winners of the lisa leonard $50 gift certificates are:
Barbara said...I LIKED you on FB ( and I do NOT do this for any ol' person, K?!)
wilderlamb said...This is probably something like the 53rd time I have attempted to win a Lisa Leonard giveaway.=) Her stuff is so precious!
I would buy the teeny tiny initials necklace.
congrats to the winners...your info has already been forwarded to miss lisa leonard.
thank you all for playing!
btw we have 5 weeks before we move. oh and please don't ask "where?" cause we haven't really narrowed that down yet, all we know is that someone is buying our house and we're leaving the end of may. possibly to our townhouse in provo?
yes, yes...uncertainty and me do not get along, husband keeps saying i'm making divots in our carpet with all my walking back and forth i'm doing while worrying. :/
have a good weekend...i'm going to try to stay busy.
we'll talk soon