Saturday, October 31, 2009

mini tutorial: sure way to make your children cry

1.) make pumpkin soup
2.) tell your children they have to at least take three bites
3.)sit back and watch in amusement as they "try" to take three bites, and watch the tears fly with comments like "i caaaaaaan't!!!!" and "but it looks like, like, like...i DONT KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"

in other news:
i REALLY enjoyed the pumpkin soup.
mr v and co has been out and in bed with something nasty.
and we got good weather.
so i guess pumpkin pie works in regards to warding off ghost turds as well as cookies do. (to understand read comments on prior post)


Deb Robertson Writes said...

Funny! Did you know it also works for Quiche, Lasanga a vegetable soup!!

Camille said...

Great tutorial! In my house, you can insert any food that isn't peanut butter sandwiches or candy where you put "pumpkin soup" and the result is the same.

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Sounds like what happens when we pull the broccoli out at my house. :)

lisa said...

we are going through a pumpkin obsession in my house, the three year old is fascinated by the fact that her favorite decorations are also food....but that would work for other things, fish, new fruits (we like veggis...I will never understand this child) or anything brown

Ashli said...

Funny! I got the same reaction out of mummy heads (english muffin pizzas) and bloody fingers (hot dogs). I think they must have just been way too excited for C.A.N.D.Y.

an encourager said...

That reminds me of when I spent the night at my Grandma's and she tried to force me eat asparagus. It tasted like something out of a baby's diaper! I resisted, despite all her threats, and guess what? My taste buds have grew up and fell in love with it, especially roasted with olive oil, freshly ground black pepper and parmesan. Yum!

Bonnie said...

This is just so funny to me. Kids will never eat on Halloween. It just doesn't work for them and it never has. One day to pass on dinner is not so bad really. Good try though and great tutorial. Love you, V!

Kari Sweeten said...

Cute costumes!

Mindy said...

Next time you're going to have to name it something else... I have a son who refuses to eat enchiladas, but will eat "mexican surprise wraps" without a complaint. Go figure! ;)

Love the picture, by the way!

Anonymous said...

You make me smile.

Audrie said...

LOL that was hilarious!

mommyof2 said...

Sounds like when I bring out any NEW food at my house LOL, the dirty looks, the whining about how gross it is, the gagging HAHA!

CitricSugar said...

You have my sympathies and giggles. No one ever wants to fill up on soup when there will be candy later. It's the natural state of the universe on Hallowe'en. Points for trying something new, though. Big points.

Unknown said...

Well, that's easy. I might try that with my students!

Unknown said...

Just too funny! Hope Mr. V and co. feels better soon.

amylouwhosews said...

very very funny!

My daughter's comment this morning (after she woke up early due to the time change - why don't they get the memo!?) and eating candy for breakfast: "Mommy, candy is delicious!" Can't really argue with that.

Lewaina@cliffsideranch said...

yeah, i've made pumpkin soup before! lol
sorry about your mr. hope he gets feeling better sooner than not.
we also had good weather. wahoo! no one had to wear a coat and gloves underneath their costumes!
we had a great evening last night!, on to christmas stuffs huh! :-)

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State said...

Im pretty sure that's the same reaction I would get!

Love the costumes. I tried to convince my son to be a Star Wars character (he loves Star Wars) but he wouldnt go for it.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Hey, sorry the soup thing didn't work out...Oh, I guess that's why I waited till my son was 15 before I tried it! I bet pea soup would really go over great! Haha...
Glad the rest of the day went well!

dana said...

hahaha! love it.
funny thing husband would prob be chanting right along with the kids. Oh well. At least Mrs. V and Co enjoyed it! That's all that really matters (and why I despisesd my mom for cooking with mushrooms when I was a kid. She loved them. I hated them).
GREAT halloween pic. Love the storm troopers!

Victoria said...

Oh you mean, mean Mommy, making those sweet guys/gal eat Pumpkin soup. :)

I laughed out loud at your cow post! My Dad has cows and I hate how they will stand and stare at me! Freaks me out. ;)

Elisabeth said...

Vanessa- this is funny and all of us moms can relate- you try your darndest to do something special and festive for your family and they don't appreciate it. So, I am actually commenting on Monday's post but I couldn't see a comment thingy for that. anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm pretty sure I could spot one of your projects a mile away, and I'm pretty sure I know which one is yours! We'll see if I'm right. This thing looks fun, but I'm not really seeing what the point is- as in, what's in it for you? Do you win something if you get the most votes or something like that? Not that there's anything wrong with it but I'm just wondering why you would want to sign up for more stress, esp at holiday time! (I can't believe it's almost holiday time) Anyway, like I said I think I know which one is yours and I voted for it, but don't feel badly if you don't win or anything, I always love your projects and tons of other people do too! Oh, and also, I'd love it if you photographed my quilt, I always love the way you photograph stuff, you are in such a beautiful setting!


Deeanna said...

Oh, I love your troop of storm troopers!! Looks like they are great protectors for the princess. So cute! Mel was Darth Maul...she would've loved seeing your boys in their costumes!! Long live Star Wars!

Anonymous said...

Oh, this totally made me laugh! Loving those costumes!!

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations on the new big adventure. I will be looking forward to following what all the crafty folks are doing.

IHeartQuilting said...

Hilarious! The rule in our house is, you can't say you don't like it if you won't taste it.

Tasha said...

That is one awesome tutorial! I am glad you got to enjoy the pumpkin soup even if they didn't. There costumes were AWESOME!! Love them!!

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