Tuesday, June 1, 2010

a series of unfortunate events

wow thanks for the love on the bag!!! you've sent it to be the #2 best overall selling item over the first weekend and let me tell you that's huge. thank you!
some of you already have finished them and are showing them off on the flicker group! ah! i'll have to do a look at you guys go soon, it's be somewhat chaotic over here so we'll be doing that and we'll be doing another link up party as well. probably in a couple of weeks.
i have a few more patterns up my sleeve but everything needs to be paced, as we are now in summer vacation mode. yup, you read it right, my kids are now home 24/7.
with me...right under my nose.
so, much will be done outside of the home just to keep some kind of sanity in my life.
i'm just sayin that these next few months may be more about my fam and a little less about crazy crafting. but you never know the crafting usually finds itself in there as well.

so about last week.
lets just say i was in a series of unfortunate events movie. or so it felt. i'll set the scene of the first unfortunate event:

it's sunday and i've just spent a weekend at quilt market, i'm still off my high of the whole thing, i'm in the airport after checking in bags and i'm sitting reading a book. i'm a little parched and think to myself:
"i have a long day of travels ahead of me, might as well treat myself to some diet coke WITH caffeine."
so i go to the McDonald's right around the corner from my gate and i think "wow how lucky! it's right here! i didn't even have to go very far, my luck is so good this week!"

as i walk away from getting my drink (which by the way they didn't have any medium cups left so they bumped me up to a large just like that), i pass the bathroom...and think to myself:

"hmmm might as well go now, just in case so i can sit and read and sip my drink till i have to board on the plane."

so i get in line, and my turn happens. i walk in the stall, look around and think:

"i don't want to put my drink or my bag on the floor...ewww..."

so i put the bag up on the hook and place the drink on the toilet paper roll container. as i get ready to hover over the toilet because ewww i don't ever sit down, the lady in the stall next to me flushes and opens her door and slams the door shut. now this next series of things happens in slow motion: door slams my drink wabbles and tips and falls what seems like forever and hits not the floor, no it hits me on my back and as it hits my back, it explodes diet coke, and ice all over my back.

me when the diet coke hits my back

i'm pretty sure none of it hits the floor, nope it just hits me on my back and which proceeds to now run down my back. "oh....that.did.not.just.happen"
now let me point out. i don't buy expensive clothes. like ever. because well i have kids, and i don't have a bazillion dollars to just replace an expensive item that gets ketchup, boogers, or whatever else kids put on me on a daily basis. but i did it a month ago, i got on the jcrew website and bought myself a cute little somewhat expensive (in my world) cardigan to wear with no children around at market.
yup, you got it... i was wearing that said cardigan when the diet coke kamikaze-d itself onto my back.
of course.
okay wardrobe gods you got me, i bought something somewhere other than walmart or kmart. i'll go back to buying my high end clothes at target.

i wipe up and mop up as much of the diet coke that i can off of me, take off the cardigan, rumage through my carry on bag and luckily find one of back up shirts.
get on the plane...
have a layover,
get on a plane again.
finally get back to my state,
go and sit at the baggage claim,
only to have everyone's bag BUT MINE show up. i even waited till the little turning thing quit turning.

i go to the lost and found to see what happened. and there's my bag sitting there mocking me.

i look at the woman in the lost and found dungeon and ask her "why?" she answers "because these were left behind and no one picked them up."
yeah see my bag made it home an hour before me. yet i sat for 45 minutes wondering why my bag wasn't showing up...when all the while it was 10 feet and one wall away the whole time.
and this ends the first chapter of the series.
to be continued...
next chapter:
"the titanic is sinking..."
we'll talk soon.


CalleLillyCafe said...

Wow! I have had those days before & I can swear I was all alone. One thing happens right after the other, & we wonder, can't a girl catch a break? Things do happen for a reason, make us stronger I'm hoping! But this won't be the first & certainly not the last, all we can do is laugh & roll w/the punches & come out smiling. =)

CitricSugar said...


Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Yikes. Hope it washed out...

Jax @ AlyandAsh said...

Oh man! That sucks so bad! Sorry for your crap luck! Traveling is bad enough without added misadventures!

Audrie said...

Wow. When it rains, it pours. I hope your cardi can be saved.

szkornelia said...

There are days like that. Sorry...

Joyce said...

Oh no! You left us hanging. Hurry, on to the next chapter!!!

Line said...

I will sound cruel, but you have a talent for making people laugh... Since I've had the same type of Coke misadventure before, I perfectly understand how upset you can be. But the way you write about it... it is so funny!
Looking forward to reading the rest of the story!
Have a safe day!

Barb said...

Yes, truly a series of unfortunate events....but at least you are able to find humor in it all...

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I can only imagine. That's why I don't ever take my drink into the stall with me. I've had a similar thing to happen to me.

Selina said...

Oh, that's horrid. At least you had a back up shirt!

emma said...

I think we all have those kind f days. the "Are you serious?!" kind of day. I'm so sorry that happened. I hope things are going better. although I have to admit I kinda chuckled reading this, not because I enjoy your misery, but because i was thinking, "that would SO happen to me!"

trish said...

Oh my goodness Vanessa! It is awesome that you can laugh at such events (you are laughing right?!) because they sure make for good stories! Thanks for my laughter this morning. :o) I probably laugh too much ... during those unfortunate events. :o) My husband ... not so much! :o)
Congratulations on your sales!!! I can not wait to make my flower and purse. And I will visit the flickr sight to see all the other creations.
Have a great time with your children. They will grow so fast before you know it! Can't wait to see what you are up to and the linky party sounds like so much fun!
Have a great day.
Ps. I almost forgot ... I am having my last little give a way this morning. Will announce the winner tomorrow morning.

Kelly O. said...

I think I would have just sat in that bathroom crying my eyes out!
so sorry your trip ended like that.
did you get the coke out of the sweater?

onlymehere said...

Oh no!!! When it rains it certainly pours on you...literally! I'm shocked that you didn't get diet Coke on your pants too, or maybe you did and just didn't write about that. I'm so sorry for you and even more sorry that I'm laughing at you. I hope the Coke came out of the sweater. The bag seems to be Murphy's law too. I can't beleive I'm going to write this but...I'm looking forward to reading about the Titanic sinking now, lol! I hope today looks a little better in your corner of the world. :)

onlymehere said...

P.S. I admire your attitude of laughing about this...maybe not while it was happening but now.

elise said...

of COURSE! the one 'fancy' item you allow yourself, i too have banished myself to Target only.
and i absolutely hate how ONE little thing throws everything else off when you are flying- seriously, it's the door slammers fault, otherwise everything would have gone smoothly. true.
so sorry your awesome trip had to end with nonsense!

Charity said...

Oh my!!

Needled Mom said...

Oh dear!!! I thought all bags had to be on the same plane as the passenger these days with the tightening of airport security. Hmmm!

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said...

that stinks! But, I have learned that diet coke DOES come out, if that helps?

Your bag is ADORABLE!

wendiq said...

I feel your pain, but you are funny! I guess that helps you survive....:) I know I will NEVER let the stall door slam again......promise!

Simply Jessabells said...

I must say, "Thank God you had an extra shirt in your carry on!".

Krista said...

I'm sorry, but I LAUGHED OUT LOUD when I saw that photo of the turtle! Sounds like a bad, bad day.

Little Lady Patchwork said...


When it rains, it pours!

I'll see you in the clothes department at Target. They have Zach Posen now BTW!

Can't wait for the next chapter!


girlsmama said...

So is it getting humorous yet? Or does that come with the next installment? Hugs. :)

Deb C. said...

Oh you got the prize for that one alright. I can't imaging the sticky back all day as well. I am looking forward to hearing how you survived the Titanic though. Life is fun when it's not boring!!! Hope Market was fun and mostly uneventful (of that sort anyway).

LeAnn said...

What a stinky day for you!!! I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

This weekend, when I asked my 11 year old about the purple crayon all over the clothes in the dryer, he informed me that it was Indigo. His still-fitting church pants were in there. So after dinner Saturday night the two of us hopped into the car and headed out to find some cheap church pants. We were just getting on the the freeway when my stomach started rumbling and grumbling something fierce. We pulled off and ran into Target. Took care of business, found some pants, stopped in the potty one more time and headed home. I was so grateful to have found those church pants for him in just one stop and that I could get back home. Well, Sunday after church, he and his friend were outside and his friend grabbed him and threw him to the ground. Now we have a humongous grass stain on them. Makes me want to cry.

Kari Sweeten said...

You crack me up!! You're so lucky you had a back-up shirt!
I bet you were so glad to just be home...or maybe not if your Titanic story has anything to do with your return...haha!

Tracy @ Crème de la Gems said...

Oh no!! I'm so sorry...but...I really enjoy your posts...even this kind ;)


Ruth B said...

Oh my....I know none of that is funny...but you do have a funny way of telling it! I totally pictured the slow mo falling of said Diet Coke. The real thing with caffeine. I so feel your pain. Bad day...bad bad day.

Katrina said...

At least you did get your bag back! Hopefully with a little careful cleaning your cardigan can be saved or refashioned in some way... think patches! That's wierd that your bag made it early since 9/11 I thought bags had to travel on the same flight... hmmmm...

Crafty Christina said...

Oh, I so would have cried. Then bought myself a coffee to make myself feel better.

Gene Black said...

Bless your heart. That was NOT fun! I feel your pain (but I still laughed!)

The Quilt Shoppe said...

You know what they say....

DELTA - Don't Expect Luggate To Arrive

Hugs ...

Joyce said...

Camilla Kimbal once said-----Well, I can either laugh and cry. I would rather laugh, because crying gives me a headache! Words to live by. And, you are really entertaining.

Wendy said...

Oh goodness but I tremble at what the next chapter might hold ... hugs to you!

Delia said...

Ohhhh! Doh!

Jessica Munk said...

Oh man! AND "the titanic is sinking . . ."? I'm on pins and needles!

Elisabeth said...

So, I'm curious what is the first best selling pattern? Oh, and funny story, I'm sure not at the time, but you know how to tell a good yarn! Hopefully you're laughing about it now though. At least you didn't have a kid in the stall with you, that would have been even worse. I've had a toddler puke all over me on descent into la guardia and have to bathe the pukey kid in the sink of a none too clean bathroom, and had to nurse a newborn first baby elbow to elbow with a businessman who I'm sure was mortified- good times!I could go on and on about my (mis) adventures traveling with kids. Seriously, it's a wonder they're all still alive.

Sarah said...

Wow! and all i can think of is that song, Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this Mama said...
Except, not really huh? you're a trooper for inviting us to laugh with you. Sarah

Becky said...

Oh Vanessa! Somehow I missed some of your posts so I am catching up. Did the Diet Coke wash out? Now I gotta read forward to find out what else happened!

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