so i read to the boys every night. (well most nights) and we've covered a wide range of books from star wars to classics. we just finished not too long ago "how to eat fried worms."
we were working outside fixing a busted pipe in the sprinkler system, when i spotted a big worm...and well here's a little conversation if you will:
boys: NOOOOO!
me: haha! just like in the book! i.DOUBLE.DARE.you.
husband: (watching the exchange decides to chime in ) yeah it's not that bad. it just tastes like dirt.
me and the boys stare at him in disbelief...
husband: what? oh what? you never ate a worm before?
me: uh NO.
husband: (big grin on his face) yeah, i was a brave kid.
me: yeah, well i was a SMART kid.
husband: bends over stares right at me and takes the worm and EATS IT.
me: AHHHHH! GROSS i have to kiss you!
both husband and i look over to the two older boys because it got reeeeal quiet.
both boys with stars in their eyes say: OH MY GOSH DAD YOU ATE A WORM!!! THAT.WAS.SO.TOTALLY.AWESOME!
then the oldest picks one up and EATS IT!
then the second oldest picks one up and EATS IT TOO!
me: what the?!i can not believe you guys just did that.
husband: you double dared them to.
me:WELL YEAH but i didn't think they would REALLY do it!
both boys bouncing around super excited and chattering a mile a minute saying things like: "they aren't going to believe we did it! we're going to tell everyone mom dared us and we did it!!!! "WE ATE A WORM!!" (great all anyone is going to get from that is that I, THE MOTHER DARED THEM TO DO IT)
husband: uh obviously you don't know the first rule about boys...
me: oh yeah what's that?
husband: never double dare a boy into anything...because they have to do it.
me: hmmm i may have to remember that...
husband: hahaha...oh no.
he later confessed that the first thing that went through his head when he put the worm in his mouth was "nope, i was wrong, i think i just read the book. i don't think i've actually ever experienced this before"
That is GROSS! I am laughing so hard right now... I wonder if Jon has...?
That is a hysterical story! The boys will be telling it for the rest of their lives (& probably demonstrating worm eating for their own sons someday!).
oh my gosh v! I am crying from laughing right now. i have 4 of these creatures we call boys...and i can totally envision this!! i love it!
btw...give away is first of the week sometime!
Happy Mother's Day!
that. is. awesome.
no kissing jake for 24 hours...ewww.
Hil.ar.i.ous! I am dying because 1) I could NEVER eat a worm and 2) Because your husband AND sons BOTH DID IT!!
I will have to agree with Rachel..no kissing!! :) Yuck!
Ok so I am Marie's sister and she told me to read this and I am so glad right now that I have only girls!!
Just so you know Jake, Jon has never eaten a worm...
*snort* I'm a blog stalker, and had to respond to this. SO funny. I think the funniest part was your husband's confession later that he hadn't actually done it before. hahahahaha.
there would be no kissing at my house if my DH had done that either.
Thanks for the laugh! Boys (including the "big" ones) are hilarious!
eeeeeeewwww! that is pretty darned sick. But glad your sons had fun!! I was a member of the Kiss a Banana Slug Club when I was 10. That was a pretty big deal to the kids at my school. :) Your boys will remember this always!!
acccccccccck lol! i can't imagine any of my boys doing that lol
happy mother's day!
that is hilarious! i'm dying here. since we've been back in monterey, we've talked about you guys nonstop! we even rode by your old house last week to look for turkeys! this place has changed so much. so many memories for shawn of his and jake's adventures.
lol....A wonderful Mothers Day Weekend Memory!
What a fantastic laugh for the close of Mother's Day. I have 2 boys (8 & 5), and I will heed your warning!
That has brought tears to my eyes...I'm not sure if it's because of the gross factor or the laughing factor!!
Wow! Good for your boys! What brave little men...and your husband? That's hilarious! My stomach is churning just thinking about it all though :)
Smiles, DianeM
My 10 year old DAUGHTER and her friend ate TWO worms each! My son ate one too. Said it was kind of like spaghetti. I guess it's a rite of passage. Still gross.
That is the B E S T story to read on Mother's Day! I love it. :)
OMG, THAT IS HILARIOUS! Have a wonderful mother's day!!
Thanks for sharing the story! I LOVE it! Great picture!
i love that story! so awesome... and I feel like it's going to happen at some point in my life too, with 4 boys and one husband to egg them all on!
Hilarious! I will have to remember that about not double daring my boys to do anything...except maybe flush a toilet, wash their hands, eat their broccoli...do you think that would work too?
Gag gag... choke.. ack.. gross
Um, yeah, that double dare trick only works on extremely gross or dangerous stunts. Doesn't work if your daring them to clean their rooms or wash the dishes. Great story though...don't read 'em Summer of the Monkeys, they'll be wanting a pet monkey.
Too funny! And they just get better and bigger! My hubbie is 52 and my boys are 22 and 19 and I could so see them doing the same thing! Thanks for sharing your life with us! Amy
That's too funny!! lol
The picture of the boys (and the worm) is adorable. I agree with Rachel, though, no kissing! lol
LOL V, I love it when you share little bits like this. I actually read that book many years ago in middle school. As I was reading your post, I knew where it was going. I can't believe your hubby and kids ate the worm. Too funny. Thanks for sharing.
ROFL....i almost just snorted crystal light out of my nose. *great* mom's day story :)
OH MY! As a mother of boys - I totally understand. I thinkyou might be able to use this "double dare" thing to your advantage!!! If those little stinkers can eat a worm they can eat their veggies!
Woah! That is so gross!!! But, thanks for sharing...I'm still laughing!
Oh my gosh! My husband ate 18 worms at a missions fund-raiser for our church once. It was sooo gross!! But they made money, so I guess it was okay. He was racing against another guy (who also ate 18 worms).
yeah!!! i miss hearing about the fam! i'm back... feeling so much better, but have to catch up on the laundry and the hell hole i call my home. tell gi joe i totally think he's nuts!!!!
Please email me back concerning an order I placed with you last week from your Etsy shop. For some reason, I can't send you email..I think it has something to do with the underscoring in your name.
Sandy Kalmeyer
That is the best story!!! Gross, yes, but a good story!
GREAT STORY! I'm not sure whether I should laugh or throw up...but great story anyway:)
Oh my heck! i am so glad I have girls today!
That is too funny and gross! Too funny that your husband later realized that he probably never ate one to begin with.
Oh V......
these are the memories that make childhood special
Not that their father served his country (and should be DARN proud of him), but the day to day stuff that "just happened"
they will remember growing vegetables as a family, not the clean house or immaculate laundry
treasure these times.......
May have made a slight error in judgement there. As a herpetologist with live animals under my care, I generally have to ascertain that any food source is relatively safe for my charges. For this reason, turtles under my care are never fed earthworms as they are a known carrier of quite a few very unpleasant parasites. Rather than elaborate in an extensive comment, i'll just give you a link for your own research.
I'm not a physician, but you may want to contact one and inquire into a course of treatment for internal parasites. Good luck. Lovely blog btw, beautiful craft work.
Oh baby, never mind the double dare, that's just what they do when you're looking....
My son's twenty-three now so I am just starting to find out about the stuff that was concealed over ten years ago.
Anyway, I am from a family of girls so having a boy has been a GREAT and FUN education!
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