Thursday, April 7, 2011

just sewed through my finger

oh. my.h-e double hockey sticks.
okay it wasn't through the whole finger...but it went through half way and i pulled real quick when it happened so the needle broke in my finger but not before it tore my fingernail. i literally had to pull the needle through from under the nail and then un-thread my finger! yikes.
so the tutorial i was working on is going to have to wait. it's turning out cute though. now to nurse my finger with some chocolate.
we'll talk soon.


Deanna said...

oh, you poor thing!!! I'm so sorry!!! I've had to pull a needle through for a student...nasty, nasty, nasty. ♥ Hope the chocolate helps heal real quick!

Hashi said...

ow ow ow. I've done that!

Lindsay @ said...

Ouch!! Oh my goodness! I sewed through my finger tip once but not the nail. Hope it heals quickly and well!

Michelle {Daydream Believers} said...

oh my goodness! ouch ouch ouch! :( I have chills just thinking about it! Sounds to me like you'll be needing lots of chocolate! ;)

Unknown said...

oh, i just got the shivers...yikes!!! hope it isn't too painful for very long.

Audrie said...

Oh nooooo! I'm cringing over here just thinking about it! Hope your finger feels better soon. Poor thing :/

Linz said...

Oh, no! I've done that! NOT. FUN!! Hope your finger feels better soon!!

Megan said...

ouch! i haven't done that but I have stapled my finger once or twice! probably the same kind of pain!

Brian said...

Been there, done that. I hope your finger stops throbbing soon. I am excited to see your new tutorial.

Unknown said...

Owwww... my friend did the same thing. You might want to get it checked so you avoid infection. Also, the Dr. might ask about your tetanus shot.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

woah... just threw up a little bit reading this post. Ouch. So sorry. I hope you have some incredible chocolate at your disposal.

Cascade Quilts said...

I haven't done that, but my mom did once when I was a teenager. I have had some close calls though (enough to warrant me keeping my fingers habitually FAR away from the needle!). Hope it heals quickly!

Unknown said...

Oh my GOODNESS I am SO sorry! I hope it gets feeling better. I always worry about doing that when I get in the sewing zone and am not paying as much attention to what I am doing.
Feel better.

JustPam said...

I just sewed through my finger last week. I just hit the fleshy part nest to the nail. It is still sore a week later. Yours must really be hurting. I hope it heals quickly!

Unknown said...

OOOOHHHHHHH M'Gosh! Owie Owie Owie! That and slicing a finger off with my rotary blade are my two biggest fears. This is dangerous business this sewing!
Hope the chocolate therapy works its magic quickly!

Emily said...

Vanessa. I literally feel sick. I'm probably white as a sheet right now. I hope you are feeling OK.

Candice @ Made With Love said...

Oh my! I sure hope you're recovering well! I once cut off the side of the tip of my finger (hopefully that makes sense) with my rotary blade- NOT GOOD!!!

Missy said...

Ouch, sorry to hear that. I hope it mends quickly and you are feeling better.

Genevieve said...

oh ow!! i'm so sorry to hear that! get better!!!

Nancy said...

Ouch. I can feel your pain. I've done that a time or two myself. But I think your chocolate cure sounds the best!!! Should be better very quickly.

chris said...

I'm so sorry that happened. One of the traumatic moments of my life was when I stapled my thumb. I hope it heals well!

Patty said...

OUCH! Been there hope your poor finger is feeling better soon.

Crystal Hendrix said...

Well that is a new thing...fingernails sewn into quilts...(or whatever you are making!!)

I am sorry! I hear Mommy's have healing powers with unless your Mom is there...I would try kissing it.

lera said...

That sure does hurt. I guess our reflexes aren't as fast as our sewing machines, huh? ;-)

Marcaritaville said...

ACk! My mom was a high school home ec teacher, and each year she always had a story to tell about kids sewing their fingers together. I always chuckeled... Until I did it myself one afternoon. My finger is throbbing in sympathetic pain for you.

The Stingy Seamripper said...

I did that once... only the needle obviously went all the way through my finger because when I yanked my hand back (also breaking the needle and sending the end of it flying across the room) and looked my finger, it was bleeding on on both sides of my finger.

And then I had the heebie jeebies for about a week. It still makes me shudder.

Allison said...

Hmmm...sounds like fun. I got mine last year but it went through my nail..I said some bad words and it hurt for a month. Hope it gets better soon gosh darnit!

Home as Hobby said...

I did the same thing this past year, except I sewed through the entire thing...barely missed the bone. Mine didn't hurt but for a day or so. I'm sure you won't miss a beat :)

Mama G @ said...

I think I puked a bit when I read that. I stepped on a pin one time and it hit the bone in my big toe. I think your's might be worse.

Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said...

Yikes! That happened to me when I was in 8th grade during my first sewing class. Took a while before I wasn't scared again! Get your tetanus shot and feel better!

Funky Kim said...

My finger is quivering for you! Ouchie!

Unknown said...

Oh man sorry! I did that a couple of years ago but the needle broke in my finger and I had to squeeze my finger and pull it out with my teeth. Now you'll be walking around saying I'm number one! sorry...

Kelly O. said...

well at least you have 9 more!--oh sorry--not what you wanted to hear eh? pain makes me queasy so I have to joke :)
I sincerely hope you didn't get any blood on your project--er I mean--hope your finger feels better soon--liquid advil is the best!

Andi said...

major clench factor!!! Ouch! Chocolate is definitely the remedy.

Danielle Bartran said...

OMG, that is my worst nightmare. I hope your finger is feeling better soon.

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

oh ack! i think i'm going to pass out! If I did that i'd seriously be in trouble because I'd be limp on the floor with a needle sticking out of my finger! Hope you are better soon.

trish said...

I literally have chills up my spine!!

My goodness Vanessa. Take good care of your finger (antibiotic ointment and band-aid). I hope it feels better real soon!! Enjoy your chocolate. :o)


Wendy said...

Oh, dear Lord, I cringed just reading the title of your post. I wish you lots and lots of chocolate!! Take care! Hugs~

Dawn Ludwig said...

I have done it too, but while embroidering. I had to finish what I was working on because if I turned the machine off, the placement would be off.

AFter a tetanus shot and a few days - it was just something to laugh at myself about.

I will say a prayer for your finger, and your project.

felicia said...

Holy crap! A girl did that when I was in 7th grade Home Ec and I've always been super nervous about doing that. Hope the chocolate cures it!

Whim and Pearl said...

Ouch! I haven't been there -- and I'm sorta surprised reading your comments how many have done that!!

Michele said...

ouch! My sister did that and the end of the needle broke off in her finger tip. She waited until it worked itself out...


Somer said...

I have done that exact same thing, TWICE! How embarrassing is that? The second time my husband had to pull the broken needle out with pliers.

Tutu said...


Chrysalis said...

Yup, I have done that too. The tip of the needle stayed inside and I had to go to the doctor to cut it out. Really, really uncomfortable.

Shirley said...

Oh no! That really stinks, hope it heals quickly :(

Jen Hayes said...

I'm so very sorry. I can't even imagine. I hope to never have to say that I know how you feel. Hopefully you have a lot of chocolate.

Rebecca Merry said...

oh dear!! Honey, for that you get chocolate AND wine. LOTS of wine!!!

Anonymous said...

I have seen it happen, but not to me yet...knock wood. I hope it heals quickly!!

Q said...

ow ow ow ow.... chocolate is a good antiseptic, for additional aneasthetic though, add ice cream :)

Lexie & Jeff said...

*Cringe* Ohmi...I hope it heals quickly and that the chocolate helped the pain dissipate!

Tas said...

Oh big, big ouch! :(

Cheri said...

You win. That is the most disgusting thing I've heard all day. Oh...I want to throw up. The visual.....the VISUAL.....MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!!!

Hope all goes better for you. Aye-yi-yi. Chocolate indeed.

Unknown said...

Oh dear. I suggest chasing that chocolate with wine. Both have lots of antioxidants, you know, and I bet antioxidants are great for punctured fingers. Probably.

KD-Quilts said...

I've always heard of people doing this and always thought really, how do you do that?! Well, after years of sewing I found out how you do it! I just sewed through my finger on Tuesday. I feel your pain!!

Evelene S said...

Oh my goodness I hope it heals quickly for you and if you don't drink winetry cranberry juice as a good elixir.

Evelene S said...

I just wanted to also to send a big Thank You! for the Quilt Album contest because I was a winner from your blog. I am looking forward to working with it- Oh boy a new toy!

ColleenandKendra said...

May I just say thank you for not posting a picture???? Gave me the ookies just reading. I hope you heal fast!

Monique Kleinhans said...

YIKES! Please take care of yourself!

MJ said...

i quit sewing for ten years after i sewed through my finger (nail and all) in my home ec class in seventh grade, i also pulled my finger away and broke off the needle, also, it was my birthday ):

bellefourche said...

holy crap! that sounds horrible! good luck healing!

catie said...

ouch, ouch, ouch! hope it feels better soon!

Amber said...

Eeeeew! Thanks for sharing. We'll wait for the tutorial, that sounds nasty. Poor you.

Dawn said...

Owie!! That must hurt, I can't even imagine! I'm kind of surprised to see how common that is. Lots of ice, chocolate, ibuprofen, and wine!!

Jenny at Red House said...

aah the ancient healing properties of chocolate, apparantly ancient tribes would rub the leaves on their cut fingers ( just made that up!) jennyx

The Little Redd Schoolhouse said...

OMGOSHHHH!!!!! Im so sorry. I hope it doesnt take you out for too long. Even getting a paper cut can make simple tasks frustrating. Well now Im a little scared to sew but a good lesson to keep in mind whenever I get the guts to learn.

Unknown said...

Oh no!!! I did the same thing and let me tell you if you haven't had a Tetanus shot lately, get one. I got an infection under my nail...yuk. Soak it in epsom salt or peroxide. Been there, no fun :(

Get better soon,

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Oooh sounds painful! thanks for sparing us the pictures :o) Hope you finger heals up ok...might be worth a trip to the doctors just to make sure you got all the needle and thread out.

Unknown said...

Oh No! I feel for ya girl!! I sewed thru my index finger with an industrial double needle machine. The needles went in at my nailbed and I had no choice but to take a deep breath and kick back on the foot to raise the needles out of my finger.....I screamed like a baby! The needles did not beak either. It's a wonder I was able to ever sew again! Happy healing!!

NorahS said...

I've done that. But I had to drive home from where I was sewing (5 miles?) and have my husband pull the needle out of the side of my thimb with pliers. OMGosh!!!

Elisabeth said...

I sewed through my finger not long ago for the first time ever so I do feel for you.
I hope your finger gets well really soon. Chocolate is definitely the best remedy for a hurty finger :-)

~ Regan said...

Ack!! My worst fear!
Hope your finger is bettter soon...

Kristianna said...

I've done that once.. the nail took ages to heal! cringe Hope yours heals fast! No fun!

Ammieloris said...

Geh! That has gotta hurt. :(

Amy M. said...

You just took my breath away! That sounds awful!! I always have visions of something like that happening when I am sewing.

Crafting by Candlelight

LeAnn said...

Ouchie Momma!!!!!

Unknown said...

I did that in high school home ec class. I'm just now getting back into sewing, I think it scarred me too much. So I feel your pain, I'm so sorry!

Susan Sutherlin said...

Oh my goodness . . . if you are anything like me the chocolate will do wonders to help the throbbing finger. Take care!

Mama Gone Green said...

Yikes! My hubby just asked me last week if that was possible! Ouch!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...


Teresa aka Tess said...

OMGosh, now my finger hurts.

Monica Lifferth said...

What? No picture? Lol. That sucks. Been there done that. No fun! Hope you feel better soon!

amylouwhosews said...


you okay today?

Tasha said...

AHHH!! I totally did that in high school only it went all the way through! Feel better soon!

Erika said...

That is probably one of my worst nightmares I used to see my abuelita with bandages in her fingers because she sewed her finger. I often find myself thinking do not forget the finger!
take care and drink lots of chocolate, or maybe Dr P. might help?

sandra said...

Ohhh! I bet that really hurt. It did that once when I was learning in school to sew and haven't done it since. I guess I learnt a good lesson. Chocolate will help!

BeckyR said...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! :-(

I hope you had enough chocolate available. I would certainly need lots!

Hope your finger is better soon.

Mònica Marull said...

I'm really sorry. It has never happened to my but I can imagine how much it hurts :(

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I had no idea how many people have done that! I have had a couple of close calls but never done it.....cross all my fingers and toes.

Hope you don't hurt much.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list! I ran a needle into my fingernail (in the nail bed!) where it broke and flew out. It took several days to find the needle in my sewing room. And, pressure built up under the nail and I had to have it drilled to relieve it! GROSS!!!!!

(The worst part: I was hemming a Halloween costume for a friend - I wasn't even making something fabulous when it happened!!!!!)

Anna said...


Abigail said...

that happened to me just the other day! yikes it hurts!!

Anonymous said...

Make me throw up!! Oh my gosh, you poor thing. I just read a another post the other day from a girl who sells fabric. She had badly cut herself with the rotary cutter. She immediately got some of those gloves you can wear which are cut proof. I have sewn my finger before, but not to the extent you have. I am now terrified to use a rotary cutter. I have been hearing too many horror stories about them.

christy said...

Ouch! I have done this too, in Home Ec class, w/out thread though (didn't out the foot down). Hope you heal quick!

Brittany said...

ugh I did that while sewing a ruffle skirt! No fun! My hubby was out of town, and I had to call my dad to come over to pull it out with a pair of pliers! I feel for ya!

Libbie said...

I have done this! My mom said, "You're sewing too fast!" And of course I didn't listen. So we pulled the needle through the other side of the finger, put some peroxide on it and a band aid and finished the garment. Live and learn!

Christie said...

I have totally done that. I hope you are ok.

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