Sunday, August 12, 2012

V and Co: giveaway:!

today i get to be on the blog tour for miss angela yosten's new book: Stop. Go. Quilt. Sew!
and i just have to gush a little about this lady.
she is the most delightful person, so genuine, nice and kind, and of course super talented.
as most of you know that 3 of my 4 noisemakers, aka my minions, aka my children, are indeed boys.
i know i know, they are easier in the respect of not as many meltdowns, drama and so forth. BUT when it comes to making things for them...not as easy my friends.
so whenever i see something that is cute and handmade especially for boys...i'm there. now, make a whole book about it... doubly there.

soooo lets talk about this book. shall we?
 this book has awesome designs and ideas, and has a great all around feel and look. here are a few of my faves! this adorable do not enter bag. i know sometimes i'm scared of what might crawl out or bite my hand as i open my boy's back pack...why not give a fair warning?
 this one way sign is another fave, most of the time i feel like i'm redirecting the boys...this may help them hahahaha. :)
now i have a soft spot for pillows and decor, so uh of course i'm going to love the stop sign and the the speed limit pillow and well might as well add all the other sign pillows on there! too cute, you could also frame them if you don't want them as pillows.
there are quilts, and shirt add ons, and decor, and so much more. i really love this book. good job angela!

okay now angela wants me to talk about one of MY favorite signs and a story behind it:

i've mentioned that i had 4 kids. and that three of them were boys. well the last one is a girl noisemaker.
she had a lot of ear infections her first year so her speech was a little delayed. (she's caught up quite nicely now)
and for the longest time she would make up words or have her own little language if you would, like for example pizza was "choppy", and spaghetti was "spay" those sort of things.
well for the longest time every time we were in the car she would yell in her own language something over and over again and we didn't know what in the heck she was saying. we just smiled and said "yes, that's right! sky!" or "yes, you're right! that's a car!"
YEARS PASSED PEOPLE and we just never knew what in the world the girl was saying.
well, finally the mystery was solved this last year.
see we moved from a remote area momentarily to a very populated area...then to iowa.

and then the girl now a little older and more "wordy" was able to vocalize more.
while in the car she would randomly yell out "santa was here!!"

and we would just scratch our heads and chop it up to "well she is OUR child, and have you seen the siblings? would we expect anything other than randomly yelling out things about santa in the middle of summer?"

one day we were going down a new way and she kept yelling out "santa was here!!"
and then there would be a lull and then again "SANTA WAS HERE!!!"

it took about 4 times till a light bulb came on over my husband's head.
" i think i know what she's talking about."
i look at him like this is going to be good.
and he says "wait for it....wait for it...okay in like 3 seconds..."
and sure enough:
i was like "WHAT IN THE WORLD? WHAT IS IT?" then the next time we came to a place where santa was in katie's world he pointed it out to me and the boys:

years people. she's been telling us for years, where santa touches down and lands his reindeer in order to deliver happiness to boys and girls.
yup. i wouldn't expect any less from one of my awesome family members.

i mean when you have a husband that explains these signs as:
"snakes ahead beware 20 Many People Hurt."
we are some kind of special at our house.

okay now:
i have a book to giveaway.

want it?
okay here you go:
for a chance to win tell me: if you had a sign, what would your sign say?

for a second chance to win:
what's your favorite kind of project, a fast one or one that takes a little more time. which is more rewarding?

**answer in two separate comments, and please include your email address at the end of each comment like this:
your email address {at}whatever server{dot}com 
 you have till this friday the 17th to enter.

please make sure to go visit all the other cool stops:

Day 1 (Monday, August 6): Stash Books (California)
Pit Stops…
Day 2 (Tuesday, August 7): Sarah Fielke (Australia)

Day 3 (Wednesday, August 8): Blue Nickel Studios (Washington)

Day 4 (Thursday, August 9): Natalia Bonner (Utah)

Day 5 (Friday, August 10): Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobsen (Arizona)

Day 6 (Saturday, August 11): John Adams (North Carolina)

Day 7 (Sunday, August 12): Vanessa Christenson (Iowa)

Day 8 (Monday, August 13): Rachel Griffith (Ohio)

Day 9 (Tuesday, August 14): Pat Sloan (Virginia)

Day 10 (Wednesday, August 15): Lissa Alexander (Texas)

Day 11 (Thursday, August 16): Angela Yosten (Texas)

see you there!


1 – 200 of 241   Newer›   Newest»
Diana said...

#1 comment, my sign would say I stop for quilt shops

Tricia said...

Serial Quilter would be my sign. Tricia.lenz at gmail dot com

Tricia said...

I like projects with more intricate piecing, so they take more time. Very rewarding when I finish, but sometimes it takes way too long because I lose interest.

Diana said...

type of project depends on time of year, near Christmas fast ones, other times more involved ones. Love your daughter's interpretation of the sign, for all we know she is correct. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

My sign would say 'Craftiness Reigns Supreme'

Unknown said...

I love trying new things; smaller, faster projects excite me as I can finish them quickly and get a great reward when I see the joy on the recipient's face.
Thank you for such an awesome giveaway; I have a son too and finding I sew way more girl things than boy things - and I have only the one child!

Nati said...

My sign would say Smile :)

Nati said...

At the minute I am loving quick projects that I can see the end result in a couple of days.

Tracey said...

My sign would say Fabric Sale!

Tracey said...

I like a mix of projects, I love the thrill of accurately piecing and completing a complex quilt. But sometimes a quick fix like a bag which showcases a beautiful piece of fabric is good for instant gratification.

mac said...

"Only positive comments received here" would be my office sign and for home "quilts alot".

mac said...

Love fast projects, the other type are neer finished.

Lisa England said...

The entrance to my sewing room needs a sign that says "Enter at your own risk". It's chaos in there but I don't want anyone to mess with it!

Lisa England said...

I do mostly quick projects. At the rate I buy fabric I've got to use it fast!

charlotte said...

My sign would say Caution: quilter ahead.

charlotte said...

I get more satisfaction out of completing a long term project, cause it's usually harder, but sometimes a girl's just gotta have an instant gratification project.

Anonymous said...

I think my sign would say

"Caution! Wife is grouchy today"

Unknown said...

my sign would say "beware quilting ahead"

Unknown said...

I love short term projects and the feeling of "finishing" something.

Diane said...

I would be a YIELD sign.

Diane said...

I like a quick project after I have an intense thinking quilt!

Diane said...

Forgot to add my email
Dianebroekhuis at gmail dot com

Beulah said...

My sign:
Chocolate Powered


Beulah said...

When it comes to projects I love them all! I like working on several quick projects as I work on a major slower project as it gives me the satisfaction of 'getting something done'. The most rewarding...not sure...


Laura said...

Unfortunately, my sign would say "I yield for bodily fluids" Seems like I'm always cleaning up some kinda mess with 4 young kids at home ;)

Laura said...

I try to have both projects going on at the same time. I like to have a long complicated project in the works and finish little things whenever the long project becomes overwhelming.

laurapearce22 (at) yahoo [dot] com

Liz said...

When I was little I had a fake street sign with my name. I would love another!

Liz said...

I find a long project to be more rewarding.

mascanlon said...

My sign would say..."Be Kind". Wish that we all would, thanks for the giveaway, Angela's book is awesome.

mascanlon said...

I like both kinds of projects, it's fun to whip through something and have a finished project in hand. But I enjoy challenging myself and taking time too, it builds skills and people are go struck with fancy piecing or details!

Ellyn said...

great questions. I probably need a sign for our front door that says "beware of the crazies". Or just a sign for my studio that says "ellyn's place" That one I might actually make one day...


Ellyn said...

and I really love a good quick project (though I have made many long term ones too). Bags, little stitcheries made into mini quilts, things like that...


Tanyia said...

I'm thinking my sign would say "Quiet Zone"lol

Tanyia said...

I am ok with a project that takes a little longer ... I kind of like to see it slowly evolving before my eyes! Watch my vision come to be, ya know?

Snickerdoodle Stew said...

Hmmm...a sign? Maybe "Slow children Playing." That one always makes me laugh.


Snickerdoodle Stew said...

I like easy, tube skirts. They take no time at all and are super cute!

Lynn M said...

Thanks for the chance. Mine would say keep out.

Lynn M said...

I like longer projects.

Karen M said...

My sign would be "Runs with Scissors"

Karen M said...

I like longer projects. I have waay too many wall hangings. I need to make quilts for my kids to inherit.

Tyia, with roots and wings said...

The sign for all the women in my family "I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my legs" heh heh heh

Tyia, with roots and wings said...

I always have a million projects one fulfill my need for immediate satisfaction and sense of accomplishment, but for me, and my problem with perfectionism, the harder, more time sucking projects are the most rewarding :)

Ange said...

This is such a fun idea! My sign should say...Caution, Cute But Oh So Clumsy!
(I can somehow walk into walls that obviously were moved, or get my arm pinched by a water gun and end up with a baseball size bruise or the knocked in the head by the 5yr old and get 2 black eyes!)


Ange said...

I think the longer projects can be so beautiful and so rewarding, but it's summer I have gone for quick and easy.



My fav is What happens at Gandma's house stays at Gandma's house.. Of coarse I spoil my gandkids, and its Gandma without the r because thats my name. I have 5 new gandkids, so I am really excited and full of love, I cant rock, kiss or hug enough and lucky for me we live close by all 4 of our grown Sons. The rate were going, I will have 5 more..

LauraH said...

I like projects that are quicker. I tend to finish them and go to the next one rather than longs ones that take a lot of time!

LauraHughes (at) charter (dot) net

LauraH said...

My sign would be "Slow knitter counting!" Seems like I'm always counting and usually going slowly! lol


LauraHughes (at) charter (dot) net

Mrsblocko said...

caution crazy ahead!

Dawn said...

My sign would say " caution - pins on floor".

Dawn said...

My favorite kind of project is the one I just finished.

Anonymous said...

Mine would say Danger: Chocolate Eating Area!

Gill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gill said...

Beware - quilter at work


Gill said...

I like to have both types on the go at the same time!

Kelly O. said...

"Drama Ahead" would be my sign!

Kelly O. said...

I used to and still do love a fast project but recently i made a quilt block that was small and time consuming and to make a quilt with it, I'll need like 150 of them... and i'm okay with that. No, it won't get done anytime soon but it's intricate and rewarding on it's own level.

lisa said...

my sign would say "procede with caution." or "sudden turns ahead" but who dosn't change their mind often?

Anonymous said...

Mine would say ENTERING QUIET ZONE. Ha! My kids would ignore that one, too :)

Anonymous said...

I really love quick projects because my sewing time is so sporadic that a lengthy project can take me months.

Little Ella Lu said...

Tired but Blessed.

Little Ella Lu said...

I like fast and slow projects. I love the ones where I'm not so sure how it is going to turn out and then as I progress it gets more and more fantastic.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Gosto de projetos lentos,como bordados em ponto cruz e meus hexágonos queridos.Mas faço colchas para vender então tem que ter os rá

sewnovice said...

Slow down and sew! Thanks for the giveaway.

sewnovice said...

I love quick and easy and long and slow. I choose complex sewing projects to increase my skills then simple projects for instant gratification. This rotation prevents me from getting fustrated or bored. Thanks for the giveaway.

Christina said...

A sign? Howabout "the whining stops here"? Ha! christina112358 at gmail dot com

Christina said...

I always have several projects going at once so I can do either long and slow or fast and easy depending on my mood that day! christina112358 at gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

My sign would say ... u turns. Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com

Jayme said...

That is adorable! Your daughters favorite sign is also my favorite sign. When I was little, sewig deer signs was a game. While taking road trips, the first person to call it out got an ice cream. Then after that we'd keep keep score of how many deer signs we all saw. We would earn $.25 for ea. one we called first. At the end we would tally up our scores to see how much we'd all earned in spending money. It was only ever like $5 for ea of us three kids but it kept us busy on the long trips.

Jaytensen @ gmail dot com

Stephanie said...

I like little projects because they are quicker.

Cecilia said...

My sign would say: Will work for Fabric. :-)

Cecilia said...

I like to do both quick and lengthy projects. I forgot my email addy in my first comment.

ceciliayoung(at) gmx (dot) com

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Minha :Cuidado mulher estressada hoje.

Jenn said...

Sign: Crazy Mother Ahead.


Jenn said...

I like short projects because I can get them done. The longer ones seem to linger around f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

Deidra said...
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Deidra said...

Sign; Watch for falling fabrics


Deidra said...

I like both. I like long quilts but sometimes I want to do one quicky.

Paula said...

Lob a fast project right now! p_bazler21 @ yahoo dot com

Paula said...

I would like a sign that says blessed!

Ruth B said...

My fav sign would say something like - quilt shop next right. What could be better?

Ruth B said...

I love small projects for instant gratification!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

My sign would say "watch out for hidden fabric stashes"!

Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

Right now I"m all about the short projects since I have a 6 mth old and I don't get a lot of time to sew. But normally I like a longer project and I'll probably get back to that soon!

wendy said...

My sign would say... Stop! Free Quilts Ahead!

wendy said...

I like quick projects when in a hurry but LOVE those longer ones, they are much more rewarding.

hueisei said...

My sign will say FREE FABRIC

hueisei said...

I love take more times project

Denise said...

I think my sign would say "Caution:pins and needles on floor, Enter at your own risk"
My husband disagrees, he said it would be "I can make it cheaper" ;P


Marcia W. said...

My little 20 month grandniece now plays a game she made up called "Look!" She says "Look" and points in a direction. I turn and look, there isn't anything there, and she starts laughing. She did that with the truck mirror, I look, she is looking into the mirror, and then starts laughing.
So, I would have an Octagon shaped red stop sign that says LOOK.

Denise said...

I like fast projects that give me a sense of accomplishment in a short amount of time. I'm lazy... ;)


Michele said...

my sign would say: Always challenge yourself!


amklein1974(at)comcast (dot) net

Michele said...

I like faster projects but always love trying new things. I'm just starting to quilt. I've always sewed and love making purses!

Marcia W. said...

I like to make large bed sized quilts so those take longer. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

annemarie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
annemarie said...

I am sorry - had to delete my post as I forgot my email so will enter that first!! a(dot)haun(at)sbcglobal(dot)net I love a longer project as I find it so rewarding and I love the feeling of accomplishment is give me!!

Debby said...

Oh, my favorite sign is 'work hard, and be nice', it says it best.

annemarie said...

My sign would read: Choose Fabric! a(dot)haun(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Debby said...

My favorite projects are the quilts I make for hospice with my quilting friends for a local hospital. After our meetings twice a month we share lunch! So, quilting and eating!

Layne Bushell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Margaret said...

My sign would be serial sexist, she sews everything that sits still so keep moving.

Margaret said...

I love to sew clothes for little girls. Mostly little dresses.

Layne Bushell said...

My sign would say:

My house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it.

I always have some project going on...housework isn't a priority!


Rachelle said...

"Sanity a low priority if knitting removed" would be my sign; though you can substitute sewing/quilting/cross stitch/spinning for knitting and it'll still work for me

Rachelle said...

I prefer a project that's a little more challenging; though at the moment that's most of them as I've not been quilting long.

MegJill said...

We have a chalkboard that says "All complaints must be submitted in writing". It makes parenting a little easier, when I remember to refer them to the sign. :)
I also always want a railroad track sign. I don't know why.

MegJill said...

My favorite projects are quilts! They last a lifetime, whereas sewing an outfit or something only last as long as someone fits in it.

Julia C said...

My sign would say "do not wake".


Julia C said...

I like quick projects. I need the instant gratification of a job done.


Denny1600 said...

I want a sign for rabbit crossing. I love your daughter's story.

Denny1600 at gmail dot com

Denny1600 said...

I like small and medium projects. I like large projects with large pieces. I love the process, but it shouldn't take too long! Thanks for the giveaway!

Denny1600 at gmail dot com

Cindy said...

I'm all about the beware of animals sign since we often liken our sweet-o boys to bears & monkeys!

Cindy said...

I am all about the projects that take ome time! They are definitely the mot rewarding. But it really helps to have some quick tasks along the way to feel like you're still accomplishing things!

barbara woods said...

mine would say slow down thanks

Patty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patty said...

What a cute story. I would rather do a fast project so I will get it finished!
paweis at yahoo dot com

Patty said...

My sign should say "Proceed with Caution"

Annette Deardurff said...

My sign would say "Home of a really fun craft Grandma!". Just finished spending two weeks with my two granddaughters who came to visit - kept them busy with lots of fun crafts!

Annette Deardurff said...

I like quick projects so I can see fast results!

Patty said...

"authorized personal only" would be my choice.
carrotcake55 (at)sbcglobal(dot) net

Patty said...

My favorite projects are quick ones, since I have no sewing room. I am,however, making hexes by the dozen.

Linda said...

What a cute story!
My sign would say Crazy fabric lady ahead...
I think and think and think about a project and then once I decide on everything I want it done quick. Sometimes it happens but most of the time it takes longer than I would like.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Lindasdream41 at

Grammasheri said...

My sign would say "Ain't Nobody Home".
Story: My grandpa suffered a stroke very late in life and it affected his speech. He worked really hard to regain some of his speech by diligently typing out Bible verses. After a time he was able to say a few words but most nouns escaped him.
Every day at the same time, my dad would phone grandpa to make sure he was OK. Grandpa watched the clock so that he wouldn't miss Dad's call. If the phone rang at ANY OTHER TIME though, grandpa would answer it and say "Ain't nobody home" and hang up.
I think that would make a very good sign.

Lisa said...

My sign would say "Caution Entering The Boon Docks"


Lisa said...

I like quick projects because they usually take me longer. When I get a long draw out project to do I get about half way and something new comes along. Thanks


quiltma said...

My sign would say
Quilter At Work

quiltma said...

I like to alternate between a quick finish and a longer project that way I have the best of both worlds

Sophie said...

Mine would say:

Stop. Think. Do.

Hopefully that would keep me from over-committing! Ha.

Best project? Um a short one of course. I think bags. I love to make bags, which is why I was eyeing up that great boys satchel.

pinksuedeshoe said...

OK, first of all "snakes ahead beware 20 Many People Hurt." Snot. Flying out my nose. LIke a reverse snort. Yeah, that's my ugly laugh. It makes very few appearances, thankfully. But... wow. awesomeness right there.

My sign would say "It's not hoarding. It's collecting." (ahem pyrex, ahem vintage sheets, ahem 7 typewriters in one room..... along with all the pyrex and the vintage sheets....)

pinksuedeshoe said...

As for favorite projects, I love a good fast project, but they always look like a good fast project. I just started a 20 year hand pieced quilt project. It is so much more satisfying, but it makes me patience muscles hurt. My patience muscles don't get a lot of use, and so when they are forced to flex it makes me grumpy. :)

~Kelie~ said...

Haha I like your husbands version of curvy roads! Lol! IG I had a sign? Oh lord! I'm not sure, I'll tell u what my husband would pick though! It'd say "beware! Crazy woman that makes stuff ahead"! He doesn't understand the enjoyment i get out of crafting! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

jan said...

My sign much fabric, so little time. Thanks

jan said...

I love any quick machine sewn project. Thanks.

Marianne said...

I want my sign to say: Life has taken me to places that I never imagined I'd be. I've twisted and turned with the road and I've done my best.

Marianne said...

Sometimes I like a quick project. I need to feel immediate success. Sometimes I need a slow, lengthy project to think about problems and work things out. Ten years ago my house was destroyed by fire. I had a wall quilt that was in my car that I was hand quilting. Each night I quilted. I know that my sorrows over my loss and my hopes for the future were a part of that quilt. That quilt hangs in my sewing room and is my favorite.

Zuzan said...

"This house is protected by a coat of dust" this sign hangs outside my front door. I could add "enter at own risk". zuzanzap(at)gmail(dot)com

Thank you for the giveaway and the precious reindeer story.

Zuzan said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I like spending time on a project or is that because I a slow.? zuzanzap (at)gmail(dot) com

Anonymous said...

My sign would say Warning house in disarray other fun things in progress.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving doing my hexie quilt that is all hand pieced, because when its done I'm going to be so satisfied!

Deb said...

My sign would say, Chocolate Zone Ahead! :)

Deb said...

I like quick projects I think because they encourage me to keep going and do another.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story!

I think instead of a "Construction Zone" I'd have a "Creativity Zone" - although my sewing room usually looks more like a "Deconstruction Zone" :)

Erin P. said...

I like the saying 'children at play' because that is what my home is all about.

Erin P. said...

I have to say that I love quick projects, mostly because I don't have the space to do long term projects, plus I'm not real patient I like to see the finished project ASAP. I have one blanket that I have been working on for seven years and I am still far from finishing it because I lack the motivation to work on it because the finished product is so far away.

Crisanne said...

Our family sign would simply have to read Durrant Ice Cream Shoppe. I swear my noisemakers get to eat that stuff daily! Oh yea, me too!!

Crisanne said...

I love a quick, easy in, easy out, knock your socks off project. With 4 boys, this book would be a tremendous help in the idea department!

Keri said...

"Speeding Zone Ahead - She who dies with the most fabric isn't sewing fast enough"

Anonymous said...

My sign: Thread Zone

hamudale said...

Mine would say "go ask dad"...

Anonymous said...

My sign would be a stop sign, for "stop whining" sj_supp at

jemfl said...

I need a sign: FOCUS
Too many projects started,Help!

Lee said...

My sign would say "Have Fun" !

Lee said...

I love to do projects that are quick to finish! thanks!

SLO Rober said...

so funny!

janequiltsslowly said...

My sign would say: The Best Things in Life Aren't Things!

jane dot bitz @ gmail dot com

janequiltsslowly said...

I am a slow quilter, finisher, even on quick projects.

nicole w said...

my sign would say "booby traps ahead!" -- i enjoy working in clutter! LOL

nicole w said...

i like quick projects. i have a short attention span! if i work on long project, it's possible that it may get lost somewhere in the room!

MaryAnnB said...
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MaryAnnB said...
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MaryAnnB said...

Love the 'santa was here'... I always wondered they put those signs out, when I was young I'd go, how do the deer know to cross here? LOL
My sign would say 'Anything before housework!' Anyone who knows me knows I'll PAY someone to do it! LOL
thank you for the give away!

MaryAnnB said...

Quick projects are good to put in between the breaks I take from the long, intricate, time consuming ones, so I actually like both! Thanks again for the give away!

bdaiss said...

Bwahahahahaha! That is awesome! "Santa stops here!" I'm so going to get my kids with that one this winter. And the snakes! That's what my kid says! (Although not so far as the 20 Many People Hurt...I'll have to clue him in on that one.)

Now, I'm sorry, but all I can think of is that "Here's Your Sign" song. But mine would probably say "Caution: unfinished project black hole. Enter at your own risk."

Thanks for the chance!

bdaiss said...

Quick projects. Right now I need very quick. With summer nearing it's end, the garden going gang busters, and travel galore, anything quick wins.

Oops - forgot my email last time...
bdaiss at that gmail place

Mommarock said...

Dangerous curves on ME>

Mommarock said...

I am thinking I need to have both kinds in the works. I am thinking about starting Dear Jane now Paper Piecing it. And I also want to have a small quicker project so that I have a DONE project to show for my efforts in the quilting world.

Diann said...

My sign could be
Mom at Work

Diann said...

I tend to like the longer, more intricate projects, but that doesn't mean that I'm not sometimes tempted by the quick ones!

Jodi said...

If I had a sign it would read


To remind me that they are only little for such a little while and maybe it doesn't matter if the toys are all over the floor - I will miss them when they aren't (well maybe not the toys but the children definitely).

I am not a no reply blogger but would prefer not to publicly display my email. Thank you.

Amanda said...

I should have a sign in my kitchen that says "glasses required" as in my reading glasses. We've had a few too many disasters when I cook without them. Let's just say tbsp and cups were once swapped and somehow my house smelled like beef for days.

Amanda said...

I like quick little quilts for my sanity, but when I make quilts for my family I like it to be more involved and more work because it's worth it because it's for them.

Jodi said...

I tend to make projects that take a great deal of time - Hand embroidery and hand sewing in a lot of cases. I love a finish but I think they are even better when you have put weeks or months of effort into it : )

I am not a no reply blogger but would prefer not to publicly display my email. Thank you.

Lisas Mom said...

I like doing quick projects in-between the complicated UFO's I work on. No project is ever abandoned, just set aside to make a quick quilt to prove to others yes I do use my stash. :)

Lisas Mom said...

my sign" Happy Stitcher" :)

Agent 99 said...

My sign: "STOP...and smell the roses along the way."

Agent 99 said...

I like projects that are somewhat involved but not ones that take months and months--I tend to lose interest somewhere along the way if completion is not possible in a few weeks!

Agent 99 said...

Involved but not too time-consuming. A few weeks of work to achieve completion is just right!

Agent 99 said...

So sorry-- did not mean to post an extra time!

Diane said...

I would have to do our family motto: Never, never, never, never NEVER qui! I like short and long projects. Short because of immediate gratification and long because of the feeling of accomplishment! My email is

sophie said...

"Do Not Enter - quilter at Work". Jeansophie(at)gmail(dot)com

Debra said...
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Debra said...

Healthy & Poor ...but Quilting

Debra said...

I dont do too well with the samller ones, seems to work better for me to have a larger piece on the go. Working on the smaller ones though.
Thank you for the opportunity.

Darlington Delights said...

My sign would say....everything always works out...too long? Probably!

Shannon said...

My sign would say "Caution - Fun breeding zone ahead" or "Wash your hands, by order of the management" I don't really have a motto about sewing because that is in my off hours of being a mommy (practically close to never.)

Shannon said...

I like any kind of project, just completing one in general. With that said, I like having shorter ones because they are quicker return on investment in my opinion.

lori said...
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lori said...
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Anonymous said...

Danger Zone or Construction Zone

Anonymous said...

Bonnie P - Sometimes I like a quick project and other times a long. Depends on my mood. Probably quicker ones more though.

Vivian said...

I was just telling my husband yesterday that there should be a road sign like on maps at the mall that says, "You are HERE". That's what I want my sign to say!!


Vivian said...

I think that both kinds of projects have their own reward. When I'm doing a big project, I like to mix in fast and easy ones to give me the boost I need to keep going on the long one.


kwiltnkats said...

Comment #1
Quilt Shop Ahead
Watch for Falling Bundles

kwiltnkats said...

Comment #2
I like the more involved projects. I'm especially partial to mysteries where clues are given once a week and the challenge is to finish the clue before the next is released. Of course not knowning the end result makes it that much more exciting.

Dairygal said...

If I were a sign...I it would look like a list with a LOT of stuff on it (maybe 100) with only 3 things crossed out. That's how my life always feels.

Dairygal said...

Fast bags/wallhangings are my favorite right now, but that's maybe because I've done 3 queen heavily pieced quilts in the past year. I am DONE with queen quilts for a while!

Unknown said...

My sign would say...nanci at the cottage.calm
and a favourite project is making pizza from scratch for my grandkids,

Anonymous said...

It would say - Don't sweat the small stuff

Sarina said...

My sign would say,
Hi, my name is Sarina and I'm a fabric-aholic.

Sarina said...

My favorite project is a completed one! I love all different types of projects and usually have several short, quick projects mixed in with a longer project.

Anshu said...

My sign?
"Go away, let me sew!" in capitals maybe. Some days that's all I want to say.

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