Tuesday, August 10, 2010

adding color and dying men

i can't believe we're rounding out summer.
i'm so not ready to welcome fall.
please don't make me do it.
sigh...fine...i'll do it but not now.
right now lets talk about our garden...
our garden (despite my earlier attempt to kill it) has made a bit of a comeback. sooo happy because i don't know how i would of been able to handle years on end of talk about how i managed to kill everything the husband had worked so hard for so many months blah de be blah blah...yeah...
but for the husband and my sake i'm so happy we are able to actually reap some stuff he planted. this year we broadened our horizons and tried other things other than just zucchini and peas. this time we added some color! with tomatoes (still not pictured because they refuse to grow faster.) and carrots which i totally pulled out way too early but who cares cause look!... WE MADE A CARROT!

and radishes which my 8 year old actually brought home from scout camp and is apparently taking after the ol man of the house because they both go out there and sit and stare at the garden like they can see or hear it grow.
my 10 year old and i just look at them like they are nuts while we ride bikes get tired of that and then jump on the trampoline and get tired of that then we go inside and then we come back outside just to find those two still sitting there staring.

but the most exciting thing about our garden this year is that we finally got some heads lettuce. i totally doubted the husband because i kept seeing a ton of lettuce leaves and was like "we should start picking it and eating it."
and he was like "no, there's suppose to be a "head of lettuce" by the time we pick it.
i kept staring at it thinking "i think you are wrong...there's no way there's a round head of lettuce going to come out of all that leaf-age."
and then he would reply "did you just say leaf-age? and you are totally smoking crack, there will be a head of lettuce at least that's what the package said just be patient."
and then i was all "you are smoking crack...and since when has our life EVER been just like the package said?"
he was like "good point...but i'm sure on the lettuce."

and sure enough we have heads of lettuce growing...who knew?
somebody needs to tell heads of lettuce that they waste a lot of leaf-age though. seriously. look at all the extra fluff.

anywho. meet our new neighbors. no their not ours...we've loaned out our pasture to some nice people...who have a lot of sheep... and these said sheep look like they are wearing turtlenecks and should be on their way to a coffee house to take a break from their school studies. it makes me giggle every time.

and coincidentally... did you know that these said sheep sound a lot like dying old men? not that i have a lot of experience with that sound...but that's what i've decided they sound like... especially when they are right outside your bedroom window and you and the husband are trying to be romantic...not the best sound to hear.
i'm just sayin.

we'll talk soon...
i'm writing a post about schedules and another post on glass etching.
oooh maybe i am getting in the fall mood.
nope not just yet, cause i'll get to it when we get back from the pool.


Anonymous said...

Romance and sheep that sound like dying old men-ROFLMAO
Anyway congrats on getting some color from your garden

Four Flights said...

congrats on the garden bounty :) We've been watching our little garden grow quite nicely as well and I just wrote a post about it. I find that lettuce is just about the easiest thing to grow, although I live in Southern California so maybe it's just our sun and soil ;)

trish said...

Wow! Would you look at that lettuce! Very nice! :o) Our garden sort of tanked this year. We are still newbys at it. We do have a bunch of green beans in the freezer though. :o) So we can at least build our confidence in that area ... ha ha ha. Plus our son took ag this year!! Yay! He will be learning all about this sort of thing, and bring his knowledge home to us city folk who some how thought it would be fun to move to the country!! :o) Which we love by the way.
Your sheep friend is adorable!! Our neighbors down the road just got 2 horses and it has been so fun to see them next to our yard. :o)
Do you still have cows near by you? I still laugh about your story. :o)
I hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing your garden!! Your hard work is paying off, you will have some great salads! :o) Nothing beats fresh veggies.
Sincerely ~ Trish

Unknown said...

you seriously crack me up, I read daily, but rarely comment, love, love your blog

christina said...

i love seeing others post about their gardens. i can't stop posting about mine. i love gardening! we have been canning and freezing all of our goodies!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Um, I have grown lettuce for three years and have NEVER waited for a head. Ooops. I guess I should have shown some patience. Want to know the truth? I just figured they were only supposed to be leaves. Yeah, I am lame and not that smart.

Now I know what to do for next year!

Thimbleanna said...

Oooh, nice produce! My Grandpa (who lived in Manti) used to be the carrot king. He had a teeny little garden of everything and a big huge garden of just carrots. Row after row and they were all beautiful. The secret, he said was to till in some sand with the dirt. Just in case you need to know LOL.

tomiannie said...

Hee hee hee -- you crack me up!

Mama G @ bigcraftyblog.blogspot.com said...

If you still haven't got many tomatoes by the time the cold weather comes you can put a hay bale on each side to insulate it. Then you can put an old window on top to keep it warm in there...like a little greenhouse. Just take the window off the top if it gets warm out again so you don't fry the plant.

Cheryl said...

your posts make me smile when you talk of everyday life and the everyday conversations you have with your family....LOL about are you smoking crack. too funny. And the sheep is lovely. Looks like it's ready to be sheared. I gotta say I would just crack up laughing if those things were outside my window making weird noises when the hubby and I were being romantic.
Have a great day and enjoy your bounty.

pamela said...

We are sooo ready for Fall here way too hot and sooo humid. Love your post it cracked me up. My grandparents used to raise sheep and yes they do sound like that!!! Not very romantic I must say. Keep on having fun with the garden...

Tracey Jacobsen said...

thank you for the laugh!

Our tomatoes won't turn red either... or so I thought... I went out last week in the morning, and watched a squirrel proudly carrying off one of our red tomatoes! No wonder I wasn't getting any!

grrr... the hubs has since waged war on the squirrels.

Rachel said...

we have a whole row of carrots too, and I just can't seem to let them be. Every time I'm in the garden I dig a few up just to see how they're doing! (and the kids love it!)

onlymehere said...

I'm so excited for fall to get here! Last night was so nice and I woke up to a crisp chill in the air! Love it! I love the colors of fall too and find that I like to sew with those colors and decorate with them the most! Life would be perfect if we could have spring and fall and get rid of the other two seasons, lol! At least for me anyway. Way to go on the head of lettuce too! Maybe your new neighbors can muzzle the sheep at night, lol! Okay, so maybe you'll have to just turn on some romantic music to drown them out!

girlsmama said...

Maybe it's a bad year for tomatoes. Ours our struggling too. It may have something to do with my dog and the deer eating them, but I'm pretending it doesn't. The sheep...hehehe.

dana said...

mmmm. your veggies are gorgeous!

Dogwood said...

those are by far the "bestest looking" veggies i have ever seen. i bet they are the yummiest too.
summer is coming to an end but i do love fall and we usually get some good hot days in the fall before the cooler days and evenings begin. dogwood

Dogwood said...

those are by far the "bestest looking" veggies i have ever seen. i bet they are the yummiest too.
summer is coming to an end but i do love fall and we usually get some good hot days in the fall before the cooler days and evenings begin. dogwood

CitricSugar said...

Just turn up the Barry White to drown out the sheep!! LOL

Love the title of this post - I read it and thought you had dipped your menfolk into some sort of dye-bath to add colour!

PS - yay for making carrots. :-)

mamaTAVE said...

What a beautiful sheep! And head of lettuce!
I am looking forward to the schedule post. I tend to work better with a rhythm, and I've lost mine somewhere...

Tamra said...

I purposely take the outside leaves of lettuce as they grow and don't wait for it to have a head. Whenever we make salad I just grab the outside leaves of a few plants. We eat off them for more than a month that way. Your veggies look awesome though. i've just got some lettuce and one tomato planted. gonna get some sweet corn seedlings though. love fresh from the garden veggies.

Holly said...

I have to tell you, my favorite way to eat radishes is roasted. You might want to try it. They turn kinda sweet. Just roast them like you would other root veggies, tossed in olive oil and seasonings. Yummy.
A friend told me this when I had tons of them and could only eat so many in a salad.

Unknown said...

we ate our lettuce as it grew, eating from the outside...then it would grow more and we'd eat the outside leaves...etc. it just keeps comin' and comin' so you're both right!

Little Chicks Info said...

OK V...my favorite posts are the ones about your "farm life", especially the sheep that jumps on the tramp so I loved Aug 10th's post! Love hearing the real life stuff..congrats on the garden, mine sucks, only tomatoes got planted and they've still yet to produce much..the weeds though, they've done amazing this year...sheesh!

Little Chicks Info said...

OK V...my favorite posts are the ones about your "farm life", especially the sheep that jumps on the tramp so I loved Aug 10th's post! Love hearing the real life stuff..congrats on the garden, mine sucks, only tomatoes got planted and they've still yet to produce much..the weeds though, they've done amazing this year...sheesh!

Dee said...

Congrats on getting color out of your garden. Your lettuce looks really good. I will have to try to grow lettuce in my garden next year. The sheep is the best part of your blog.

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