Friday, November 20, 2009

look at you guys go!

to say that i've been busy these past two weeks would be an understatement.

i've been multi-crafting for different places, people, and things (on top of sytyc) (you'll hear more about that in the future for sure). i've also been multi-volunteering at the kids' school.
being on the community council takes a lot of hours, sometimes during the school time and sometimes after wards as well. not to mention, being mom, wife, homework warden, dinner cooking lady, and laundry avoiding gal... well, basically i've been multi-tasking in every aspect in my life, even when on the toilet, and in my sleep it seems.

i don't mind being busy...actually i think i thrive in it...but these last two weeks have felt like i've been running a marathon. i'm tired. and am feeling quite accomplished. and am happy to be at this end of the tunnel.

but check you guys out! i'm not the only one that's been busy...look at you guys go with the v and co tutorials!
i love getting links, emails, and pictures of things you guys have made with my tutorials! here are a few but not all of them:

little miss monica of the happy zombie made the cutest version of my turkey. look at her potatoes and carrots!

my super talented friend rachel made the pinecone wreath... um her hutch is amazing as well.

long time reader and someone i consider a friend as well lambie-pie, made her pinwheel quilt with my pinwheel tutorial.

jenn made this turkey for her brother who's over in iraq right now. she made lettuce too but her puppy got a hold of it! my boys thought the camo was so cool. thanks a lot now i have to make three more turkeys with camo!

jenn over at lipstick and laundry made a turkey for her little turkey! i'm loving the little kitchen

karly used my spray painted pillows tutorial to make her pillow. way to go, it looks so cute!

becky had a rough go at it in the beginning, but finally came out looking great with her pine cone wreath! good job!!

donna senese made these fabric balls. very nice!

and gorillagirl5 made this lovely sign perfect for the holidays!

very nice, and always so rewarding to my heart that so many of you are being successful with the instructions i give!

now if you don't mind me i'm off get to bed so i can get up early to watch "THE MOVIE".
i've heard it's not the joke it was the first time, and i'm so excited because it's just a few of us moms driving up north so we can see it on the big screen...and eat cafe rio, and lolly gag around IKEA.
:) have a good weekend, i'll see you monday.


Ashley said...

Love those turkeys! I want a "mommy" morning too!!! Have fun!!

I Purr-Furr to Craft said...

Brilliant works of Art, well done all you amazing ladies out there, and well done for the tutorials, i must make a turkey one day, especially as can sew better than i can cook.

Jen~ Lipstick and Laundry said...

Cool...Pics, it's fun to see what fabric combinations people come up with! Thanks for sharing!

girlsmama said...

Ooohh... Have fun seeing the movie! We are off to Ca tomorrow I get to see it there while my mom watches the kiddos.Just got home from project night. :) It always makes me miss you.

Needled Mom said...

All great projects and it's so fun to see what others are doing.

Busy Little Quilter said...

Everyone's projects look great!

Have fun seeing the movie and shopping!

Anonymous said...

SO cool to see what everyone else is doing - I'm inspired!

Elisabeth said...

Thanks so much for mentioning me in your post, ooh, now I feel famous!
So, did you enjoy the movie? I went last night with a bunch of ladies, it was a blast! One gal had a premovie party and went all out- edible new moon cupcake toppers, "team Edward" and "team Jacob" banners and all kinds of other crazy new moon decor, and fun party favors and everything. It was really fun, even if the movie was super cheesy! (I hope that doesn't upset you!)

Tiff said...

Ah... Utah. It's so strange how you can be away from something for years but when you hear things about it like "Cafe Rio," everything comes rushing back to the forefront of your mind like you never left.

I'm glad you've been able to influence so many people's creativity. I'm a craft idiot so it's always nice to get some ideas and step-by-step instructions. Thank you!

Marie said...

have a good weekend. hope you had fun at THE MOVIE!

Heleen said...

I just start to smile when I see all these turkey's! I do like your projects!

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Love the pinwheel quilt. Pinwheels are my favorite styles right now.

The camo turkey is hilarious!

vivi said...

hi, v
how was THE MOVIE? :)
I couldn't go yet, but next week for sure
love from argentina

Jen @ said...

That is so awesome! I just saw the movie last and all I can say is yummy.

I just discovered your blog - I love it. You are so talented!


Dogwood said...

Such cute turkeys! So creative and fun for the Holiday that is coming sooner than I can believe.

I love the pillow!

Have a nice evening.

Rachel Berry said...

Okay why does my hutch look better on your blog? Okay, your might as well just come and take it home. :)

Saw the movie, liked it, thought it was far better than the first. :)

Becky @ Our Sweet Peas said...

I have arrived :) Thanks for the shout out! :)

happy zombie said...

What great show and tell!!! BTW, I'm heading out the door for Fred Meyer... seriously... adding spray paint to my shopping list! I love your pillow tutorial!

dana said...

So cool to see what people come up with! A huge compliment to you!

Two Peas in a Pod Homegrown Designs said...

Multi task while on the toilet?! Teehee, I laugh, as I catch up on blogs on my iPhone while taking a bath...after hosting 14 people for 8 hours, making two meals for all, and then made 20 lanyards and cut and set 17 appliques on shirts...multi tasker?!'s a disease isn't it?!

Sildenafil said...

Really nice, all this simulations are very close to our reality, the bad thing is that we cant eat this, even if we desire.

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