the husband had a job interview and we went to go check out the area...

oh heaven help me.

also it has been known to get up to 120 degrees in the summer. interesting.
so aside from the fact that my three little boys, and husband felt like they needed to keep their eyes focused on the floor most of the time (haha!), and katie had huge eyes looking at all the life size barbies and kens walking around...we had a hella hot good time (101 degrees) in the swimming pool and we appreciated driving up closer to flagstaff to find a little cooler weather.
stay tuned, cause we still don't have definite plans, and till we do, i'll just craft and do my thing.
springy tutorial coming soon. i hope...if it works as good in real life as it does in my head...i think it's going to be cute.
we'll talk soon.
I hope you get good news soon about your family income life. I think it would be cool to live in such a hot place that also has a lake. Good luck.
i grew up in AZ and spring-breaked at havasu once. yeahhh, that's all i'll say about that. LOL it is beautiful there, though, good luck to your hubs with his interview!!
Beautiful pics - thanks for sharing. Hope your situation gets sorted soon. x
Yup, been to Lake Havasu several times and the kids loved the fact that it is the real London Bridge. Quite a feat to get it here and rebuild it piece by piece! So sorry about the spring break thing.... I feel your pain.
I am from Arizona as well and love the place. People think I'm crazy but I actually miss the 120 degree summers. :( Not a fan of D.C., but I suppose we have to live near the job! Good luck to you!
"Real life Barbies and Kens"
LOL! I read Lake Havasu and though Uh Oh! NOt with kids *giggle* Looks like everyone had a good time!!!!
My husband claims that they wanted Tower Bridge and just got the name wrong...I hope your search will be successfull.
I can't wait for your tutorial, they are always fantastic.
I'm from AZ and remember all the summer weather reports: "And the highest high today was in Lake Havasu City." Never failed. :) But, I have visited there and it was gorgeous - the lake, at least. We never saw much else.
The pictures are beautiful, thanks for sharing. The family shot of your husband and kids was heartwarming. I need to borrow your "positive" attitude and look forward myself. Have a good Tuesday.
My husband's grandparents lived there for years and we visited a few times. Hot is the best word to describe it, but it's a nice little town when spring breaks are over. :)
Best of luck in the job search.
Hugs to you and thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures! lol Prayers for good interviews!
Don't worry the town is pretty quiet, except on those few weeks...The locals just stay away from the party areas until they're gone! My husbands family live there and we visit the 'opposite' weeks' :) The lake is so much fun!
I "grew up there"... sorta! I love Havisu and recognized the bridge before reading your title or anything!
We spent every Memorial, Forth of July, and Labor Day at Lake Havisu (on the California side) my whole life through college. We'd load up the boat and travel through that channel to wherever we were going (and when we were little, before it got really busy, we'd usually stop in the channel to swim and spend the day!)
I've never been there for Spring Break, but I can imagine it's busy. Keep in mind that just about every 3 day weekend will be the same whenever it's warm.
However, if you guys do end up there, you can just choose to stay home or travel yourselves on those big weekends/weeks and then enjoy the lake the rest of the days of the year... it's much quieter then.
Thanks for the nostalgia!
I'm glad your got to visit my neck of the woods in Flagstaff. It is always cooler here. Good way to beat the heat. Hope you had a good time.
I grew up in Havasu and my parents and brother still live there. The "Spring Break" thing isn't that bad. We just did stuff at home during those times. It does get really hot there, but you do get used to it mostly. The sunsets are beautiful and the lake is fun. I'll be following along to see if you end up moving there.
sometimes I crack up when I read your posts. You type like the way I imagine you talk. I think we would be kindred spirits if lived nearby one another.
crossing fingers for the hubs on the interview.
Yep, gotta love Havasu during spring break. I had heard about London Bridge but not sure I ever drove by it.
Good luck with the job search.
Best of luck V! Keep us posted!! Jenn
My aunt lives there! We vactaioned there often. She manages the Denny's. She works 15-20 hour days the entire month of March to handle spring break. We always laugh because of the two different temp extremes between here and there. There is a market there that makes the best fresh tortilla chips/tortillas EVER. Better than my Mexican nanny growing up.
I love that you are from Arizona! Born and raised and hoping to move back someday myself.
How exciting! Havasu is a great place to live and we have a wonderful quilt guild that you would love! The few days of 120 are worth it to have the nice weather that we have the rest of the time. I hope you get to move to Havasu!
I grew up in a similar place, Miami FL, as to party barbies and ken but it went on all year long. Love that your men kept their eyes on the floor! Best of luck on your job search. If you end up here, make sure you have pool access, those temps will make you wish you could go for a dip!
I never knew that about the London Bridge! How cool! Good luck on the job hunting. :)
Some friends pastor in Lake Havasu. I've heard it's so lovely! Best wishes on good news! :-)
well we were happy to ask where we could look for more family homes...they told us the south side was the place to be if you were going to live there...we checked out the south side and we did in fact like what we saw! it's still a possibility. the lake was beautiful, and i know it won't always be spring break...but we're still keeping all options on the table as they come in. :) thanks guys for the words of encouragement!
I had no idea! How interesting. Good luck to your husband!
How neat of you to stop in Lake Havasu. I was born and raised in AZ right near there. It's a good thing you didn't arrive in the summer. It gets SO hot there.
I live in Phoenix and would LOVE to have you as a neighbor...hint..hint..hint!
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