in preschool and here we are with new little ones there!
be patient! it will come. some take longer than 3 days, but it will come! I can't believe how big your little kiddos are getting. It seems like forever our oldest were in preschool and here we are with new little ones there!
i should specify:
on GOOD days i remember my phone #!
Love the background paper, your favorite fabric!
You're funny! You'll get good at it, I know you will because that's what you do! You try something and become an expert! ie, sewing, blogging...
Love ya!
it's been almost three weeks for me, and the shoots are just barely starting to show - but only two. Starting to think I did something really wrong to them .....
Love your new background paper!!!!
Like when my engineering Hubby comes home and speaks 'engineer talk'. I will never get it. Good luck with the garden my dear.
The Blue Ridge Gal
You will go out one morning and they will be there...really!!!...and you will all have the cutest smiles on your faces....:)
V, this is why I love you so much. I feel the same way when people start talking about gardening. ;) I wish you a miracle, and lots and lots of luck! (Oh, and sorry for ratting you out on Amy's blog... ;)
My husband is the same way. Many times I don't have to research the answer to a question I have since he's a walking encyclopedia. On the garden, we're waiting for it to dry up a little so our poor seeds won't rot in the ground! Price you pay for living in the northwest. My parents said they got some fish poop from the hatchery down at the end of their street, mixed it in the soil, and that was the best garden they ever had!
my husband is a little researcher too.
and even got mad at me last night cause i didn't want to listen.
good luck on the gardening. i have two little dollar pots from target and i have chives and basil growing.
not sure what to do when they get too tall.
thanks for the anniv wish.
did you make the little ones skirt? looove it!
It sounds like I am not the only one who is feeling like I am on a hamster wheel! Will someone please let me off!
I LOVE the look on your little girls face. lolol
Sprouts??? I see mud pies;) Gardens are great! Remember...If you build it they will come...it just might take awhile;)
My husband blah blah blah's a lot and expects me to remember it, too.
It does take a little while for things to start popping up. We started some plants (vegetables and flowers) on Sunday. Our neighbors want to share a garden with us. I didn't know this, but our garden will grow tomatoes and bell peppers and their's won't. My husband said he told me last year, but, again, I didn't remember (like that's information I'm really supposed to keep).
My husband is a researcher, too! He hates fiction and loves reading and learning facts. It gets overwhelming how every project I start, he learns more about it and overloads me on info... so I know what you mean. Meanwhile I'm doing well to remember my daily schedule, get three meals on the table each day, and be starting a garden at all... nevermind how it does or doesn't turn out! :)
my daughter and i work on that face every night.
I had to "buy" door prized for a "club" I am in I thought I'd be cleaver and plant little mugs full of basil...well it had been DAYS and no basil!! Do you think women will be happy w/ a cup of dirt? We'll see!?
The red and white polka dots!! DARLING! How did you get them?
on my back ground? i have it on my photobucket acct.
you can get step by step instructions from my tutorial "how to change your background" on my sidebar.
hahaha ah thats funny!
i admire your patience..
if i planted things myself, i'd be about an hour before i went nuts!
me=no patients, whatsoever.
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