Friday, October 29, 2010

candy corn frozen yogurt

this year i feel like i've not paid attention to the fact that halloween is like in two days. um normally i'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on pumpkins by like sept 30th...and yet here we sit on oct 29th and i've still not bought one single pumpkin to carve.
i have in fact done christmas shopping and have already done a mock up trial run of thanksgiving dinner (while my mom was here so she could taste my dinner since we both always end up not at eachother's houses for that holiday) but halloween? totally has flown under the radar. i'm just lucky that the boys are going to be clone troopers again and katie wants to be a black totally do-able.
but i wanted to make something fun. last years version of fun was not a hit...sooo this year:

i decided on nutritional frozen yogurt candy corn looking Popsicles
all you need is regular yoplait yogurt some in these flavors:
*vanilla (french if they have has a more yellow-y color)
*and lemon (for the white. i know i bought it for the yellow but it turned out more white than the french vanilla)

*Popsicle sticks broken in half
*and Dixie cups

i started with a small dab of lemon at the bottom of the cup.
then i put a hefty amount of orange for the middle
and finally finished it off with the french vanilla.

i think i did too much orange and not enough of the yellow the first batch...but the batch that is freezing right now has a better yellow section.

but the kids don't care. they seem to think it was pretty cool and so much better than pumpkin soup like last year.

something i did bring back from last year is the witch fingers.
every one loves witch fingers.
and it's especially funny to flip off the only other adult in the room without the kids seeing.
not that i've done that...i just think it would be funny.
have a great almost halloween!
comments closed


Amanda Joy Petersen said...

This is awesome. Because when my kids aren't using yogurt to paint all over the table and their bodies; they sometimes actually eat it:) I think you could add a little of the yellow wilton cake coloring to the yellow section, but I think these look great.

Wendy said...

How fun and what a neat idea! And no, I so couldn't imagine you using "the finger" on your spouse ;) Have a fun, happy halloween :)

Cheryl said...

candy corn yogurt is cute...and nutritional....good to see that the chaos of moving and the sea of boxes hasn't hindered your sense of humor.
Have a great weekend!

Suz said...

You are funny!Love your comment about the "adult humor"!


Dara said...

My sister made those witch fingers for my Halloween party today and she put strawberry jam in the cuticles- it looks so gross, perfect for the party.

Elisabeth said...

Vanessa- so did you post the recipe for those witch fingers last year because I'd love to make them. I like your yogurt thingies too, more kid friendly than squash soup I guess!
Here is what I did one year for Halloween dinner:
All I did was make spaghetti but serve it in an orange pepper "jackolantern"
Several years ago I got a recipe for dinner in a pumpkin. I always say I'm going to make it for Halloween but I have yet to do it! I do think I'll make some soup and your witch fingers this year though!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

LOL. I want to make the fingers, there are several people who would benefit from the flipping part.

glen in Louisisna (that is the third time I have tried to spell the state I was born and raised and live in.....sigh)

Courtney Dirks said...

Love both of those ideas. The witch fingers are priceless!

Jeannie said...

Love these! Perfect way to get my toddler to eat his yogurt with less of a mess...hopefully :)

russandkatie said...

made both things for dinner/dessert tonight along with ghost soup. It was delicious! Thanks for the ideas!

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