Saturday, March 3, 2012

V and Co: sneak peek into my week.

hi guys just a quick note to say hey and i did it. it went well and i only had a few here and theres that could have gone a little smoother but for the most part. I FREAKING DID IT. thank you for your vote of confidence. i'm starting to get a little better at it. :) pretty sure the lead ups to things are still going to be nerve wracking for me, but i think i'm starting to get the hang of this sewing somewhere other than my kitchen table. ;) so here is a sneak peek. more info on it later, but just wanted to say it went great and i did it and now i'm on my way home back to mi familia. who i am missing dearly, and i just got a text from the husband saying that our daughter just sassed back dora and told her "no YOU say it DORA." nice. can't wait to see how the house is holding up. :) looks like its doing just fine. ;)
we'll talk soon.
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