Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts: An A-to-Z Guide with Detailed Instructions and Endless Inspiration
i nearly peed my pants when i saw it.
i just bought a few books so i can't just go out and buy this one. BUT my friend who everyone thinks we're related because we kind of look alike bought it...so i've already got first dibs on borrowing her book while i muscle up a little more money to get my own!
i just bought a few books so i can't just go out and buy this one. BUT my friend who everyone thinks we're related because we kind of look alike bought it...so i've already got first dibs on borrowing her book while i muscle up a little more money to get my own!
That is such a cute shirt. Great job!
Oh, my, to think I remember when patterns WERE just $1.00 !! I only buy them now when JoAnn's has their great sales, otherwise, who'd really pay 16.99 for a pattern ?? The top is adorable ... would look cute layered until the weather warms up.
I'm sure that's how short we used to where our dresses.....Oops! What am I saying. Even our school uniforms were short but we wore shorts underneath.
Sweet fabric for a little girl.
The Blue Ridge Gal
I busted out laughing at this post! Please don't have any accidents in the book store!
What a gorgeous top. I love finding patterns at the op shop.
Very cute! I just start sewing, so this peaked my interest. I need to learn more!
It does seem like our dresses used to be tiny little things. Fashionable at the time I suppose.
haha you said hussy.
the shirt is SUPER cute.
and miss katie...too cute for words!!!
oh oh oh i saw this book last night online and i about died. i so totally need it too.
maybe for mother's day...*fingers crossed*
That top is precious. You could make the short dress and add leggings underneath. I can't believe they made little girls wear dresses so short. You probobly saw their unmentionables all day long!
that's what I was thinking, the "hussy" length would be darling with a pair of capri leggings underneath. The top is adorable. & the sweet girl inside it too!
Such a cute shirt!
Love the pattern! The fabric is adorable and even better that it is left-over from a quilt!
Super super cute - love the fabric!
Very sweet shirt--don't you know hussy length skirts are all the rage now? She's young enough to get away with some contrasting "bloomers"
I want that shirt! That is adorable!
Love it! What is your secret to getting so much done? Your daughter is adorable. Embrace this time. I am taking my one and only (son) on a college visit tomorrow.
Too sweet :) Love the American Jane fabric too - one of my favorites.
Your daughter looks so sweet in her new outfit.
I want one of those shirts for ME! It's SO cute!!!
I checked out the Martha book last night at Barnes & Noble..... it is a must have. Your daughter is too cute! I wish I could sew like that. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing.
Cute top and the fabric is perfect. No, I didn't know about Martha's new book. It looks great. Be sure and give us a review after you spend time with it.
I can't believe we used to wear our dresses that short. But, oh we did. I like what you did with it sooo much better. I have got to check out that book. Love your blog it is so creative and gives a beginner (at sewing) hope.
So cute! I really need a girl to sew for!
I love the "vintage" pattern, do know how many of those "vintage" patterns my mother has and will not get rid of them! I swear they've been passed a couple generations:)
That is a really cute shirt and I love the fabric. Just adorable.
Stop making such cute/awesome stuff! Just stop it right now! You're making my wallet hurt!
That shirt is awesome! Love it!
The little shirt is so appealing, and your model is, too. That material seems like it was made for her!
The top is so adorable. I love the material.
Love the shirt! I so need a little girl to dress! My little guy doesn't seem to get into the cute clothes! UGH! Love it!
Love the shirt! I so need a little girl to dress! My little guy doesn't seem to get into the cute clothes! UGH! Love it!
love the shirt! I want that Martha book too
LOL. I just found some pics of me in dresses like this "hussy" one! You know with a lot of them we wore cute little matching bottoms. Kinda like underwear but not. LOL. I feel old. Cute pattern though. I love how the top turned out. ooxx`jod
The blouse turned out so cute. What a sweet little one you have.
Gosh that vintage pattern brings back memories.
gosh thats cute!
ive seen that book but havent got to look at it. sure would like to though!
I love the shirt! Very cute!
Maybe there was suppose to be bloomers underneath? But I love the shirt style and the fabric. In fact if it came in my size I would wear it. Of course I say that about most clothes in the little girls department.
I JUST bought that pattern at goodwill on Sunday. How funny. I just loved the way the dress looked, but now I think I'll start with that shirt. Thanks!
That shirt is adorable!!!
You crack me up. Great post. Beautiful top.
dude...getting to the bottom of this list of comments is like descending everest! ha ha ha ha ha!!
love that cute little shirt...little one looks so sweet in that color. what books did you buy? did you buy the posie gets cosy lady's book? i want to know what that one is like because it's on my list and i noticed it's on yours as well.
that shirt is the absolute cutest! love it.
The blouse turned out so cute. Love it. I remember that pattern when my girls were little. Only it wasn't vintage then. Sigh. Mimi
The shirt is adorable, I love it.
It makes me want to try and sew something for my little (ok, she's 7) girl!
I love love love that wee play fabric. Its so cute in green, perfect for a little shirt! I want to make myself that shirt, or a little hussy dress. Either one works, except not for church. :) Very cute!
Hussy? No Leggings!!
wow that looks great
Darling top! Those dresses are shockingly short, though!!! My mom saved a couple of my baby dresses and I wanted my daughter to wear them, but when I put them on her I couldn't believe how SHORT they were. What was she thinking? HU-SSY, indeed!
Amazingly I threw out all my vintage patterns about two years ago. I decided I'd never make them again. Who knew someone else would? Silly me.
That is the sweetest little shirt I think I've ever seen. Nice work!
That is so cute!! I got a book from a thrift shop that had patterns in it and they were hussy style, too!! I think that's just how they rolled back then.
Very cute top. It takes me back to the days when my mom made all my clothes and when I started to sew for myself. I have shifted from clothing to crafts in my sewing but this has inspired me to make some summery tops again!
Adorable shirt!!!
LOVE that dress. that fabric is wonderful!!
I am sooo inspired by your beautiful projects and craftiness!! If I could sew, that top is exactly what I'd make for my little girls - it's darling!
~ Mara
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