first off, glad to see so many people out there confessing to stinky bathrooms. thanks for the advise, the laughs, and the support. i'll be sure to keep writing more personal, sometimes not so shining moments, as they continue to happen. one thing is for sure, if you can't laugh about things...then life really does suck sometimes.
and who wants that?

now onto some quilty stuff.
yup me,
made one.
well, actually two.
it seems like everywhere i turn someone is announcing they are pregnant, they are finding out what they are having, or they are just about to pop.
but that won't stop me from being super giddy for everyone else.
you go people and your baby making skills.
here's a tutorial for the baby that is about to make an appearance in your life or in your friend's life!
go check it out at the moda bake shop
we'll talk soon.
oh and happy presidents day.

comments closed
I was really scary the first trimester as well. Really scary. Doesn't help that I felt like I was ridiculously car-sick and yet could never get out of the car, but still scary.
Your quilts are so cute, and so true! I'm going to bookmark this design. :)
I can relate to your first trimester woes! I just can't psych myself up to do that again anytime soon! :-)
I absolutely adore these quilts. Is that the new "Make Life" fabric line?
Stunning quilts!!
Oh you and your brilliance! Now I wan to make a quilt! I thought that would be the one thing that wouldnt make it onto my ever growing to-do list. But you had to come up with the coolest baby quilt I have ever seen. Your too good for my own good ;P
This is fantastic, Vanessa! I need to find a pregnant person to make one for soon :)
Love those quilts..
Hi V,
I always check in, but I made a resolution to comment more on my favorite blogs...not just do a drive by. Love this quilt! I am way passed the baby stage, but always make one for someone at hubby's work. Will definitely make this one!
Take care,
i guess I will be adding to the baby pool because I LOVE BEING PREGNANT... I'm actually a better person....most of the time....
i just wish I could trade vagina's with someone else when it comes to delivering :)
I'm not so good at pain...
too much info? yeah thought so.
I love the make life line and have quite a bit of it!
I can't wait to make this quilt for the little one I'm baking!
I'm fairly new to your site but I'm in love. I want to make that skirt in your header!
Do you have a basic "how to start quilting" tutorial anywhere? I mean REAL basic? My cousin is pregnant and I'd love to make her a quilt. I usually knit but with my 2 boys, I just don't have time right now. I know sewing takes a lot of time too but I can do it in pieces.
ACK! I love this quilt!!! That is too cute. (And what an adorable model!) This is one I will definitely have to keep in my favorites.
I just saw this tutorial over on Moda Bake Shop and I must say that I love it Vanessa! Keep up the awesomeness!
My daughter will be having her baby any day. I am going to the quilt store today to get the fabric to make this quilt! I am sure I can get it finished in time. Thank you so much for sharing.
are one of these for baby griffith???
miss you.
p.s. my word verification is: tater
just thought you'd like to know.
The tutorial is wonderful Vanessa! Thank you.
Yep babies every where, nice quilt and great photos of it.
I have always enjoyed being pregnant. Never got morning sickness or anything. Unfortunately, my body wasn't a good baby making machine. Always experienced eyclampsia. So, baby factory is closed. I too enjoy spoiling soon to be mamas and this quilt tutorial you shared is too adoreable.
Oh I can't wait to get started on this one!! And having a handy dandy cricut on my craft shelf.....oh the simplicity I see!!
AMAZING!!! I love these! I can't wait to make one--well, I can make the top; not so sure about the rest, but I am working on it. Thank you--you are the most amazingly creative person!
Ok I just read the rest of the post and I must say having gone through my last pregnancy at 30 years old I was "Medusa on a bad day" pretty much the entire time! My poor son and hubby left the house countless times to get away only to fear that upon returning the wrath of said Medusa, for having left me alone, would be far greater than the reason for running!
OH MY WORD FABULOUS! Seriously. I am in love. I am over to Moda right now. Do you think I can pull off this quilt for a friend that I am throwing a shower for on Saturday along with the Quilt of Faith I am doing for Bronson? I do not know. But, you really are making me want to try. That is simply darling. Good thing I am going to Joann's today. I am just in love. Really. You are the best.
Those are stinking cute! There are alot of baby's coming in our neck of the woods...I need to make a couple for gifts as well, hopefully they're not for the same person...LOL
How adorable! My mom is showing me how to quilt. I finally got around to making my wooden beaded necklace - I made my teal! LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing your tutorial!
Ohhh, I wish I could quilt! So stinking adorable!
thanks so much for posting this!!!
i've been gathering material to make a baby quilt, and this is giving me the kick in the pants i needed to actually start :)
I love your quilts!
Love the quilts! Perfect for a quick gift. How did you get yardage of it already? I love Make Life...!
The quilts are adorable! Doesn't hurt to add in a cutie pie either :)
OH my gosh! Cutest baby quilts ever!! Love it!
haha we'll to add to the prego people. I just found out that I'm prego took a test saturday and its positive, but the catch is went to the doctor because my son is sick took a urine test there and yeah they came out negative came home took another test it was positive! thats my life haha abnormal
so cute V... it almost makes me want a kid... almost! ;-)
Ahhh.... Lyda! So sweet! Love the quilt too! You're amazing, Vanessa!!!
I love this... it's soo clever! Can't wait to see what you do with the extras!!
I feel bad for those who have bad first trimesters and deliveries. Both of mine were a breeze!
The blankets are darling. Who's baby did you steal for the photo shoot!
This is an absolutely adorable quilt!!! Love your blog! Thanks for all the great ideas and laughs!
I absolutely love the quilts!!!
I showed my husband these quilts and he busted up laughing. He works for Marriott and apparantly the Eat, play, sleep, repeat is their marketing mantra. I may have to use different words so he doesn't think about work every time he sees the blanket!
That is completely adorable!
The quilts are absolutely fabulous! Makes me wish I was having a baby.
I could completely relate to your fiber story. About once every 3 mo my 4 year old will hold her poop and my MIL constantly calls and emails asking if she has pooped. My daughter screams if we even mention the word suppository much less try to give her one. It makes for an interesting life. :)
**crush**crush** Adorable quilt!! I have actually never made a quilt, but I think this one is right up my alley! Hugs, Ingrid
these are so pretty, I like the wording.
Thanks for the lovely quilts tutorial and it's easy enough for a beginner. Sorry to off subject but, that is one of the most adorable babies I have ever seen. Brings back all of those hug and snuggle memories. Sadly my 7 yr old doesn't like to snuggle much these days.
You. Are. Insane. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those quilts -- they're just fantastic!!!
Me again. I just read your blog before the "today" one about Katie and her movements. Left a message for you. Loved that blog. So, I checked out some old blog of your...and ok now I know you are just the most perfect family!!! I saw your precious golden retriever dog. They are the best. The very best dog. My daughter has had many golden retrievers and they are such a funny dog.
How weird. I left a message before the above one and it does not show up.
Love the precious quilts. You are very talented.
Hi V- I just want to say that you are my favorite!! I've been a blog stalker for a while...I even bought some pillows from your etsy shop once...so I figured I should probably finally say hi and tell you that I think you are great! LOVE these quilts...the stuff you create is always so fresh! I can totally relate to the metamucil story with my daughter...it's amazing how much you can stress about poop! You had me in tears i was laughing so hard!! So thanks for all the great ideas...and the laughs!!
Much love,
For get the quilt!! When are you putting that baby in your etsy shop??
I think my womb just skipped a beat.
Adorable quilts!
At first glance, I thought the words were just photoshopped on. What a dork I am! How cute that they are actually attached to the quilt. :)
Thanks for the tutorial. Love the simplicity of this quilt!!
I so love these! Just gorgeous. And so is that little babe!
How about, Eat, Play, Sleep, Poop, Repeat? Is that too much info for a baby quilt?
So lovely! Great job! I am going to have to add this to my list. In the meantime I added it to our link luv roundup today! http://bit.ly/8kJlOt
Oops something happened with my url shortener, here's the link:
LOVE this quilt!!! Do you use your own sewing machine to quilt your quilts or do you have someone do them for you?
Would you sell one of these in your etsy shop perhaps?? I love it!!
Super cute, Vaness!
I know you say that you read all of your comments, but seriously? Do you really?
I just noticed that you had 120 comments on your fiber post - 120! Holy cow! Did you really read all of them?? :)
I LOVE the quilts! The cutest idea! And yeah, first trimester is a nightmare hardest part of our marriage! :)
I love love love this quilt. Any chance the top one with red will end up in your etsy shop. I too am done making babies, but I have a 5 month old. We live in a house with all stone and wood floors. Good for clean up bad for the little man who is trying to learn to sit, crawl and play. Let me know if you put it up for sale I WILL be first in line. Thanks Paige
Any chance you'll be putting one of the cuties up on your Etsy site?! I'd love to have one for my tot-in-tow! As much as I'd love to make one for myself, that's just not a reality right now with a 2-year old and a full time job. SO CUTE!
Thanks for your speedy response. If after you return from your quilt show, you want to sell either of them, please let me know. If you get a wild hair to make another, I'd be interested!!
Um, do you ever make stuff for people?? cuz this is so cute!! I just don't have enough ambition to do it myself :p great job! its adorable :)
Your quilt is so adorable!
Have a great day!
Great quilt. Darling baby!
I feel you on the first trimester thing. I think I have not so good 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th trimesters. :)
Anyway I just wanted to let you know that I love this quilt. I am currently in the process of making it for my new little guy. And I linked to it on my blog. I hope that is ok.
I love your blog BTW.
This is so cute! (And thanks for not adding "poop" to the list!)
it is very good to know about a baby, and how wonderful care we have to have with him, but a baby it is a good treasure, well it is more than that is a blessing.
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