Monday, October 17, 2011

V and Co: proper sewing summit recap

last week i felt like i was run over by a truck. phew! so my recap was pretty lame. but now i have some more steam behind me (and some stolen pictures from here and here love ya guys!) and i feel like i'm getting back on track with life...just in time to yup, do it all again, at fall quilt market...october is going to put me under i believe.
no i can put on my big girl pants and do this.
there's no looking back now.

so here's a little recap of my time at sewing summit:

first off the swag bag was amazing. the sponsors involved did a wonderful job of making it a pretty awesome loot bag. erin wanted me to take a couple more home, but i declined thinking "i'm not going to be able to fit that in!" stupid me. oh well.
only thing not pictured above is the chocolate truffles by utah truffles which btw i ate on the way up to my hotel room, yeah before i even unloaded my stuff.
don't judge. most of you know my love of chocolate and how it makes everything okay, except the waist and thighs. but some of us are willing to take that sacrifice.
anywho, it was pretty amazing to see so many women there all with the same love of sewing. this was the first day which i wasn't even there for, but more of us trickled in throughout that day and the next. it was a pretty impressive crowd
this is me actually teaching a class. notice the clenched face look. yup, pretty relaxed, i was not. but i am thinking of getting a mike for our house, so that i can get my point across to the whole house no matter where the family is trying to ignore me.

in my class we spoke about lighting and setting up shots, props, and other things. when preparing i was pretty sure i was going to blow through it in about 2 minutes. but while up there i felt like we didn't even scratch the surface on so many things. pretty funny how i really don't think of myself as an expert...yet i could talk an hour on the matter and still feel like all we did was cover the tip of the iceberg on the matter and what you needed to hear. :/
 i got to meet in person a lot of women who are just blog names or that look like writing on my computer screen one was jennifer of ellison lane quilts. thanks for the picture as well!
while not freaking out about teaching or teaching, there was the opportunity to free sew on like 100 sewing machines. notice how i'm just sitting there working on my "talking".

all was fine and dandy till little miss Leigh (to my right) brought out her grandmothers garden quilt.

they say my kids are kind of theatrical or as some would say "dramatic" i have NO idea where they get this from. must be the husband's side of the family. yup, not us colombian firecrackers. nope. pretty sure not so much. no wonder my kids have so much "personality" sorry kids.
as i was working on my "talking" my roomate finished her WIP. pretty sure she did it just to rub it in my face that i brought nothing. cause that's how amy is...vicious and all. ;)
on the last day the quilt b that amy and erin are in presented them with sewing summit quilts. pretty sure that's when it happened because by then i was a walking zombie, and i needed to find MY bed for the next two days.
i'm no spring chicken any more and it was made even MORE apparent when i apparently was so zombi-ish that i walked away from my camera as i was getting out of the car of a very nice gal i had just met who was dropping me off at the airport. really scary part was i couldn't even remember if it was in her car. i was just hoping. a few frantic phone calls and yes a few good laughs at my expense, and it made it back to iowa with a new good friend.
onto the next adventure.


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you had a busy fun time there! :) I've never been to a sew summit before but it sounds like a lot of fun. :)

amy smart said...

Oh good! A picture with us both in it! I was afraid such a thing did not exist. (and I was kicking myself for it.)

You are funny. Glad you caught up on your sleep. (I was so loopy by the end too.) Also glad your camera made it home safely.

You are a hoot.

sonia said...

You are really funny. If your children are anything like you, I cannot imagine a merrier house.
Thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

This looks like great fun! I can't wait for the next Sewing Summit! BTW, I received the Abby Bag pattern in the mail today. TY! I was so excited to read it, that I took it with me in the car. As I waited in the school parking lot, I read it cover to cover! I can't wait to stitch this up!

trish said...

So wonderful that you are caught up on your sleep and back into the swing of things. :o) It was so much fun meeting you and just loved the laughs.
I am swooning over that adorable grandma's flower garden quilt. :o) I can see why you like it so much.
Have a wonderful week.
hugs. Trish
ps. love love love Amy's quilt! :o) Next year, I am checking luggage! :o)

vivi said...

hi v
I couldnt figure out how to share the picture of you smiling, but will ask melissa to send it by email, instead of facebook
or, if you know how to pick it up from facebook, let me know, and I will try
I wish sooo much there would be something like sewing summit in buenos aires!!

Marcia W. said...

Thanks for the lovely recap and glad your trip was safe.

Jeni Baker said...

Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who ate their truffles immediately, hehe :)

Evelene S said...

You are too hilarious!

Mindy said...

That looks like so much fun! And, clenched face or not, you look fabulous teaching your stuff. :)

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

So honored to have made the recap!
I ate my chocolate as soon as I dumped out my swag bag too. :)

hydeeannsews said...

loving the "mike for the house" comment. currently on bedrest with 6 kids free to roam 4,ooo sq ft and could really use one of those myself, i think!

looks like a great time and makes me consider going next year (you taught a class on how to do your awesome photos?!!!) but come this time next year, i'll have a baby who needs to be periodically attached to me on the outside (as opposed to inside right now). so i'll just have to rely on you for fun recaps and shelve that idea for another few years.

Melissa Corry said...

May I use the photo of you teaching the class for my swag bag remake??

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