Friday, June 5, 2009

because my mom reads this sometimes

i have to add some fam stuff on the blog just so she sees that the kids are being well taken care of, fed, and amused often. sooo the husband had this last week off of work.
we decided to do a mini road trip.
the weather was perfect, the roads were not busy...most of the time....
on our way to and from the grand canyon we did encounter some cowboys and their sheep. there was a three year old helping herd them. which at that point my husband turns to our kids and says "look at that kid! bet he's going to walk like 10 miles while herding sheep! we still have to wipe some of your guy's butts. SERIOUSLY! you guys are wiping your own butts from now on!"

so we finally got the north rim, it's only 4 and half hours from the middle of nowhere.
the picture doesn't do it justice.
my legs were wobbly.
pretty sure i pooped my pants a little while watching my kids standing so close to the edge even if there was a rinky dink fence around it to keep them "safe".
but we made it all okay back home safe and sound and we even ate at a sit down restaurant where my children behaved themselves so well that someone actually commented on it.

pretty sure that.has.never.happened at a restaurant. the husband and i just stared at her not knowing what to say. i finally answered "thank you?" when she left, the husband and i stared at each other with huge grins and i finally said "ooooooh yeah, we're no longer THAT family."

wonder how long that feeling will last.


dutchcomfort said...

Wow, what a fun trip! Lovely pictures and lovely kids! What more do you want?!

Andi said...

cute kidlets!!

amylouwhosews said...

darling kids! and breathtaking canyons.

I hope we won't be THAT family sometime in the near future. Unfortunately, I'm still wiping bums too.

Wendy said...

what adorable looking kids!! My girls can all behave really well at the table now :) mind you my oldest is 23 and youngest is almost 15. I said can behave because if those sisters get a case of the giggles forget the best behavior part.

rachel griffith said...

yayyy for yall.
♥ what jake said about the wiping of butts.
that was hilarious.

glad yall have a nice dinner.
with a compliment!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Hahaha -- you guys are too funny. How could those little cherubs ever cause any trouble in public??? Thanks for the little peek of THE Grand Canyon -- I LOVE that drive to the North Rim -- only one more month and I'll be taking it myself -- yipee!

Anonymous said...

Photos never do the Grand Canyon justice. People just need to go see it for themselves to see how awesome it really is.

Your kids are cute!!

The Blue Ridge Gal

The Quilt Shoppe said...

Wow! What wonderful photos and what an incredible experience. It's not everyday you run into a gazillion sheep blocking the roadway. The kids are too sweet. My five do behave more often than not, but it's usually the 22 & 25 year olds that we have the most trouble with :)

Lisa said...

Hi I have just come across your blog through a friend. I just had to comment because as I read the part about still wiping butts I laughed out loud. My 5 yo still has a difficult time with that and his dad often asks when we will stop wiping him. So cracked me up. I also just purchased your tut on the fabric bracelet and can't wait to make one. Love them!!!!

RosaMaría said...

your kids are beautiful, hermosos!!!! great pictures!!!

Betsy said...

I am in the trenches of being THAT family....and it sucks. Can't wait till we can enjoy a nice dinner at a restaurant and not have a screaming child. The Grand Canyon looks amazing. So jealous.

Tricia said...

Hi V.
It looks like you guys had a fantastic trip. I want to see the Grand Canyon someday. In fact I really want my kids to see it more than anything. I'm sure it was amazing. By the way, of course you know but your kids are scrumptious. I know all about that feeling when someone compliments your kids like that too. "WHAT?! REALLY?! Oh, I mean of course. Thank you." ;)
Have a fantastic weekend!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Super cute bunch of kiddos. Glad you got time away with them and the hubs. Have a great summer! Jenn

Vera said...

You truly have beautiful children.

David Pistorius said...

y'all are so funny! Glad you were able to go on a family vacation. We are going to do some fun things driving up to Milwaukee in a few weeks for our move. Can't wait for the fun but dread the driving with the newborn! love Kyle's hair in that picture by the way - your kids are adorable! :)

Kinsey Pistorius said...

oops, that was me - Kinsey :)

mom2three said...

I'm so totally "that" family... I won't even take them to restaurants! Not for the bad behavior, but because they are so picky I have to pack lunchboxes for them and then everyone stares at me like "WHY is she not allowing her kids to buy the meal here?" Usually sometime in there the bad behavior kicks in, and then I'm really done.

Oh, and I can't quite manage to potty train #3, so I'm also wiping butts....

Looks like you had a great week off- hope this is a preview of a great summer for your family!

Anonymous said...

LOL - that's brilliant! You know, you can praise the little guys, but all the credit goes to you, the parents, for raising such well-behaved children!

Jessica Munk said...

Cute kids!

michele said...

V--LMAO over what hubby said about the butt-wiping. and i *love* when i get a compliment like that about my kids--*almost* makes up for the other 90% of the time they are little heathens.....LOL....

Busy Little Quilter said...

So, did you give your kids extra tokens for someone saying such a nice comment about them? :) It does feel good when people are nice enough to come to your table and say such nice comments about your family. They are so adorable!

I was hoping you would shoot pictures of your trip. The Grand Canyon is beautiful, and I love the photo of the herd of sheep.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Oh, the memories you are making!

Gayle said...

The North Rim is SO much better than the south! Less crowded and cooler! Looks like you had a marvelous time. We took my mom with us about 5 years ago and she was so excited to finally see it at 75!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Sounds like a Grand time...get it. I am so funny! We have never been, looks beautiful.

Cute pic of the family.

dotti white said...

Beautiful pix of the grand canyon and, as always, your humor breaks some smiles out! Your children are beautiful! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful pic's and some of your fun experiences! I believe Families who play together stay together:)

marlene@ByTheSeam said...

What beautiful children! Love your hubbys comment about the little 3 year old and the sheep but I am sure it isn't that bad at home. LOL

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

I love the pic of the sheep!

Tara said...

I can't wait to not be that family! or that group of friends with THOSE kids!

Anonymous said...

Did you hike into the canyon? Remember that Brady Bunch episode? My favorite. I'm glad you guys had's so beautiful.

P.S. I love your button. Putting it on my blog.

QuiltNut Creations said...

looks like a fabulous day!

and as a mom to 4 as well(all boys lol) i remember the first time someone said that to us in a restaurant and dh and i cracked up laughing after

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Your kids are adorable!!!!

Amy said...

Awesome pics! How do you make them so big in each post?

Terri said...

Hahaha! I still remember hearing "I need my butt wiped!" (at the top of the butt owner's lungs, naturally!) from the bathroom when company was visiting. Thanks for a very very amusing post!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I enjoyed reading your blog today.
I love all the new blogs
I have found. Quite a unique group.
I love making new blogging friends..
I have several Disney posts already on my blog and have several more to post. Hope you will stop by for a visit.

Sandy said...

I have been thinking that the Grand Canyon would be a great place to visit...totally not thinking about the HEIGHTS factor. We took our kids to CA the past few weeks and I wouldn't let my kids near any balcony rails, ship decks, etc. - at one point my husband was like, "That's right kids, Mom said no having fun." So maybe the Grand Canyon wouldn't be so great...

I'm still laughing about the sheep herding/wiping episode - I guess Jake's brand of counseling would be in the "reality therapy" department? HAHA!

Four of a Kind said...

great picture of the kids. nate and ryan are really looking alike these days.

Sachiko said...

Wow! They look so grown up! I have never been to the Grand Cannyon and I would love to go there someday. I guess my fear is that my wild rambunctious kiddies will fall off the cliff or something. I am glad that you guys had an awesome time as a fam.

Andrea said...

Loved these pictures! Your kids are so cute!
Our three (now grown) were always shocked by other kids behaving badly in public. They would always look at each other, and then their father and I, with this expression like "can you believe how that kid is acting???"...we got comments all the time about how well behaved they were.
I'd say it was the good parenting (ahem) but in reality, I think we just got lucky and got some really good kids ;-)

CountessLaurie said...

oh my heck, what a great post. you had me laughing out loud. my coworkers now think i am nuts. thanks for sharing!

CountessLaurie said...

oh my heck, what a great post. you had me laughing out loud. my coworkers now think i am nuts. thanks for sharing!

Laurie said...

oh my heck, what a great post. you had me laughing out loud. my coworkers now think i am nuts. thanks for sharing!

Amanda Jean said...

love your picture of the grand canyon. it's pretty impressive, isn't it?? sad thing is, i can't look at a photo of it without thinking of the movie vacation. (thanks to my husband.)

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