Sunday, February 10, 2008

48 degrees outside

And we're partying likes it's summer! My kids were thinking it WAS summer! They spent so much time outside they actually turned pink from running and riding thier bikes! I loved it! They did so well yesturday playing together that I was a little bored and started to organize my shirt drawer, military style, so everything is rolled up and in rows, it looks so pretty. Sad this is my life on a Saturday when my kids are not fighting! Normally we would be doing family stuff and working on something in the house or going somewhere, I probably need to think up a good idea for saturday traditions without Jake.
And today was officially my first time while he is deployed to go to our ward without him. It went really well! I was expecting something like every other Sunday, but they surprised me and did GREAT! Some of you have heard our horror stories of church and the boys. OH the things they do! I guess that I will share our most embarassing moment by far:
Pretty sure it was a few months ago, Katie was fussing and I had gotten up to walk with her. I guess while I was gone Jake (this is what HE says) was totally listening to the speaker, so he wasn't paying attention to the boys. Well apparently Ryan had gotten into my church bag and was rummaging through the pockets, when Jake finally clued into the kids, he saw to his horror, Ryan trying to "pop" the tampon which he had mistaken for a "firecracker popper" and was getting pretty annoyed that nothing was happening when he was pulling on the string. From my understanding, everyone around them saw it and people were turning purple trying not to bust out laughing in the middle of service.
So yes today has been so great, they are being polite to eachother, and actually sharing and when I asked Ryan what he was doing, he answered "oh just getting some toys for kyle so he can have fun in the bath" I'm starting to suspect something is up. I wonder what they are hiding or wanting?!


Anonymous said...

I love your church story. Kids can be so impossible when you are wanting them to be quiet and reverent. One time I was with Laura in Mississippi when Robert was deployed and she was leading the choir so I had Ross and Spencer for the Meeting. Spencer was great but Ross! That is another story! Ross was about two and I swear it was like wrestling with an alligator. Laura use to say he was allergic to organ music. I believe it! Another time when he was about that age, during the sacrament and he quietly and reverently got his water and proceeded to tip is head back and gargle! And very loudly I might add. I think people were laughing all the way up to the stand. Precious moments!

Jen Stewart said...

LOVE the church story! I haven't been much in the last few months and I'm actually starting to miss it...what can that mean?!?

Anonymous said...

Vanessa - that story made me laugh out loud! Hilarious... especially because I do know what it is like to have a little boy. By the way, we are all thinking of you and your family during this time and praying for Jacob's safety. I am reading your blog routinely to keep in touch and I find it so entertaining! :)

Jennifer Never said...

I love ya!! Keep your head up, and call whenever you want to chat or cry or yell or ask for something...whenever...whatever.

girlsmama said...

I'm glad they are behaving so well! Just enjoy it and hope they keep doing it. :)

Laura said...

that is a story to go down in the books!!! (especially when they bring home a girlfriend!)

Sally said...

That is hilarious! I laugh, because I understand! I'm glad they were good for you though last sunday!

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