Thursday, June 17, 2010

happiness is...

#3 noisemaker aka "outside-voice-only" child's feet yesterday morning.
  • sleeping in till almost 9 and then having all your kids in bed with you watching sponge bob.
  • having all your kids want to do a craft with you and have it turn out cute!
  • daylight savings time so the family can play baseball with dad when he gets home from work.
  • reading The Lightning Thief to the boys at night (i love it too!)

#3 and #4 noise maker enjoying each other's presence by the sprinklers
  • going to the pool or playing in the sprinklers every day it's sunny and not too windy.
  • having my kids getting along...85% of the time.
  • having them cleaning the bathroom as a consequence of the 15% percent of the time they don't get along. (makes for a clean bathroom)

#2 #3 and #4 noisemakers with man's (and #4's) best friend
  • eating otter pops for breakfast on your back porch. (don't worry mom they get cereal too)
  • having my husband on the same continent and knowing he's not going anywhere anytime soon.
  • having my peonies bloom without any assistance from me. because lets face it, if they needed assistance from me, the husband would have to install a drip line, of nutrients, and water that would run on a timer. he's the green thumb not me.
i've been trying to recoupe ever since my unfortunate events posts it seems.
shortly after i got home from that trip i've been battling some bad sinus thing. i didn't even sound sick i just felt (and feel) horrible and run down and my whole right side of my head felt like it wanted to explode and run away somewhere. literally my teeth felt like they were going to fall out. went to the doc they got me on three weeks of antibiotics, and some nasal stuff and blah de blah...anyways it's not getting any better...well it is, but it's i just throw up in the mornings (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!) and have major headaches, am dizzy and my ears feel like they have cotton in them and they hurt. but i can't stay sleeping all the time, thank heavens for tylenol sinus meds, so that i've been able to take the kids to the pool and we've been crafting kid crafts...but that's about it. i'm hoping this goes away soon because i'm suppose to go to girls camp next tuesday. i've lost count of how many times i've gone, and i've lost count of how many places i've been. but i love it. i just don't want to do it dizzy....and hurting.

thanks for all the link ups. i'll be checking them out as i get ready to leave and when i come back i'll do a rap up of a few faves as well as a few faves from the flicker group! hello look at you guys go!
keep it up guys! i'll be doing the measurements for the little star with a game plan for the quilt next week as well.
take care.
we'll talk soon!


beth said...

So, you mean to tell me when your kids fight, their punishment is to clean up? Brilliant - someday tell us more!

Carla said...

My kids eat ice cream for breakfast too! It's summer vacation and that's what it's all about. I make my kids clean too when they get punished! I hope you figure out the sinus issue because I know it's not fun. Feel better soon.

JRoberts said...

I just blogged about how much I love the Percy Jackson series as well! I say it is for my kiddies...but it is really just for me! ;)

felicia said...

We are on book 3 of the Percy Jackson series and some night I let Luke stay up late just so we can read more chapters because I'm dying to know what happens next! We saw the movie after we read the first book. It was a little disappointing as most books to movies are. Hope you feel better!

Natalie said...

I had something similar happen and about 6 months before I got married. It turned out that I had a sinus infection too but no drainage and it was causing a lot of the same symptoms a pregnancy would. For you and anyone else out there, Musinex DM was my life savor and is any time I have congestion. You should try it!

A mom said...

Regarding your sinuses: Try a neti pot. You put warm water in and a salt mixture then run the water through your nose. I do it twice a day and it keeps my sinuses clear. It will help you clear it up, and no it doesn't burn.

V and Co. said...

thanks girls! yes, the neti pot has been mentioned to me...going today, and i'm doing musinex as well now.
i do have good news! i did not wake up dizzy OR nauseous OR with a headache today!!!!!! first day in like three weeks! so i think the antibiotics are finally taking care of some of it!!! yay!

shizzknits said...

Ugh, sinus infections are the worst. I had one last Fall and it took about a week before I started feeling better on the antibiotics. Make sure you take your probiotics (acidpholis) to help your digestive system recover from the antibiotics- that might help with the nausea.
I find the neti pot is great once your sinuses start to drain. Prior to that, it doesn't do much for me since I can't get the water to flow from side to side.
My best suggestion for the sinus thing is visiting a good chiropractor- he/she can really help open things up!
Glad you are starting to feel better!

mom2three said...

Sounds like you are on the mend - yay! I also love the clean up as punishment. I find that clean up to get rewards is sometimes not enough of an incentive.... basically I just want a clean house and some help getting there!! Sounds like your summer is going great- happy to hear that things are looking up... now get some cute tutorials for us slackers, OK?

Joy Williams said...

I get this once a year keep your nose clean, neti pot, use Mucinex with Sudafed & Gufasien, then for the pain I prefer excederin extra strength.

Mandy McDonald said...

Definetly use the neti pot. I actually use the NeilMed sinus rinse bottle. It works wonderfully. The other thing I use is colloidal silver. It works as a natural antibiotic. I give it to my kids too. Check out SilverBiotics.

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

Oh it's you!! I miss the you that is fun and real and not the bloggie fake you who is perfect at every turn!! Sorry you are sick!

Missy said...

Sounds like so much fun. I have one noisemaker likes yours (outside voice only), drives me crazy.
Sorry about your sinus stuff I hope you are feeling better so you can go to girls camp. I am jealous, I have never been and look forward to someday working in YW so I can, hopefully.

Katy said...

Okay, I hope you haven't posted this elsewhere where I haven't seen it, but did you make the quilt in the first picture? If so, where did you get that AWESOME fabric??

BTW, your baby quilt is still on my to-do list. Love it. Will someday get to it.

Allison said...

did you know you can cut peonies off before they bloom and they are in a tight ball...then stick them in your fridge without water or anything and they will last for six months? Then when you want fresh peonies like December, you can take them out of the fridge, put them in warm water and they'll bloom?????? true story. :)

Dogwood said...

Sweet summer days with the kids home from school. Sounds great to me. I remember those days as if they were yesterday. My kids are now in their 40s.

Hope you feel well soon. Oug!


Kari Sweeten said...

So glad that you are feeling better today!!

girlsmama said...

The real question you want to be pregnant? ;)

Lisa said...

I totally want the quilt shown in the first picture "#3 noisemaker aka "outside-voice-only" child's feet yesterday morning." Love it, love it!!!

prashant said...

I get this once a year keep your nose clean
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Rhonda @ home.made. said...

Sorry you're under the weather... sounds like your antibiotics aren't doing the trick - there are a lot of drug-resistant bugs out these days, so you may need a med switch if you're not feeling better soon.

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Hi Vanessa! Sounds like a pretty good summer so far! And how funny! Emma has that same swimsuit! So cute on Katie! Take care! Jenn

Maggie said...

This is such a sweet post :) I just wanted to say how I love the way you call your kids 'noisemakers' I think it's so cute! You have such a great style of writing, it is so real...the motherhood fun and all that is life with kids! Hope you are feeling better too!

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