Wednesday, August 26, 2009

first day of school butterflies

a few days ago, my middle boy noise maker yells out to me from his room "MOM! kyle called me an idiot!" which then the third noise maker (in his 5 year old voice) yells "NO I DIDN'T!!! I CALLED YOU A STUPID IDIOT!"

these three little piggies go to school today.

surprisingly, i have mixed feelings about this.

super excited that i get 6 hours of time for me and katie, and excited that i am newly elected to community council rep for the school. but no one told me that when you are a parent you would still get the butterflies the night before the first day of school, and that you would worry about all the same things you worried about when you, yourself were going to school. only difference this time it's all about your kids:

*will the teacher like my kid?

*will the kids be nice the him? will he make friends?

*is my kid going to understand directions the first time? AND follow them?

*what about homework? they will expect more of them this year, will it be a struggle?

*will my kid be successful this year?

one thing is for sure, their dad is here this time around. and we have had wonderful blessings because of it. first off he was able to give them a father's blessing, second off he has been able to give them pep talks and help me control the banshees raise them.
he's been home from afghanistan for 6 months now(last week). and in the last 6 months our children have thrived, and we have been happy.

so yes, i'm nervous of what my kids will do while they are not under my roof for 8 hours out of the day, and yes i'm nervous for them as well. but i am also at ease that we will not have to do it alone this year.

and not to mention that my house will stay clean for 6 solid hours in a row (that's if it gets clean in the first place), and katie and i can do girly things like sew and sing strawberry shortcake songs.

and dude you guys! thanks for all the loving on my before and afters. loved reading all your comments! laughed out loud quite a few times! ;)


Tricia said...

It is funny how we feel all those same fears that we did so many years ago. Sometimes I think it's even worse, because now I feel responsible for helping my girls form as people, as students, as friends. A bit more responsibility than just yourself, don't ya' think?! ;)
I too have mixed emotions about the new school year. Ours doesn't start for 13 more days, but my kids have begun a countdown of sadness. (they named it) Nice.
Enjoy your clean house. Enjoy your girly stuff. Enjoy that 2 parent household. Yay!


Suburban Stitcher said...

so excited for you that your hubby is here this year! can't imagine what that is like, and just so stinkin' grateful for you and families like yours that sacrifice like that! {tear!} hope your banshees had a great 1st day...and that all the strawberry shortcake singing was in tune!

Trixi said...

Oh, V, you have a great house. It's a lot like our ranch syle home, so there is hope for mine when I look at your pictures.

I hope the boys have a great day of school and a great year!!

I sure do like the sound of it all being over and you are all happy now because it sure is hard when you are in the midst of it.

Sarah said...

Isn't it funny to think that your own parents felt the same way about you, that you are feeling about your own kids?! Life is amazing and God is good:) PS- your kids are super adorable

Angela Yosten said...

Awww... that is so sweet. I have one more year left before my oldest goes off to school and I think that I will too have the same worries.

Cheryl said...

Morning V!
LOL about your boys. Too cute. I was sharing your post with my daughter and she laughed as well.
Such a blessing that hubby isn't overseas this time around. It certainly does make for being a little more at ease and not being stressed out, doesn't it?
Have fun doing lots of girlie things with Katie...and don't worry if the house is clean or not. They are only little once. Enjoy that time.
Hugs to you.

Audrie said...

A friend of mine has been absolutely delighted with her free time since her kids went back to school. She said she felt a twinge of sadness that last a whole 5 seconds, then she skipped to the car LOL!

Marie said...

Yay for school! Have fun with Katie!!

Lisa Henderson said...

Oh man, I was hoping that only happened the first year you sent your first kid. That would be this year for me and Im all anxious. I bet it makes all the difference in the world having Dad home!

BTW: Im pretty sure your neighbors were glad when you moved in!

SLO Rober said...

I'm totally with you on the butterlies and the worrying. I feel it too. But... how do I get my kids signed up in your school district where they go to school for 8 hours! My kids only get 6!

dotti white said...

V...I remember well those days of worrying about my children going to school--It was a stretch for me! They'll do great and so will Katie--after all they have you for a mom! How can they go wrong?!

amylouwhosews said...

so glad you don't have to do it alone!!

and those boys are adorable!

ellsworth family said...

I am so glad you decided to post this! My thoughts to a T about my first going to kindergarten this year. One of those bittersweet moments. I would say more sweet than bitter though! Love those priesthood blessings!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said...

I hope they have a great fist day of school!! BTW I'm loving your colorful blog!!!

Jenny said...

so glad i'm not the only one to get butterflies for my kids. :)

Natalie said...

I am a teacher so I know all to well the first day of school worries. I thought once you graduated they would all go away but they will forever be instilled in us. I hope the boys have a wonderful first day.... it usually is the most fun!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

The stories of your kids are super funny. Yeah for 8 hours of non-boy time. Yeah that you and Katie get to do girly-girl stuff. Yeah that GI Joe is there to share all this with you and the kids this year. Best of luck from this school year. I can't believe he's been back 6 months - I remember your little count down on your side-bar you did last year. Enjoy them all!

Kathy said...

Your noise makers are absolutely adorable. I could just pinch their cheeks in a grandmotherly sort of way! I'm sure you and Katie will enjoy your girl time together.
BTW-what great changes you have made in your home! Awesome!

stitchinpenny said...

Wow it is great your husband is there this year to share the first day of school fun. Please thank him for serving and being a brave and wonderful part of what makes America great.

Marie said...

I like giveaways, i hope I win!! I started Blood Promise today, I have about 100 pages left.

Andi said...

That first paragraph had me completely in hysterics. That's a comment to save for the 21st birthday party, for sure!!!
Enjoy your crafty girly time!!
Andi :-)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

That sounds like something mine would say.

They started back Monday. I took the day off so I could enjoy those hours of quiet & clean house with my 5 1/2 month old. It was great! But Tuesday meant back to work :(

Vera Chwostyk said...

I want to know how you do all this- blog- raise 4 kids - without hubby around for so long? You are a super woman. My two kids go back in two weeks. One is a kindergarten and one is 1st grade. I am so nervous for all the same reasons you mentioned. I haven't even bought the school supplies yet!

Deeanna said...

You go, Supermom!!

the fireman's wife said...

Hey, I'm a teacher and guess what???? We get butterflies in the pit of our stomach the night before school starts and all morning just waiting to meet our students, wondering the whole time......will the kids like me, will their parents like me, will I be able to reach them all, will I be able to make a difference to each child this year......And so it goes. Your kids will be awesome this year at school!

girlsmama said...

When did our kids get so big? OMH. I hope that #1 has a good fit this year. I'm sure with dad home things will be smoother.

Team Clark said...

I can't believe Kyle is 5 - was it really that long ago that you were here because wasn't he just a baby?
Hope school is going well for them!

Amanda Jean said...

i had the first day of school jitters for my kids, too. i wasn't sure if that made me a good mom or pathetic. either way, i'm glad i'm not the only one who had them.

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