Wednesday, February 17, 2010

impulse buy

you know, i kind of like the fact that i'm kind of thrifty.
or that i don't necessarily go out and drop money on something just because i like it or because it's in style.
heck i've been "buying" in my head leather couches for like years, have placed them in my living room with gorgeous pillows that i've made to put on them(in my head as well), and i've even put money aside for them.(not just in my head on that one)
but still no leather couches preside in my home.
because i stress about it.
and it's not just the big things. small things don't make it into my cart either. i have to sit and think about it.
so when camille wrote about these bowls...i found myself going on over there and BUYING them. just like that.
with a click and it was done! no questions asked no fretting or thinking about it. just point click and done! AH!
and guess what?
i love them.
they make me super happy.
and i use them every single day.
so i guess that impulse buy wasn't a bad one.

but then i went ahead and bought these little bowls that match and that have no purpose except for(beside being adorably cute beyond belief) being prep bowls for things that need to be measured and that can fit in a tiny bowl. and if i had a cooking show, it would be awesome to have these bowls...but seeing that i don't even necessarily care that much for cooking, there's a fat chance a cooking show will ever happen. so for now they are used to contain a little bit of BBQ sauce for each individual every time i microwave cook chicken nuggets, or contain ketchup every time we have corn dogs.
and i'm totally blaming camille not feeling guilty about it.
now if could just get over the couches...
camille you want to help me out with that one too?
ps: thanks for all of the love on the quilts. yeah i kind of like em too. ;)
v and co loves her sponsors check out green fairy quilts


Rachel said...

Ha, I love that you are on here late. Sometimes I feel bad staying up and blogging, and then someone else posts something on their blog and I feel better :) PS - I used your idea for the "This is a Story.." about your daughter and her dog, except I used it for me and my husband. I might use it again for another post, it's such a cute idea.

And - I seriously love those bowls.

Heather said...

I have and love these bowls. What is good about them is when that sweet tooth hits you and you dont want to feel guilty eating a regular bowl of ice can throw a scoop in these and feel much better about it.

Anonymous said...

I did something similar with bowls. I bought a set of pretty, colorful bowls at Crate and Barrel on clearance, fully intending to put them aside as a gift. I already had plenty of bowls, just not so pretty. That evening I washed them up and used them. My DH asked me what I was doing...oops, forgot they were supposed to be a gift. I use them every day and I've never regretted it! :) Now I need a pretty collander and a set of the latte bowls from Anthropolgie (wishing they weren't so spendy!).

Anonymous said...

beautiful bowls!

ok, so this red cake stand keeps popping up on blogs i read but no one talks about where it's from other than to say their store was out of them. so where is this mysterious red cake plate sold? :)

amylouwhosews said...

I LOVE these bowls! But you probably already knew I was going to say that! I have a problem with dishes. I love them. Almost all. The other problem is I have no room for them. Bummer. I need to get rid of the bowls I don't like and get these. :)

And the mini ones - they are great for making stir fry. Or taco toppings. (Yes, and ketchup/BBQ sauce too!)

Anonymous said...

I find that cute small bowls are great for family get togethers for placing dips in. One per person. I don't really like dipping my celery and carrot sticks into a bowl that other people have dipped a half eaten carrot stick into. Just saying. So, these little bowls are high on my list of 'must haves'.

The Blue Ridge Gal

nanaofnc said...

Sometimes you just know a good deal when you see one and jump right on the wagon and buy it. These bowls look like that type of buy. Enjoy them guilt free! xo,

CoffeeAndMarkers said...

Anonymous: I love that cake stand too! It's from Target, I think, and it's not available anymore from what I can find :(

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

Ahhhh cute bowls! I see why you bought them. I love colorful dishes. You shouldn't feel guilty, it's not like they aren't useful. :)

Jewel said...

Can I help out with the couch? We have a leather couch. I hate it. It is freezing cold in the winter (I have to have a queen size snuggle blanket so it can go around my back and legs and everything to keep me warm) and you stick to it in summer. The cat and dog both think they should chew on it or scratch it. And our is plain uncomfortable. My husband had it when we met and we are too frugal to go and buy a new one. Yet....

Allison said...

Love those bowls! Love every Martha though so that's no surprise. I bought my couches at Macy's three (I think) years ago and I still want to marry them every day. THey look brand new...we bought them on the after Christmas sale. it, you'll never regret it...and all that crap little boys get on couches wipes right off. :) -Allison

LilacClouds said...

Love the baby quilts as well as the bowls, I almost think I like the small prep size ones better, but I love to cook so I can imagine all kinds of fun stuff to use them for.

I also have a new blog I thought I would tell you about. not much there but I would love your feed back as I add quilting projects and such.

Emily said...

Beautiful bowls. I have some small bowls like that that my kids use ALL the time (that are fancy and breakable!). They love 'em!

Word Verification for today: COLEONSE: Sort of looks like "colon" and "cleanse" to me! Made me laugh after your fiber post! :)

Katy said...

"heck i've been "buying" in my head leather couches for like years, have placed them in my living room with gorgeous pillows that i've made to put on them(in my head as well), and i've even put money aside for them.(not just in my head on that one)
but still no leather couches preside in my home.
because i stress about it.
and it's not just the big things. small things don't make it into my cart either. i have to sit and think about it."

Have you been reading my mind??? That's EXACTLY what I do, right down to the fact that I need and want leather couches and yes, I've already styled everything on them, around them, but no couches yet.

And yes, I too hem and haw over every little purchase-I make myself crazy!

ellsworth family said...

Love the bowls!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

So cute!! I could just hug those darling bowls!! HEllOOOO!! Get a leather couch on!! A friend bought a BEAUTIFUL set for a thousand bucks...and loves it...did I mention it was beautiful? I also don't have to worry so much when I buy something gently used because it wasn't nearly the investment!!

christy said...

I love those bowls! So cute. I am totally the same way. I feel guilty buying for me, I even have "free money" (bonus from my boss & a bonus gift card) from before Christmas that I haven't spent yet. I don't like to be frivilous with my money & wait for that right thing.

As for the couches, I say BUY THEM! :) I took the plunge 3 years ago & could not be happier. Between my son+friends, DH, 2 Labradors & 2 cats it has held up to all. Much better than my nice upholstered sofa from JCP. Go for it!!!

Adventures in Dressmaking said...

Those are so super cute.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I almost bought them when I saw that post a while back... who knows, I just might. (though I've been going a *little* overboard on fabric lately...)

Audrie said...

I had to stop buying bowls because my husband couldn't fathom what I needed them all for haha I've always wanted the nesting bowls you have.

Becky said...

If you use 'em it's a good purchase!! (I keep telling myself that.)

I am with Jewel om the nixing a leather sofa. Sames reasons that I don't want leather car seats either. But I do believe it depends on who made the leather.

Camille said...

I'm sorry! But I'm glad you love yours. I love mine! Leather couches? I wish! I'll keep an eye out at Home Goods for ya... ;-)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

V - these are so your "colors"! I love them. Good for you for taking the plunge and just buying them! Jenn

V and Co. said...

haha! yes they are my colors!
the cake stand is from target...which coincidentally camille has as well, it was a present because i sat and thought too long on it and it was sold out in my STATE. so it was found somewhere in new jersey or Pennsylvania where julie found it and sent it to me. see i need to just jump on things!that's it from now on i'm just going to not think and purchase. my husband is going to love this.

Abby said...

I have those nesting bowls too and I am guessing they were originally put in my head by Camille as well! I had them on my Amazon wishlist forever and then last month I saw them at the exchange and just went ahead and bought them! Now I need those little bowls...

Lisa said...

I should not have looked at this today. I am in love with those bowls! What's worse is that yesterday I went shopping and did major damage buying tons and tons and tons of new dishes, serving trays, bake ware. I'm obsessed right now. Like you I like to think twice before buying so it was a big day for me. Now I guess I have to cook though so I guess there are down sides to everything. Enjoy your new bowls!

Andrew & Tara said...

We got the small bowls for our wedding and use them EVERY day!!! I would love to have the matched larger set one day!

Megan said...

I also (see above comment) got the little bowls as a wedding gift. And use them semi-frequently, if I'm actually cooking from scratch. But I realized their great use now - for cat food. hahahaha We like to give our cats wet food as a treat now and then, and they each (we have 2 brothers) get half of a can in their own little bowl. hahahah

Anonymous said...

I have been looking for bowls like the little ones, FOREVER!! I am going into the city on friday, and I am going to have to make a stop at macy's and see if they have them in stock. Otherwise, I will be ordering them for sure!!

Gigi's Thimble said...

Super, super cute. What a great idea for a baby blanket. Great job! And darling baby too!

trish said...

Those colors are so "you." :o) Great purchase and how fun they will be to use!!

Anonymous said...

We use pinch bowls all the time! Sour cream for tacos, yogurt for the girls, etc. I love them!

Rosie1925 said...

The little bowls, aka monkey dishes, are a perfect size for small servings to the kids! Or fruit at dinner, etc. Lovely!

Dogwood said...

I love those bowls so much. I love them. In fact, all the girls/ladies in my family got a small set for Christmas. They love them. They love them so much and use them all the time for everything.

Have a fun day. Oh, my opinion, leather couches are WAY over-rated. Really.

Sweetness to you.

I currently have a photo of my daughter's golden retriever posted on my blog along with her three cats. Beau, her golden, is getting old. You can tell by his "ghost eyes."

kera said...

i LOVE those bowls...both the big and small. i need the big ones though! we bought the small ones for the VERY reason of holding condiments and even perfect for some applesauce/yogurt!! i love your BLOG....just stumbled upon it from sutton grace!!

Julia said...

I can see why you had to get them. They are super cute! I take great pride in finding great deals. But once in a while I like to go crazy wild and buy something full price just cause I love it.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said...

Those bowls are worth it!!

I bought the rainbow version of the itty bitty ones, and so far, all they've done is hold different candies when we were making our gingerbread house...but they sure make me happy when I open the cabinet door!

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