as much as the rain tried to derail our best efforts to start preparing for our garden this year,

"we" (meaning my husband while i stood on the sideline and acted as cheerleader and took this picture)
used the rototiller and started to prepare the ground.

we live above 7000 ft area and so all the regular gardening rules don't apply to us. we're learning...and hopefully this year we will have a good trial run at this.
i've also been working my fingers off, trying to make sure i have more things in my
i'm still shooting for
wednesday. so far some pillows and some table runners...still working on a few more things but we'll see if it all makes it this time.
i may have to do two big shop updates.
i love it and I wish I lived on a farm too! Good luck with the garden.
I wish I had that much room to garden. Best of luck to you. Your pillows are very nice;)
Squeeee, lovin' the pillows!!
The Blue Ridge Gal
Love that ruffled pillow!
Wish I could garden...would love to have fresh veggies. Not sure I could live so far from things though. I would have to be so prepared.
Hi V.,
We have started on a little bit of gardening too, but my biggest hurdle is my own procrastination and rocks (er, practically boulders) in our soil.
7000 ft. up. Seriously?! Wow!
Now I must tell you that I am IN LOVE with that adorable little pillow. That's your green leafy sheet, isn't it?
Please tell me you will have one of those in your shop! My sofa NEEDS it!
Super cute as always!
Happy gardening!
Good luck with the gardening! We live at 4500 ft here in CO and it's a challenge as well! We must persevere in the name of a salad grown by our own sweat and toil! It just tastes better!
That ruffled pillow made my heart beat a little faster! LOVE!
I hope your garden grows lots and lots of yummy veggies! Fresh peas from the garden are my favorite!
Good luck with your garden. We had great luck the first year, but last year....we had some BEAUTIFUL plants that didn't give us a dang thing.
This year we are adding some peat moss and gypsum and hopefully that will help.
And I LOVE that green ruffled pillow! Gonna have to try that.
We live at a high altitude too. Plus we battle with deer eating everything. It sure can be a struggle!
Love the pillows by the way!
Oh, those pillows are KILLING me. Adorable!
I'm fairly certain I couldn't breathe at 7000 feet, let alone garden! Kudos to you!!
I'm hoooommmme... ;o) Good luck with the garden! And the pillows are adorable!
Your farm pictures are very picturesque. I'd love it if we could do a huge garden - we have the room to do one, but I don't know that we could keep up with it. Or even a smaller, raised-bed garden. I want to, but I'm not the one that would do the work!
Oh, and your pillows look so pretty on your white bench!
Good luck. I have a hard time under 7000 ft.
And my hubby is deploying for 6 months and leaving in a few weeks. So I am counting on you to keep me occupied with lots of tutorials! I am doing this quilting thing ready or not!
oh your killing me. i grew up in utah, four hours from a target, and upwards of 7000 ft. such wonderful wonderful memories. you'll adore it there, the best BEST tomatoes grow in the unusual soil there. love the pillows!
just chiming in to voice my love for the ruffle pillow as well!! i seriously *heart* it.
WE do hard labor the same way. Loud gas powered equipment for hubby... camera and pom-poms for me!
I'm at almost sea level... and I STILL haven't learned all the rules of gardening. I'm watching you - and will be taking notes. I'm thinking of you as my farming Mrs. Miyagi.
Holy Moley! Look at the view from your property! Gorgeous. I'd never get anything done, I'd just stand around & stare at the mountains.
I love the pillow with the ruffles!
I think comments are good, too. I don't have many people leave them, but enjoy the ones that do! We have had so much rain that we can't plant the garden yet. So hoping for some sunshine that sticks around for a little while. I love your pillows! Have a great week!
You are one step ahead of us. We haven't even gotten out to start plowing up the garden or anything. Maybe this will give me some incentive. Can you post some of the cheers you did? Maybe one will work on my hubby!
I love the pillows. Good luck on the garden. Last year was my first time and I was so proud of it, and then our first freeze came really early first of September and then it turned real ugly fast. I got a few little tomatoes, and a whole lot of zuccini.
Hello!! I love your pillows!!! So soft and summery!! OK we moved to Utah 4 years ago and my good friend here who happens to be a master garderner gave me some great advice. I will pass it on. Do not plant seeds for everything. Only peas and pumpkins realy. The rest you should plant baby plants. She starts her own in her basement about late February. Also, there is really no lettuce that does well in Utah. Too hot! Next, we had a bumper crop of tomatos. HUGE success and tons of salsa to show for it. But for some reason you can not plant tomatos and corn in a garden area. Way weird!!! Our seasoned neighbors told us it has something to do with they are pollinated. Go figure. All I know is for a city girl I sure have a pretty garden. I will be planting my future bumper crop this Saturday! Good Luck! Have fun!!
Honestly if you have ANY questions at all about your gardening. Call my mom. She is a pro! 2890 Seriously....and, good luck!
hey thanks all for the pillow love and yes i know our view is pretty incredible. i guess that's what you get for living in an area with only 500 people! ;)
you mean i missed cheerleading practice?!?!
awww dang.
well..."go jake go, make the garden grow!!!"
and seriously, the ruffled pillow...be still my heart.
Vanessa I love your property! How lucky are you guys? And I lived in Utah for a year, in Cedar City, EVERYTHING is different when you are that high. I was so surprised. I am not in MN so happy to hear that the Minneapolis chick likes your work as well. Congrats!
I love the view of your barn and land. I want a barn so bad!!!
We're planting a garden, too, but not one near as big as yours. Your kids will have fun planting things and then watching them grow. That's always fun.
I love the pillows.
I like the pillows - very cute. How do you do all of this? Well, I know I'm not in my regular self right now, but I don't understand how you do it all? How do you do it, Little Missy??
I love that green pillow! The ruffles are so cute!
Thanks for the pinwheel tute - it was very handy the other night while I was putting together my quilting bee block.
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