camille from simplify thought it was real sad that i didn't have a quilt store or *gasp* a target near me. (3 hours away people!)
so she thought it would be a good idea to have me over and let me get my fix of a big city. well, that will teach her...
but we did shop and sew, and drink a lot of dr. pepper (diet does taste the same as the real stuff i don't care what YOU say!) ;)
look at how small her meal is compared to mine...i guess that's what tall lanky model body girls eat as appose to short little midget hispanic girls with curves like me eat...i'm not shy about my food eating habits...so it seems.
yes, i got to see THE chair in person...even got to sit in it while we cackled like old women. of course she got all the shots of me in the chair on her camera!...but no way no how am i going to bug her right before market to send me pictures of me in her chair. her new fabric line came today in the mail....thanks camille for sending over!

but we did shop and sew, and drink a lot of dr. pepper (diet does taste the same as the real stuff i don't care what YOU say!) ;)

SO MAD IT DIDN'T get there while i was there so i could pet it in person.
i guess i'll just have to wait till it comes to the quilt stores to get my fix!
seriously camille thanks for giving my family to have the opportunity to miss me.
seriously camille thanks for giving my family to have the opportunity to miss me.
about that...
the family survived without me.
actually, when i walked in through the door the house was clean and the husband had dinner almost ready. the kids were all setting the table. the kids saw me and ran to me, hugged said their i missed you's and then i just stared and said "wow, the house looks great."
his answer was "yeah the floors have been swept and i vacumed. all the laundry is done as well. i think i would make a really good housewife."
yes, indeed he would.
so much that i think i'll be very happy and confident to do my little weekend trips more often.
that'll teach him for trying to upstage me and my housewife-ness.
uh so arizona???
i must ask, why DO you live in such a small town anyway? it doesn't seem by choice or is it. i think it's great for young kids.
You must have had soo much fun! I would love to hear more...two super creative people together for a whole weekend...wow!
So glad you had a wonderful time!!!! Staying up late, eating all you want and non stop laughing is the only way to go.....
P.S. sounds like you have a wonderful Husband...
What a blast!!!! Sigh..... I understand your small town life.. Target is 2 hrs from me.. Sniff.....
i didn't know you didn't have a target near you in any way, shape or form.
you poor thing.
i'm SO glad yall had a blast!!!
SUPER cute pic of yall!!!
you saw THE chair.
you sat in THE chair.
i'm not gonna lie, SUPER jealous here. hahaha.
haha he tried to upstage you & your housewife-ness...aaaahhhhh.
{SUPER sweetness though to come home to seeing everyone chipping in for mom. be still my heart. lol.{
sounds like great fun to me!
I got to have bloggy-friend fun this weekend too!
I must say, though, that my husband makes a great farmer, but housewife he could never be :) My mom watched my girls and my house was just like when I left ~ at least it wasn't worse!
Weekends away are always fun! AND should be done way more often!
Clean houses are always nice especially when you don't have to do it. Good men are hard to come by!
What a great time. I too am not shy about eating...I like food WAY too much. So much that I can only go for the normal Dr. Pepper. Looks like a great time and how thoughtful of hubby.
How exciting! It sounds like you had a wonderful time! So... when are you coming to Texas? :)
I'm so glad you had a chance to get away V. Springtime is perfect for a little breather from our everyday, no matter how much we love our family.
I'm happy to hear that the family "survived" in your absence too.
My husband tends to overachieve when I'm gone. Then he's sooo proud of himself when I get home. I'm thinking more than a couple days, though and he'd be ready to go back to the paying job.
Tee hee!
P.S. I LOVE my Target too and we just got the one closest to us
(35 min.) about a year ago.
Have a happy day!
I read both of your blogs every day- I'm so jealous! I wish that you would've invited all your readers too :) Can't wait to see what creative things you make with the new line of fabric!
I've had so much fun getting to meet my blogging friend IRL. What great girl time, and I have no portion control issues either. :)
So glad you had fun visiting Camille. Girl getaways sometimes are just that little bit of something that we need to recharge ourselves.
As for your hubby, I am sure you are kidding about the upstaging, but I am sure he just wanted you to come home to peacefulness and not worry about doing anything.
LOL, I have done little trips like you before and my hubby was equally as "wifey" for lack of a better word. What a blessing to have hubby's that love us. : )
You two are adorable! I'm glad you had a great time.
My husband could deffinitely survive without me when it comes to housework and cooking. He does make a better housewife than me. I'll admit it.
I'm going to Paducah this week to the American Quilters Society Quilt Show. It's two hours away, so I'll just go down for the day (get home really late) with my friends. I'm excited to see all of the new fabric lines at Hancocks of Paducah. The Moda section is the first place I visit.
It is funny that you live 3 hours away from a Target, and here I am in Winnipeg, Canada, and live only 2 hours away from the nearest Target!
You could come visit Target, and me on the way! Did you know they are building one here where I live! By the golf course. It's supposed to be done by next year. That will be a whole 15 minutes closer. :)
Ooooh, what a fabulous time!
Good company, Cafe Rio, Target, and Diet Dr pepper... What could be better!
How fun! The two of you are my favorite sources of internet craft inspiration! Your lunch looks AWESOME, and my nearest Target, craft store, etc. is also 3 hours away, so I totally feel your pain!! But I got you beat - any WalMart is 2 hours in every direction from my house:)
If you want to get away again, come visit me. I live minutes away from Pine Needles and I have 2 targets within a mile from my home! But sorry, I have no cute red chair.
Sounds like you had a great weekend. I love that chair, red is my color at the moment.
us next girlie! looks like you had so much fun!!!
So glad you had a good time! There's nothing like getting away for a little me time that makes coming home so much better! I love how hard our husbands try for us! I think it's a wonderful way for them to show thay care!
What a fun trip! I always feel "showed up" when I come home from a trip and Tom has EVERYTHING perfect! :)
I'm so jealous, but happy for you that you got a girls timeout and with Camille. You two are my top inspiring bloggers. Can't wait to see what you two creative girls made.
I am super jealous...I want a weekend away with you. We need to get the old pals together. You look super cute in the pic. love ya
Not only have you made me jealous of all the fun girlie time ( I am only up at 4 in the am to feed a baby...there is definitely no laughing involved...mostly tears), but you have given me another person to blog stalk! Like I have the time to stalk ya both and then pine that I could do all those cute projects! I am glad you had a blast!
ha ha ha... you DO mean 12 year old boy, right? we discussed this. ;-) Man, it is so lonely over here these days. SOON, we will definitely do that again SOON. And seriously, WAY too much fun!
And also, the picture of you on the chair, sending it right now... remember when I used to actually be on top of things?? Not so much anymore. *sigh*
Also, you rock. :-)
Oh, and one more also- that was supposed to be a thumbs up, right? LOVELY. On the bright side, I may have a future as a hitchhiker.
Wow - my Target is only 5 minutes away. I need to stop taking it for granted!!
Looks like fun!
I'm salivating over your Cafe Rio food. They don't have those here, or anything like them, so I ALWAYS eat there when we go to Utah. Can't wait to see what wonderful projects you have coming up. I'm living vicariously through you since I don't have time to "create" right now with a toddler and newborn. Keep the inspiration coming!
Not to brag, but in my town I have the Red Dot Boutique, 2 Wal-marts, and 2 quilt shops. Both quilt shops are within walking distance of my house. Would you like to visit me next?
Loooove the red chair! Nice hubby!
Found your blog thanks to Camille and I love it! I too am adding white to my house - it's so refreshing. Love the pics of the weekend - looks like you had some good clean fun (or are there things you are not blogging about...hmmmmm.....).
Thanks for the inspiration and diet Dr. Pepper is fab - it's my favorite!
V~ You look so cute! As always...What a wonderful husband you have..We totally should get all the gals to gether and get away. I am so up for it!
I'm glad you got a chance to get out for a weekend of fun. If anyone deserved it...it was you! And on the home front, I'm glad your GIJoe got a chance to hold down the fort for a while! xoxo
The picture(s) of you and Camille tell it all--so much fun! There's not a lot better than sharing time together with a great friend who has something as special as creativity in common! Thanks for sharing!
Alright, I can admit I'm a little jealous that you got to sit in THE chair...but I'm really just jealous that two of my favorite-est bloggers actually got to see each other in real life! Oh, I can dream... :)
that looks like so. much. fun. and what a great husband!!!
You two are adorable and looks like you had so much fun! I wish I'd been at Cafe Rio with you. mmmmmm. I live on the wrong coast to get near that stuff - I have to lamely replicate it in my crockpot - although, I do have the creamy dressing down.
Getting away is so refreshing! even without any sleep.
look at you in THE chair!!!
i bet you wanted to throw it in your suitcase, right?!?!
Friend. Fabric. Food. Fun. Farget (sorry Target, I had to). What a magical weekend!
When I was in Phoenix a few weeks ago, we went to a Super Target. I must have looked like I was transported from another time, like 1876... I was in such awe all I could do was just stand and stare.
Give me a break, you are the total skinny girl who looks like you having been lifting weights forever. I on the other hand, can do everything and still have not definition or calves to be seen. I am so in to meeting in Vegas. If you're serious I might have rewards that could go toward a hotel. Lets email everyone.
So glad that you had an awesome time! Isn't crazy how husbands can't multi-task with most things, but when it comes to housework and cleaning, they are AMAZING! Sometimes I just look at my home and think: there is no way I am going to get everything done OR where do I even start?
For him...well, he can do it all...and in a MUCH shorter time.
And I am LOVING the red chair!
there is something about you and "sleep-overs" and NO sleeping!!!! i'm so jealous! it looks like you had a blast. we'll have to do it again sometime... even though i'm sure we aren't as cool as camille.
Cn I have that sofa, pleaseeeeee???
It's just gorgeous!
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