consider yourselves warned...
mom that means you.

katie has been regressing in the whole potty training thing because she's had a raw bum, and having a raw bum and pooping don't go well together.

it was hot.
and heat makes me happy. heat means eating fruit all day long...
heat means hanging outside and having to bring out the slip 'n' slide because it's just too hot not to.
and with all the wonderful happiness that the heat brought on last week...heat means summer inspired projects.
here's to hoping that the heat sticks around.
with this dress i wanted to try to learn how to do bias tape and adding it to the neck and arm holes. with every dress or article of clothing i want to learn just a little bit more. i've been meaning to learn this for a while and so i decided it was about time.
the fabric was $2 a yard fabric from walmart (i was too nervous to use the nicer stuff. the bias tape and inside lining was made out my remnants of my thrift sheets).
i didn't use a pattern, the top is close to simplicity 6688 ( i used it for sizing). but i just sort of made it up as i went.
now if i didn't suffer from the disease called: "the inability to make the size that my daughter is right now", she could of worn this right now. but see, i always make (not buy though) things too big for her. she will look super cute in this maybe by the end of this summer, but for sure by next summer it will look great on her.
oh well i guess it's genetic because my mom's been buying clothes for the kids (including socks and shoes) that will fit them in a year or two... since the first day my oldest was born.
some things are hard to shake out of your genetic pool.