Sunday, November 8, 2009

in the end, it's the christenson's who win the game

after two days of wearing closed toe shoes (anyone who knows me personally knows that's a BIG DEAL), i whispered to jake from two rooms over "JAKE...I.JUST.SAW.IT."
it was behind the water heater. and it had come out for a mere second as my super heighten senses went off.
jake with his flash light and i with my...uh...feather duster...we thought we had it cornered until it did jackie chan moves of a series of jumps and flips in the air past the peanut butter traps, the stupid fat cat, stomping feet, and a screaming feather duster.
i have to admit i felt a little like harry potter as the seeker in a quidich game, only i don't think harry was screaming at the top of his lungs the whole time trying to catch the golden snitch.
in the end the mouses poor choice to run into our bathroom was what led to its final doom...
by a feather duster...and me attached at the end of that.

we sat there staring at it...blinked a few times...i looked up at my husband...came to and yelled...

"i cannot BELIEVE I WON!!!! i did it! ME!!! not you! ME!!!!
*brushing off heeby jeebies and throwing the feather duster down*

thanks for all the great support and advise, but in the end who knew it would be a feather duster...and the screaming female attached at the end of it that would end this saga...

now i can go back to wearing flip flops again.
and all is made well in my world.


dana said...

haha. Hooray for flip flops again! Isn't it great to be a girl and act all squealish at times?

jabeybaby said...

So funny! Glad you got your little vistor!

Marie said...

Ok, I am laughing so hard right now!! I can so see both of you... Miss you guys!!

Joan Princing Art said...

Hello! I found your blog via Sew Mama Sew. Your entry regarding the hay and cows is SOOOO funny! I got the biggest kick out of that! Love your tutorials, too! Added you to my favorites. So glad you guys caught that mouse! I would agree totally at first they seem cute and little is loose in your house! (knock on wood, that hasn't happened over here and I hope it never does!!!)

onlymehere said...

Woohoo for you! I think I'll go pick up a feather duster tomorrow bz....well you never know! I'm glad you won.

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Now if you only took photos it would have made the BEST tutorial!!

Good on you oh brave one :)

Zarina said...

You are more brave than me. I would be screaming on top of the chairs and let the man people in the house do all the work. maybe I'll call you the next time we have those vermints in the house.

Mindy said...

Brandon killed a mouse with our toaster once. True story. Congratulations, V... you're my hero!

Audrie said...

LOL I'm glad that's over and done with!

Ruth B said...

I bow to your courage. I can't picture how you nailed the little bugger but I am so proud of you. My daughter once put on barn boots and attempted to stomp a mouse. Then she saw that there were 2 of them and she ran screaming out of the room. But she tried! I'm so proud of her. Uh....did you throw the feather duster away or are you keeping it as a trophy?

Elisabeth said...

A couple of years ago we had shrews in our house, and had a similar saga trying to catch them. Don't know what a shrew is? Neither did we until they started skittering around our living room and pooping under our couch! (they are the size of a mouse but look like a mole) My kids got kind of attached so we released him into the park, and then we made a stuffed animal version to remember it by. And we didn't even bring ours in, they snuck in on their own!

LyndaG said...

I will now have to stop giving my daughter a hard time about fending off a large porcuping with my long handled duster! Since my Jack Russells seem to be clueless when confronted by a mouse, I will have to put together a feather duster arsenal.. Bowing to your mightly mouse masher skills!

Suburban Stitcher said...

OK, I'm TOTALLY laughing cause I DID THIS! Long story short, on a family vaca in Colorado, we stayed in a house that was infested with mice. Me, 6 months pregnant at the time, and my husband played what we like to call a game of "Mice Hockey" with that dang mouse at 2 am. Just imagine...huge big old preggers me wielding a broom while standing on a bed trying to get a little tiny mouse out the door...HILARIOUS!

Teresa said...

This sounds like me a few years ago when we lived in Georgia! I hate mice and they would always find their way into the house! I couldn't even stand to empty the traps, my husband had to do it!
On another note! I used your rice bag tutorial yesterday and loved it! I filled mine with feed corn though! I heated it for 3 minutes in the microwave and it still had some heat 1 hour later! Thanks for an awesome tutorial!

rachel griffith said...

oh how i miss you.

any chance i can find this scene on you tube???

Cheryl said...

YAY V! I am so glad you and the hubs cornered that little beady eyed rodent and WIN!! Now you can sleep better and walk around with your flip flops.
Have a great day.

Mandy said...

This totally made my day! LOL!

Although I like hamsters and all little domesticated rodents are a lot nicer to deal with than a "wild mouse" lol


Tutu said...

That made me giggle! Congrats on your victory!

Rebekah said...

I'm reminded of an evening in my boarding school days in which another girl and I attempted to catch a mouse that had found its way into my bedroom, using a belt and a wastebasket. Don't ask. It ended with the mouse scooting under the closed door and me breaking my own bed. Congratulations on a much more successful mouse-elimination event!

Design A-Peele said...

this is way too funny! congrats on your win!!! I killed 2 bugs last night - all by myself. MR.P was out of town and I thought whoohoo! go me! but you take the cake on getting the mouse :)

Busy Little Quilter said...

Yay!!! You captured the little beast!

When you mentioned the feather duster it reminded me of the time my hamster got loose in my room. I was 12 at the time and I wore high heeled wooded platform shoes (it was the 70's). I was chasing him around my room with a tennis racquet. He hid for a while, then he darted out from underneath my bed. I tried to trap him with my tennis racquet, but, instead, he ran head on into my wooden platform 5 inch heel which knocked him out! I quickly picked him up and put him in his cage.

I'm glad you can wear flip flops again!

Kersten said...

ha ha, I am so glad you got it!

Sarah said...


Laine said...

Glad to hear your unwelcome visitor has left.

amy smart said...

This was So funny. You. Crack. Me. Up.


I hate mice.

We had one in our first little town house and neither of us knew what to do. Both our moms independently told us to put out Decon. We asked each of them "but where will the mouse die?" and BOTH of them said, "oh it will just go outside to die and you'll never see it again." So the next night I walk into the kitchen to make dinner and there is the mouse - dead in the middle of the floor. I was 8 months pregnant so I nearly threw-up when I screamed. *shudder*

Sew Create It - Jane said...

You did way better than me...the one and only time there was a mouse in my house I could do nothing but stand on the dinning table and scream...I'm such a wimp! :o)

Cindi said...

Hurray for you!!! Recently had a relative of your "visitor" visiting us. He is now gone to emjoy the big cheese wedge in the sky.

Nori said...

you are hilarious!
hey, we're opened toed shoes sistas! my tootsies are claustrophobic... at least that's what i tell people. ;)

CASSIE said...

Oh. My. Grossness.
Please tell me you developed a love affair with a certain Lysol spray after that fiasco! ;)

Vicki said...

Yikes. I worked in the forest service in the mountains for a few summers and one morning I got up, went in the bathroom, and my roommates kitten was playing with a little deer mouse. I could. not. deal. with it so I turned around and went back to my room and waited for my roommate to get up. She ended up causing the demise of the rodent....

p.s. I am also a V. Christensen (just with an "en" instead of "on".) :)

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