Saturday, September 1, 2012

V and Co: moda designer's blog hop

every once in a while i let myself think of the fact that i am part of the moda crew. just for a minute though because the rest of the time it freaks me out. i just pretend like it isn't really true, it's just a dream and blah de be blah blah. it's how i keep going without creating a very nervous stressed out vanessa. a visual, if you will, would be of me with my hands over my ears singing "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH....I CAN'T HEAR YOU, I'M IN MY OWN LITTLE WORLD OF MAKE BELIEVE." 
but every once in a while i am like "okay yeah i'm who they say i am". and then i go back to my basement and make stuff. :)
well this is one of those times that i'm included with a whole heck of a lot of talent, and i'm considered "one of them" so please come and join the fun:
to a pretty awesome little blog hop...oh and on my day i get to give away some of that fabric i created. :) hope to see you there. 


trish said...

This is one of the reasons we love you so much! :0)
Can't wait to visit the blog hop. Hugs. Trish xo

Anonymous said...

You definitely ARE ONE OF THEM! You have amazing talent. Flaunt it. Wallow in it. You don't need to be overly modest. You've earned you place in their "stable".

A.J. Dub. (Amy) said...

I have to say it is no surprise that you are "one of them" because you are pretty darn talented! I look forward to the hop!

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Estou adorando isso,todos os talentos reunidos com bigodes fantásticos,eu quero ganhar desta vez,afinal não é a toda hora que temos V&CO assim.Beijos e acalme-se estou torcendo por você.Beijos do Brasil.

Kim-the-girl said...

I just had to come over and say that I saw your fabric line being showcased over on one of my favorite sewing sites,! I can't wait until I can get your fabric! I love it. And I love your blog, I haven't commented much (if ever) but you inspire me!

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