yes, thank you for all the kind words and
sympathy on my finger. had no idea how many of you out there have done the same thing.
i've not touched my sewing machine since last thursday, but today i will change that and give it another go. wish me luck.
this last weekend though we did have a nice mellow weekend, and i dare say the kids were on excellent behavior. the oldest, get this, is all caught up in school, finished his homework and was in good spirits for most of the weekend. the others were in good spirits and i can say this with disbelief but in all honesty...no one fought with each other on sunday.
it was the perfect day.
so i made cookies.
the comment "i don't know how you make them so perfect mom!" came out of two kid's mouths. while the other two double fisted and crammed cookies down their gullets. the husband did a fair share of stuffing as well.
i know! what the freak was going on? no fighting, all caught up on homework, and perfect cookie comments. i'm going with it, cause these days don't come every day.

and well because i have nothing to show you on the sewing front for now...here's a cookie recipe most of you already know, but if you don't, get ready for some perfect cookies.
what you will need for cake cookies:1 box of white cake mix (yeah like as in a cake mix)
1 egg
1/4 cup of water
1/4 cup of oil
sprinkles for on top of your cookies
preheat oven at 350 degreesmix:cake mix, egg, water, and oil in a large bowl.

in a separate bowl place some sprinkles to cover the bottom of your bowl.

take a teaspoon of the cookie mixture and make it into a ball.
dab one side of your ball in the sprinkles

place sprinkle side up 1" apart from each other on your un-greased cookies sheet.

cook for approx. 15 minutes (add a little more if they seem doughy).

cool on a cooling rack.

and watch the cookies fly faster into your family's mouth faster than you can say "holy hannah those are good."

hopefully i'll have a sewing project done here soon. but seriously how scary does a sewing machine look after you've had that needle go inside your finger?! kind of freakin scary. :/
we'll talk soon.